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Screwed over by Ls1Plus aka Zane.


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Didn't see any gaurantees in that thread either.


I'm cool with Zane, but I also have to be a neutral party in matters like this. You on the other hand appear to have picked a side... Unless you were there your comments are just as useless as everyone elses.

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I'm cool with Zane, but I also have to be a neutral party in matters like this. You on the other hand appear to have picked a side... Unless you were there your comments are just as useless as everyone elses.

qft just lock this shit up and make it a PM matter. this thread can go nowhere good

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I simply think zane isnt at fault here and it was the buyers own fault for being in the position he is in. I'm just stating the facts, its common sense to look out for yourself these days.


I apologize if thats offending anyone but calling someone out on a fault like this is touchy IMO.


And you're right, this should have been taken care of discreetly.

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I don't disagree with this being a personal matter, which is why I am trying to stay out of it. I was just trying to understand the general purpose of the thread. It seemed like the last thing on the author's list was to start bashing Zane. It just seemed more like a general statement of disapproval.
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I don't disagree with this being a personal matter, which is why I am trying to stay out of it. I was just trying to understand the general purpose of the thread. It seemed like the last thing on the author's list was to start bashing Zane. It just seemed more like a general statement of disapproval.


I'm also neutral since I'm friend's with both parties.


Chad PM'd me months ago about the situation, and I told him I know Zane personally and that he would make it right. Unfortunately, it seems the situation has dragged out and Chad made the choice to bring it to public attention in an attempt to get Zane to respond and make it right like he agreed to.


Now, from my perspective, I see this; Zane showed the dirty rims to Chad and stated that they COULD be cleaned. Chad bought them on that aspect, and attempted several avenues to clean them. The dirt, stains, whatever won't come out and Chad took this up with Zane. Zane agreed to refund the money, and that was the end of it. It seems that maybe Zane does owe him a refund if that's what he promised Chad.


I will say that Zane has had some issues lately and been a PITA to reach. Not withstanding, he can be reached through a variety of several CR members. There's no need to bash either party, just figure out a way to patch the gap in communications.

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I'm also neutral since I'm friend's with both parties.


Chad PM'd me months ago about the situation, and I told him I know Zane personally and that he would make it right. Unfortunately, it seems the situation has dragged out and Chad made the choice to bring it to public attention in an attempt to get Zane to respond and make it right like he agreed to.


Now, from my perspective, I see this; Zane showed the dirty rims to Chad and stated that they COULD be cleaned. Chad bought them on that aspect, and attempted several avenues to clean them. The dirt, stains, whatever won't come out and Chad took this up with Zane. Zane agreed to refund the money, and that was the end of it. It seems that maybe Zane does owe him a refund if that's what he promised Chad.


I will say that Zane has had some issues lately and been a PITA to reach. Not withstanding, he can be reached through a variety of several CR members. There's no need to bash either party, just figure out a way to patch the gap in communications.


Logical and simply stated.


Andrew (TE7two), remind me never to do business with you without a lawyer present. ;)


As for my earlier post, it was a bit harsh. It seems I'm a grumpy morning person. :nono:

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I simply think zane isnt at fault here and it was the buyers own fault for being in the position he is in. I'm just stating the facts, its common sense to look out for yourself these days.


I apologize if thats offending anyone but calling someone out on a fault like this is touchy IMO.


And you're right, this should have been taken care of discreetly.

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:confused: Who the fuck are you?


His cousin


not that it matters, but I agree, if I was buying those rims, I would have brought something to try to clean the wheels off of before handing over the money.


Just my $.02

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Zane must have acknowledged there was an issue since he offered a refund. He shouldn't have offered it if he didn't intend on honoring it. I see it this way, If I sell a running but not drivable car, you tow it home and it won't run you are gonna want your money back. Same situation here.



Give me the keys to your car right now! j/k I love SOM gotta be on the best colors GM has..


But back on topic :popcorn:


SOM cars suck, they require washing and shit.

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Zane must have acknowledged there was an issue since he offered a refund. He shouldn't have offered it if he didn't intend on honoring it. I see it this way, If I sell a running but not drivable car, you tow it home and it won't run you are gonna want your money back. Same situation here.





SOM cars suck, they require washing and shit.


Did you say fence? :D

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Zane must have acknowledged there was an issue since he offered a refund. He shouldn't have offered it if he didn't intend on honoring it. I see it this way, If I sell a running but not drivable car, you tow it home and it won't run you are gonna want your money back. Same situation here.





SOM cars suck, they require washing and shit.



Its a good thing mine isnt SOM!

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I simply think zane isnt at fault here and it was the buyers own fault for being in the position he is in. I'm just stating the facts, its common sense to look out for yourself these days.


No one said he is at fault. What we are saying is we want him to post/respond so that it can be resolved. At this point no one cares who is at fault. We just want to assist in helping to find a resolution.

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TE7two, I drove to Clumbus from WVA to get the wheels, I'm sorry I didn't have my own hose and cleaners available as I was promised they would clean up. I was CLEARLY told that I would get a refund, what you don't understand here is that I am LOSING $120ish in gas just driving over there to get my measely $3xx. So pelase before you go bashing or saying I'm an idiot you need to do a little bit of research. I'm very sorry I had to make this thread, the point of it was that a man told me I would be getting a refund then dodged me. Bottom line is people who dno;t hold there word suck, Anthony is very aware of the situation I don't have to provide pictures to anyone, I was promised something and then dodged when it came time to deliver. I'm not bashing anyone I just wanted my money back that I was promised plain and simple I don;t want my gas back that I wasted just the money for the product.
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The only thing I'll say on it is that if I sold something and someone was unhappy with it in anyway, as long as it came back to me in the exact same condition, I'd take it back.


I know Zane and feel confident he'll make right on this. He may have some shit he's going through right now.

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I totally disagree. I think Anthony stated it pretty clearly and I feel 100% in line with his quote.


Bottom line is while buyer beware is a commonly referenced point, it doesn't apply here since, from what we know so far, the wheels were sold under the pretense that they could be cleaned. They couldn't and thus the seller does have to man-up and make it right.


His half attempt to do so by indicating that he would refund was just that...a failed half attempt as he has not and it's thus gone this far.


IMO, I wouldn't ever sell someone something like this. I'm all for protecting myself as a seller but not to the extent of screwing someone in the end. As a buyer, there's always some level of risk depending on things are approached, but since they weren't sold as-is, they were sold with the understanding that they could be cleaned, it's my opinion that the buyer felt there was no need to feel like he was being put in a bad situation.


The only thing I would have made clear if I were the buyer is that I would have stated up front I want a refund if they can not be cleaned.



I simply think zane isnt at fault here and it was the buyers own fault for being in the position he is in. I'm just stating the facts, its common sense to look out for yourself these days.


I apologize if thats offending anyone but calling someone out on a fault like this is touchy IMO.


And you're right, this should have been taken care of discreetly.

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Well I'm sorry I didn;t ask the fifty questions like I should have. That being said I figured he was a stand up guy. Most F-Body owners I have met have all been stand up people. I've only been screwed twice through the internet but both were computer parts. Next time I do a deal like this I'll make sure I ask the fifty questions I should have, but as I previously stated he seemed like a stand up guy, very polite and even after all was said and done he told me he'd give me a refund. The last part is the only thing he as a seller did not hold up other then the fact he said the wheels were cleanable. I have tried all the products and all kinds of methods to get these wheels clean, the dust/dirt/grime is BAKED into the clear coat. I havent taken it further as I didn;t want to damage the wheels. Why should I have to pay someone to clean these when the seller plainly stated that they were cleanable and why didn;t he just state "These will need professionally cleaned" in his fs post? He didn't thats why I'm angry I was lied to not once but twice. I'm not really looking for a refund at this point as I think I'll never see the money. I'm just letting everyone know my expierience and Anthony told me this was the place on the forum to do so, I've already left him bad feedback so as my original post stated BUYER BEWARE for this seller. If anyone wants to bash me any further I'd appreciate if you would just send me a PM and we can have it out there. I'm not out to make trouble I've been here long enough to see what happens when people do. I'm just an angry buyer telling everyone else about what happened when I purchased from this seller.



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