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Brother got jumped


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As stated, my brother had nothing to do with the situation other then hanging out with some retard, so from what he told me he was waiting for his food and got knocked out from behind. Which doesn't mean even he knew the whole story to why he got hit. I'm just glad the story was cleared up. I apologize to the CPD. Please don't bring racism into this, as I never made any racial slurs. I wish I would have had more information, but this thread cleared everything up. I agree, the kid needs a good beat down for his arrogant statements.
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There were no racial slurs used in the original post. "Black" is a fucking adjective. I am tired of being afraid to say "some hispanic guys" or "some black guys." Not everyone is thinking an underlying slur when they use black, asain, white, or mexican in a statement.


Usually I feel the people that are offended by someone saying "a black guy" are more racist than the person that originally made the factual statement.

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There were no racial slurs used in the original post. "Black" is a fucking adjective. I am tired of being afraid to say "some hispanic guys" or "some black guys." Not everyone is thinking an underlying slur when they use black, asain, white, or mexican in a statement.


Usually I feel the people that are offended by someone saying "a black guy" are more racist than the person that originally made the factual statement.


Yeah I feel the same way.


If you want to get really technical (and this might offend someone) you are all "Americans". If you were born on the soil of Africa then you can call yourself "African-American". I don't go around calling myself "Italian-American". I am American just like that commercial that used to be on. Everyone that was from a different race said "I AM AMERICAN".

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There were no racial slurs used in the original post. "Black" is a fucking adjective. I am tired of being afraid to say "some hispanic guys" or "some black guys." Not everyone is thinking an underlying slur when they use black, asain, white, or mexican in a statement.


Usually I feel the people that are offended by someone saying "a black guy" are more racist than the person that originally made the factual statement.




I am not calling him a racist but why was the term there at all? The sentence works just as well without it, just use the term "big guys" or "huge dudes". The inference was there clear as day. I didn't WANT to see the word "black guys" there in that context, it WAS there.

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I lived downtown (campus, short north) for the last 6 years and if there is one thing I've learned it's keep your mouth shut. I've seen so many dumb drunken fights over nothing that I've lost track. Twice I've seen someone get sucker punched and end up with a broken orbital. I've been maced by the CPD for trying to rescue/pull one of my KO'ed friends out of brawl before he got his head stomped. Campus can become very dangerous if you're the kind of person that gets drunk and goes looking for trouble. I'm sorry about your brother but I'm thankful all he got was a black eye.
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I'm with Rotarded on this one, should have got all the info first...butI'm not gonna jump on you that hard. I don't blame you for getting pissed first and asking questions later...

Your Bro needs to break his buddy's nose for being near-criminally stupid, though...

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I was probably involved in one of the sweetest High St. fights ever.


Okay about 3 years ago, I was at a punk show at Bernies. There was a set change, so everyone goes outside to chill. A couple guys are just messing around and wrestling. Three frat kids come by and try to start some shit with them. They just started to exchange some words. They left, no one thought anything about it. About half an hour later the frat kids come back with their entire frat, I'd estimate about 12-15 of them. At that point a huge brawl started right on the sidewalk of High St. in front of Bernies. Someone runs downstairs, gets on the mic and yells "There's a fight outside." Everyone runs outside, I'd estimate about 50 punk kids. There was beer bottles being thrown, people fighting right in the middle of High St. About 3 minutes later 6 CPD and 2 Patty wagons show up. A couple of my friends were hit in the face with beer bottles. It was probably the craziest thing I've ever been involved in.

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not something i'd put on a job resume^^^ it may seem cool to start shit with all your buddies while in college (frat guys)


fighting is most certainly not "cool". i avoid confrontations almost at all cost. the only thing that will set me off is threatening my family, or my cars. there is just NOTHING good that can come out of fighting--at all. i get to see the bad end of fighting at the hospital. getting your leg stomped while on the ground can set you back for 4-6 months--once you get out into the real world and have a job, that can cost you your job/house/car/etc. due to lost wages. i'd lose a lot of business if not for firearms and alcohol.

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not something i'd put on a job resume^^^ it may seem cool to start shit with all your buddies while in college (frat guys)


fighting is most certainly not "cool". i avoid confrontations almost at all cost. the only thing that will set me off is threatening my family, or my cars. there is just NOTHING good that can come out of fighting--at all. i get to see the bad end of fighting at the hospital. getting your leg stomped while on the ground can set you back for 4-6 months--once you get out into the real world and have a job, that can cost you your job/house/car/etc. due to lost wages. i'd lose a lot of business if not for firearms and alcohol.



^ Agreed


I was jumped a few years ago, because "that dude looked at me" reason. I don't like to fight, but when backed into the corner I go ape shit and don't remember alot. This is all what I was told afterwards, by chicken shit ex-friends who just stood and watched.


I guess the one guy and I went at it for about 5 seconds then 4 of his friends thought it would be a good idea to leave their shoe prints on me. I ignored their stomping and continued on the guy who thought I was an easy target. I heard later the guy had to wear an eye patch for a month and was sent to prison later on.




fighting sucks

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I was probably involved in one of the sweetest High St. fights ever.


Okay about 3 years ago, I was at a punk show at Bernies. There was a set change, so everyone goes outside to chill. A couple guys are just messing around and wrestling. Three frat kids come by and try to start some shit with them. They just started to exchange some words. They left, no one thought anything about it. About half an hour later the frat kids come back with their entire frat, I'd estimate about 12-15 of them. At that point a huge brawl started right on the sidewalk of High St. in front of Bernies. Someone runs downstairs, gets on the mic and yells "There's a fight outside." Everyone runs outside, I'd estimate about 50 punk kids. There was beer bottles being thrown, people fighting right in the middle of High St. About 3 minutes later 6 CPD and 2 Patty wagons show up. A couple of my friends were hit in the face with beer bottles. It was probably the craziest thing I've ever been involved in.


Was this the Nine Shocks Terror concert haha.

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Guest mrhobbz
I was probably involved in one of the sweetest High St. fights ever.


Okay about 3 years ago, I was at a punk show at Bernies. There was a set change, so everyone goes outside to chill. A couple guys are just messing around and wrestling. Three frat kids come by and try to start some shit with them. They just started to exchange some words. They left, no one thought anything about it. About half an hour later the frat kids come back with their entire frat, I'd estimate about 12-15 of them. At that point a huge brawl started right on the sidewalk of High St. in front of Bernies. Someone runs downstairs, gets on the mic and yells "There's a fight outside." Everyone runs outside, I'd estimate about 50 punk kids. There was beer bottles being thrown, people fighting right in the middle of High St. About 3 minutes later 6 CPD and 2 Patty wagons show up. A couple of my friends were hit in the face with beer bottles. It was probably the craziest thing I've ever been involved in.



Oh yeah dude thats definitely "sweet." Not.

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CCW in OH = Worthless.


All a business has to do is put up a sign that says NO FIREARMS PERMITTED. If you are found having it (an incident), it is a Felony.


They cannot be carried at the State Fair, or any Public gatherings (Red White and Boom), or Bars. The places one would MOST LIKELY want one.





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YES! I know quite a few people that were there. I thought that would be the show you were talking about. Amazing band.



Yeah, that show was pretty gnarly. It was absolutely crazy.


I've probably seen them live about 5-6 times. They never get old.

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Yeah, that show was pretty gnarly. It was absolutely crazy.


I've probably seen them live about 5-6 times. They never get old.

Attack with a Gasmask was the first song I heard, hooked ever since. Small world I had no idea anyone else listened to them.


/thread hijack.

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I was probably involved in one of the sweetest High St. fights ever.


Okay about 3 years ago, I was at a punk show at Bernies. There was a set change, so everyone goes outside to chill. A couple guys are just messing around and wrestling. Three frat kids come by and try to start some shit with them. They just started to exchange some words. They left, no one thought anything about it. About half an hour later the frat kids come back with their entire frat, I'd estimate about 12-15 of them. At that point a huge brawl started right on the sidewalk of High St. in front of Bernies. Someone runs downstairs, gets on the mic and yells "There's a fight outside." Everyone runs outside, I'd estimate about 50 punk kids. There was beer bottles being thrown, people fighting right in the middle of High St. About 3 minutes later 6 CPD and 2 Patty wagons show up. A couple of my friends were hit in the face with beer bottles. It was probably the craziest thing I've ever been involved in.


What part did you pertake in this?

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