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Got a roommate problem... Need Help.


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So have you talked to him yet?

He did, and posted a few spots up. Said the guy is looking/applying for his own place, but the bitch and the divorce destroyed his credit.


Mathmatically, the fastest way to get the guy out of your house is to absolve his debt to you and stop charging him rent. He needs that money for deposits and moving costs. I doubt he wants to be living with you anymore that you do. In his shoes, I'd want to get out of there fast so that my kid will never be able to remember having to live like that.

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The law is a funny thing unfortunately for you, you have allowed your friend to move in with you. With this act even if it was just for a week he has established residency with you. It does not matter if he has a house key or gets his mail there. It all starts with everything, if he has brought clothes, hangs pictures on his bedroom wall anything that makes it looks like its his place then he's established residency. Now the whole mail thing just seals the deal because it takes about a week to get your mail forwarded an address changed. This established residency law was originally designed for women so that their significant other could not just throw them out on the street any time they decided they were done with them. I see this all the time and deal with this on a weekly basis.

Does he have any family here in town that could take him in? You said he was borrowing his brothers truck. I would that his family would take him in and his son. I give the poor bastard some kudo's its hard raising a 2 yr old, I have 3 kids I could not imagine trying to raise them by myself. Sounds like he should try to seek some assistance from the city or the state till he gets back on his feet.


Good luck and keep us posted.

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I will say, you are a good person for helping this guy. You need to set terms. "Look man, I know you and your child are in a bind and karma is telling me to help you out, lets set out a plan to get you to a point you can be self sustaining. You have 4 months to dig yourself out of this mess, during this time I will only charge you $100/month. If in 4 months you don't have a place of your own I have to tell you to leave, I cannot carry all of us." Man to man, no bull-shit, work something out and help this guy. Set a goal and don't waiver.
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