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NHL Trading Day


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Any other NHL/Jacket's fans out there?


I have a gripe. First of all there was a SLIM chance of us making the playoff's this year... SLIM. I think we would've needed to win the majority of the rest of the season but the win in Calgary was big for us. My gripe is, WHY IN THE HELL DID WE GET RID OF FOOTE AND FEDEROV IN EXCHANGE FOR NO ONE! We got jack shit in this deal. Absolutly NOTHING. Scott Howeson pretty much gave a clear sign to everyone that he's given up on this season, but that doesnt mean he needs to take away the core group of veteran's. For anyone who doesnt know much about hockey its much like football in the sense that you cant win a championship with a huge group of young guys, you need experience, you need veteran's. Yeah Federov is basically on the decline of his career and Foote's seen better days but they were two of our core guys. And correct me if Im wrong but Foote's been on the team since its inception if not the second season, hell he's the FUCKING CAPTAIN! I wanted to see us get rid of two of our middle line guys and aquire Brad Richards from Tampa Bay SO BAD. After reading up on this guy and realizing he's a offensive force (91 points last season, lower this season but playing time has increased and he plays too much D this season aswell) we offered him to be on our first line centering Nash and Zerdev and we still couldnt get him?!


The ONLY positive of this whole debacle, if you think there IS a positive. Is that if we dont make the playoff's (which we wont) we will not only get our own 1st round draft pick, but the draft pick we picked up from the Caps for the Federov trade and didnt we get a first round pick from the Foote trade aswell? So thats 3 first round picks in one of the most talented draft pools in the last decade. Arguably of course :)

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I think the Jackets got ripped during the trade. I don't know about Foote, but I thought they brought Federov in to help develop and guide Zerdev (as well as translate ;) ) And Zerdev seems to be coming into his own. I think it’s a bad move to trade your captain at this point in the season. The jackets did tend to do well later in the season, but they are not winning enough games to make the playoffs IMO.


I’m a Penguins fan myself!!! (Go Malkin) and they traded one of my favorite players, and 2 other’s that I don’t really care about. Yeah we got someone decent in exchange Marian Hossa from the Thrashers, but he’s going to want $$$ and he becomes a free agent at the end of the season. We can’t afford him With Malkin, Crosby, Conklin (I bet you wish he played this good with the Jackets) and I guess Jordan Stall. I would have rather seen Stall go then Colby Armstrong. Oh well. I never really liked the trades. You always win some and loose some. I just hope this trade helps us and doesn’t turn out to be a bust.

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The Columbus organization has always been a group of morons.


Let's trade one of our most popular players!


Now, why not trade some of our veterans, and the captain, going into some of the most important games of the season to possibly make the playoffs when we're the entire team in the league that hasn't made them, ever?


Dropping the flag...

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I was pretty damn suprised that they got rid of both players. Sure, Foote hasn't really produced much this season, but he's a good leader and spokesperson for the team. Federov is just back from a long stint on the IR list, but he was playing pretty well and is good at centering random pairs of wingers. But, the thing everyone wants in the NHL these days is youth. They gained a 19 year old defenseman who is still playing for Notre Dame. Plus, they have a bunch of draft picks saved up for next year that they'll probably use to buy more youth. I still pray they can make it to the 8th spot this year, but if not I better not be dissapointed next year, again.


As far as the new captain, I think it'll be another defenseman, possibly Hainsey or Klesla. I can also see Chimera getting it.

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I agree. Just when the Jackets have had the closest chance ever to making it to the playoffs, they go and trade the guys they are going to need to make it through the playoffs. And I even bought tickets for tonights game because it seemed like they got back in the grove again. I guess only time will tell. I can see Chimera, Modin, Vyborny or possibly Peca becoming the new captain if they even assign one before the end of the year.


But if you look to the bright side, we have been picking up draft picks left and right. So if we pick up a good amount of young players this year, hopefully we will have a team when they are ready in about 2-3 years. :(

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But if you look to the bright side, we have been picking up draft picks left and right. So if we pick up a good amount of young players this year, hopefully we will have a team when they are ready in about 2-3 years. :(


EXACTLY! I dont mind so much about thinking about the future mostly because the moves Howeson made was just that, for the future. But its the fact that none of those moves will come to fruition for the next 2-3 years. I mean even guys like Ovechkin and Crosby didnt really start contributing until their second season and thats not to say they werent good. They were both in the running for rookie of the year and AO will win the scoring title this year no doubt.


Oh and this guy we picked up for the Caps, he's just a kid. A freshman at ND no less. On top of that he's REALLY small and a defensemen, which says two things. He's not physically mature enough for the NHL, probably has speed but without being on Offense how does that contribute much?

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I’m a Penguins fan myself!!! (Go Malkin) and they traded one of my favorite players, and 2 other’s that I don’t really care about. Yeah we got someone decent in exchange Marian Hossa from the Thrashers, but he’s going to want $$$ and he becomes a free agent at the end of the season. We can’t afford him With Malkin, Crosby, Conklin (I bet you wish he played this good with the Jackets) and I guess Jordan Stall. I would have rather seen Stall go then Colby Armstrong. Oh well. I never really liked the trades. You always win some and loose some. I just hope this trade helps us and doesn’t turn out to be a bust.


Oh, i was going to mention the penguins in my original post but it was already long enough. How in the hell did they make out so good? I never thought Conk played THAT bad for the jackets but Leclaire is having a crazy good season so its not like we got completely screwed on that deal. It would be interesting to see what they do with Hossa at the end of the season. Hell maybe we'll pick him up :) One things for sure, Hitch's Defense-first minded playing style means we need some really powerful offensive players to balance it out.


Oh and as for Federov coming in to "teach" Zherdev. I think Niki is really coming into his own. As soon as he bought into Hitch's system and allowed himself to be taught instead of just being a baby he's gotten better. Oh and Federov doesnt translate, he has his own personal translator that goes everywhere with him. I found this out when he cock-blocked me at an afterhours party at a local pub. :(

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It was well known that Federov would be traded, just unexpected to Washington. Detroit will probably pick him up after the season is over. I was surprised that they got rid of Foote. I felt he was the defense. We'll be saving a ton of money now that they're both gone.


My signed Federov jersey just went up in value. :D

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Foote and Federov are OLD! Were looking into the future. Why waste a few million on people that are going to be gone in 2 or 3 years? Makes no sense. Thats like spending 100g on a car you know is going to die in 3 months. Would you do it? Of course not.

We got first round draft picks. Whats this mean? We can get another young star. Foote is still playing the old way of the league. The NHL is changing from big strong guys, to smaller, quick, agile, and nutsack dangling kids.

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I heard them talking about trading federov a while ago, and i was pretty sure the wings were looking at him. He is definitely past his prime though. No where near as good as he was as part of the russian 5. I have tickets to the wings game down here on the 16th. I've been a wings fan since before the jackets were even thought of, but since I can't watch wings games down here, I sit through the jackets imitation of hockey :lol:
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Foote and Federov are OLD! Were looking into the future. Why waste a few million on people that are going to be gone in 2 or 3 years? Makes no sense. Thats like spending 100g on a car you know is going to die in 3 months. Would you do it? Of course not.

We got first round draft picks. Whats this mean? We can get another young star. Foote is still playing the old way of the league. The NHL is changing from big strong guys, to smaller, quick, agile, and nutsack dangling kids.


thanks, i was going to post the same thing. playoffs no chance this season thats why we made out ok in the trade. now its about next season. sure they were big name guys but they were old and expensive.

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I heard them talking about trading federov a while ago, and i was pretty sure the wings were looking at him.


So if he goes back to Detroit, will the fans still boo him? lol


Hell, weren't people thinking forward to next years playoffs at the end of last season?

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I was at the game last night and it was a show of how much those guys are going to be missed. The Jackets played good for a while there but then the just stopped playing because they didn't have any leadership on the ice. Modin tried but he just couldn't get everyone to work together on the ice. You could tell the mood of the team was low. During one of the first commerical breaks they did a little salute to Shelly. It was cool and the whole arena was standing and cheering for him. He just gave everyone his big toothless smile and waved to everyone. Most of the players on the Jackets bench were even clapping. Shelly played pretty clean and actually were pulling Jackets out of fights. The rumer was that Shelly is already trying to get back to Columbus next year. We will see.
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Foote and Federov are OLD! Were looking into the future. Why waste a few million on people that are going to be gone in 2 or 3 years? Makes no sense. Thats like spending 100g on a car you know is going to die in 3 months. Would you do it? Of course not.

We got first round draft picks. Whats this mean? We can get another young star. Foote is still playing the old way of the league. The NHL is changing from big strong guys, to smaller, quick, agile, and nutsack dangling kids.


Yes thats what im saying. While they were old they were still the senior leadership on the team. We all know it was a long shot to make the playoff's this season but Hitch and the team were asking to keep the team together to at least try. Hell did anyone see the post game interview from Hitch after last nights loss? He bluntly said, "our guys are down, we're distracted and discouraged about what just happened. Eventually we'll make it through but when your in the middle of a playoff race its too little too late." (not an exact quote).


I just think we should have traded some of our middle line prospects for some more offensive power than giving up two Veteran's that were leader's.


Oh and I saw the Shelley tribute, it was pretty cool that they did something like that for a former teamate/visitor. Shows alot of class.

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I'm a pretty knowledgable hockey fan. I've been following the NHL for many years, have played for quite a while, watch what happens in the league daily, and run/participate in a few fantasy/simulation leagues. So I'll weigh in on this:


1. I like the Foote trade. A 1st rounder for Adam Foote?! That's a steal. Plus a 4th rounder if he resigns with Colorado, which he probably will. He'll play 2 more years at the most. He's 36 and is more suited to be a 5th or 6th defenseman now. He stated before that he should have never left Colorado. I have no use for him as a captain of the Jackets after a statement like that. And to dictate where he would go to wave his no trade clause? Unacceptable. It's obvious where his loyalties lie.


2. I'm on the fence for the Fedorov trade. I really thought they'd get more, I also thought that he'd go to Ottawa and some better prospect would come out of it. On the other hand, Fedorov is 38, or is going to be very soon. Plus he's damaged goods. He's always nursing some sort of injury. The chances that he comes back next year for any team are slim. So I look at it like this: The Jackets got a 2nd round pick for him. And they probably got a guy they were looking at in the 2nd round when that guy was drafted.


3. Yeah, losing leadership sucks. But anyone who's followed the Jackets and knows the team, also knows that even if they made the playoffs (they are 5 points out with much better teams around them within those 5 points), they wouldn't have gone far. The team plays well when they are focused, and when they aren't hurt. When everyone's in the lineup and healthy, they are a decent team, a .500 team. They are still a top pairing defenseman or two and a true #1 center away from being a playoff team. When they start losing those starters to injury, they just don't have the depth to make up for it. And they got something for those two veterans while they still could.


4. Losing out on the Richards deal hurts. Really hurts. That would have changed the perspective of the team in a major way. But Dallas wanted a goalie in the deal. A goalie that could play NOW. Columbus didn't have that to offer. If they would have thrown Steve Mason into the deal (pretty much the best goalie in Major Junior), he still is a few years away from being a starter. And then at that point, you've traded away the best goalie prospect not in the NHL right now. That's a tough thing to come by, and not to be taken lightly when talking of trades.


5. The future is bright. VERY bright for Columbus. So much more than it was a few years ago. Last year's 1st round pick, Jakub Voracek is tearing up the QMJHL. He's scoring over two points a game, which is huge. He's going to be a stud in the NHL. I'm willing to bet he'll make the Jackets next year, because there is no reason to send him back to Junior and he's too young to be sent to the AHL. Russell will be much better next year. Brule is starting to turn things around. Brassard is/was tearing up the AHL and should be a legit #1 center in a couple of years. Then you have two 1st round picks in the '08 draft, which is very deep. Having Steve Mason in the pipeline, as well as an emerging Pascal Leclaire in goal, that's a huge bonus. And everyone knows how well Nash and Zherdev have been this year.


6. To make the playoffs next year, the Jackets need that #1 defenseman. Potential free agents include Brian Campbell, John Liles, Wade Redden, and Michal Rozsival. They also need a legit offensive center. Signing either Brendan Morrison or Daymond Langkow would be a step in the right direction, but they aren't #1 centers. They are good #2 centers. So either you sign one of them and hope that Brule or Brassard can step up into that role. Or you go after one of two guys that I think could be had in a trade, namely Patrick Marleau or Olli Jokinen. But convincing any of those top players to come to Columbus might be an issue. The Jackets have the cap room, that's for sure ($10+ million off the books with Foote and Fedorov gone), but can they get any of these guys here to play for Columbus? That's another story.


7. Lastly, about the current guys on the team. Peca should be resigned. The team plays better with him in the lineup. It's time for Vyborny to go, he shouldn't be resigned. Unless he just tears it up these last 17 games. But Voracek should be replacing his spot on wing. Either Hainsey or Tarnstrom should be resigned since Foote is now gone, not that they are the same type of player, but merely because there are now less quality NHL-caliber defensemen on this team. I'd resign Hejda first. He's very underrated in terms of straight up defensive play. The team needs that now that Foote is gone. Dan Fritsche is a restricted free agent, he should be signed as well.


To sum up, if the Jackets can get a good #1 defenseman and at least a good #2 center, I think they have a shot at the playoffs. Trade to get that #1 center and still get that #1 defenseman, they should be in for sure. If they fail at either of those points, next year will be like this year: Right around .500, on the outside looking in. :)

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Wease sir, Thank you. I agree with every single word. Except for maybe point #7. I agree about Vyborny (even with his 2 goals last night). I was a Hainsey fan until late, I wouldnt mind seeing him gone. Tarnstrom on the other hand I think is playing like a beast and starting to gel with the team. Im with you, the future is bright for the Jackets!



btw, how was Bolls fight last night. god damn that kid has balls. he's what 21/22 years old taking on guys with inches and 50+lbs on him. looked like he got murray right inbetween the eyes with a haymaker in the beginning of the fight.

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Wease sir, Thank you. I agree with every single word. Except for maybe point #7. I agree about Vyborny (even with his 2 goals last night). I was a Hainsey fan until late, I wouldnt mind seeing him gone. Tarnstrom on the other hand I think is playing like a beast and starting to gel with the team. Im with you, the future is bright for the Jackets!



btw, how was Bolls fight last night. god damn that kid has balls. he's what 21/22 years old taking on guys with inches and 50+lbs on him. looked like he got murray right inbetween the eyes with a haymaker in the beginning of the fight.


Thanks for the kind words. I'm no NHL scout, but I play one on the internet. :p


Murray's a punk. I didn't watch much of the game, but I did catch that fight. Boll did quite well to give up that much size and still got in some better quality punches, I think.


What really pissed me off, was when Nash and Campbell got tied up and Murray came in at Nash. To me, that looked like a 3rd man in, but somehow Columbus got more penalties and San Jose scored the go ahead on the power play. :mad:


FYI, I'm not even a 100% Jackets fan. I grew up in Upstate New York and I'm a Rangers fan. But I root for the Jackets as well because I live in Columbus now and they are in separate conferences... :nod:

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btw, how was Bolls fight last night. god damn that kid has balls. he's what 21/22 years old taking on guys with inches and 50+lbs on him. looked like he got murray right inbetween the eyes with a haymaker in the beginning of the fight.


Boll's fight look great last night. Him and Tollefsen have seemed to learn Shelly's fighting style and are making it look good. Neither of those guys seem to back down from anyone and make some people feel some pain when they pick on Nash and such. I was really wanting to see Boll or Tollefsen get into one with Shelly just because, but like I said, Shelly was playing clean last night.

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Last Night Boll worked Murray over big time. Nash's penalty was a joke but whatever. As for the Foote trade, fuck him!!!! He wanted to go back to Colorado irregardless of what was said so he set himself up to get what he wanted. I am actually a little more pissed about the Fedorov trade just because we didn't get ANYTHING!!!! The prospect we got from Washington has 3pts in 31 games Notre Dame. He doesn't sound all that great. But hopefully we can use our 1st round pick we got on the Foote trade, pick up someone great, get some young off season free agent acquistions and do a number next season. Just a little disappointing to the fact I though we were gonna make a run this year after winning in Ottawa and Montreal and then we trade the way we did when the Richards deal fell through. Oh well!!! I'm a Jacket faithful so...CARRY THE FLAG!!!! Section 206---Row G
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shouldn't you be working.....? hotcarl


Karl....you know Dale is hurt about the trade......I heard he is going to move to Detroit...with him...ahahha


HAHAHA, Mike and I were talking about it. I'll bet 20$ that Dale helps him pack. Sergi does have a home in Columbus. So maybe he found a new house-sitter? :)

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Last Night Boll worked Murray over big time. Nash's penalty was a joke but whatever. As for the Foote trade, fuck him!!!! He wanted to go back to Colorado irregardless of what was said so he set himself up to get what he wanted. I am actually a little more pissed about the Fedorov trade just because we didn't get ANYTHING!!!! The prospect we got from Washington has 3pts in 31 games Notre Dame. He doesn't sound all that great. But hopefully we can use our 1st round pick we got on the Foote trade, pick up someone great, get some young off season free agent acquistions and do a number next season. Just a little disappointing to the fact I though we were gonna make a run this year after winning in Ottawa and Montreal and then we trade the way we did when the Richards deal fell through. Oh well!!! I'm a Jacket faithful so...CARRY THE FLAG!!!! Section 206---Row G



Untrue, I am glad foote is gone but he did want to stay. His goal was publicly known that he wanted to stay 2 more years and get the team to their first playoff game. He wanted 8million jackets wanted to pay him 6.5, they made the offer of 7 and foote declined then said he wouldnt mind taking his no-trade off if he went to rado. either way he's gone and its time to move out.


Indeed CARRY the Flag. Section 110 row M

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