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ohio needs this asap

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No Text Messages or Calls for NJ Drivers

Mar 1, 8:09 AM (ET)




TRENTON, N.J. (AP) - For New Jersey drivers, the message is clear: Keep your thumbs on the wheel and off the keypad.


Beginning Saturday, police can slap drivers with a $100 fine for talking or sending a text message on hand-held devices.


New Jersey joins four other states, including neighboring New York, where talking on a hand-held cell phone is reason enough to get pulled over. The Garden State is the first where text-messaging on the road is a primary offense, meaning police need no other reason to pull a driver over, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.


Pam Fischer, director of New Jersey's Division of Highway Traffic Safety, said officers will be on the lookout for telltale signs of distracted drivers - slow driving and the "cell-phone weave."


Drivers can still use their cell phones to contact police or emergency services, and can talk at any time with a hands-free device. But crash statistics suggest that those headsets and earpieces may not make conversations in the car any safer.


In 2006, nearly half of the 3,580 phone-related crashes in New Jersey involved a hands-free device, according to transportation officials. Five of 11 fatal accidents involving a cell phone that year also involved a hands-free device.


Russ Rader of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety said those figures are consistent with recent research showing no difference in crash risk between hand-held and hands-free cell phones.


"The conversation itself is the distraction," Rader said. "You are in another place when you are talking on the phone."


Trucker Lou Cataldo hopes the new law will cut down on the distracted drivers he sees across the state.


"I see a car in the middle lane doing 50 miles per hour, and 99.9 percent of the time it's someone yakking on a cell phone," he said.


But Cataldo questioned how police would spot drivers typing out a message.


"If you're doing 75 miles per hour," he said, "the cop has to be right alongside to see you."


Driving while using a hand-held cell phone has been illegal in New Jersey since 2004, when the state became the second in the nation to pass a ban. However, it was considered a secondary offense - something drivers could be ticketed for if they were pulled over for another reason. Over the past year, state courts have recorded 16,000 tickets issued for the offense.


Fischer predicted that number would rise significantly now that drivers can be pulled over for cell phone use alone.


Twenty-one state legislatures this year are considering some kind of ban on texting while driving.


"It's a popular issue this year," said Matt Sundeen, a transportation analyst with the National Conference of State Legislatures. "We expect to see some movement on this."


i think the fine should be more than 100 though...




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No. Ohio doesn't need this ASAP. What we need is better driver training. I feel I can safely talk on the cell phone while driving. Texting on the other hand definitely should be outlawed.


I'm a pilot. I know how to fly an airplane at 200 mph, look for other aircraft, talk to ATC and other pilots, and also manage my airplane. Sometimes I'm teaching while doing all of this. Fortunately, I have the ability to multi task.


Driver testing standards need to be raised and limitations need to given for people found incapable.

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i feel i can safely drive when im drunk :rolleyes:


You got me there....


I just don't want another reason for law enforcement to pull me over. Yes, the simple answer is to get an earpeice, but I don't want a damn dingleberry hanging off my ear.

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Ya know TXTing is one thing but damn some people can drive and talk within reason. Ive herd many a con call on the way home from sites or work even.


Lets go after the dumb bitch doing her make up. O

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If we had that rule I'd be slowed way down having to stop and make/receive calls all day long. I spend most of my work time in my car receiving work orders, entering addresses, and doing tech support for the other techs and sometimes customers. I use a wireless headset and wow it makes a huge difference. Maybe people should have to get a comm system installed in their car (something much nicer than a headset and smarter.)


Soon my company will be going to notepad sized computers for all our work needs and we'll be connected live to our office at all times. This will mean I'll be receiving data and making decisions at a much faster rate while going down the highway.


Now after saying all this remember I could be considered an expert at doing this type of thing since its what I've been doing for around 10 years. I do agree that some things need improving and maybe a new CDL class would even be the way to go.



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