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Purposely getting the Green Arrow?

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I'm not sure why they would make this illegal. If anything you can say you just don't want to pull up all the way because of retards that cut corners short and might hit you. I've been in a car when an accident just like that happened and now I always sit back a little bit behind the white line.
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I'm dumb but have heard a bit about this....please explain.


Any law against this? I deliver pizzas and anytime I get the chance, I'll sit back on the plate so that I can get the green arrow. I'm just wondering if there is some law or something saying I'm not allowed to do this so I dont get caught by surprise or something.
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The sensor in the lane, the "plate" sits like 3 or 4 cars back from the stop bar. If there's a car on it, it thinks there are 3 or 4 cars there, so it activates the Green Arrow to turn. So, you sit on the plate, 3 or 4 cars back usually....pretty simple.


I have no idea if it's illegal. I doubt it though. Pickerington Road off 33 lets me do it pretty regularly ;).

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Hahahaha! I do this too!! Ahahahaha!!!


I love the look on people's face when I get the green arrow and they're still looking at me stupid.


Haha I know, right? I get those looks every time I do it, and it always makes me grin a little :D

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Ofcourse you realize it isn't a "plate" is it a loop of wire that detects magnetic interference. It shouldn't matter where you stop, triggering the green arrow is just you driving as safe as possible.
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They are usually set back 3 car lengths so that 1 car doesn't get the arrow. SO it kinda does matter if you are on top of it, it only activates if you are on top for a period of time, if you just pass over it, you will not get the arrow.
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Nope no law against it. Actually if you look around there are signs pointing to where you should park your tire at most intersections. At the bigger intersections there ain't lines or signs, but you can clearly see the box you should sit in most of the time.



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Ofcourse you realize it isn't a "plate" is it a loop of wire that detects magnetic interference. It shouldn't matter where you stop, triggering the green arrow is just you driving as safe as possible.


Precisely, it is a "loop detector", we help install these. From what I have been told, stopping on them does nothing, they are supposedly set to be tripped multiple times, or timered. I will back up and go over it multiple times if it takes to long. I am a little confused as to why people are mad? Only one person gets the green arrow, or what?

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I am a little confused as to why people are mad? Only one person gets the green arrow, or what?


Yeah it is rude if there are 30 cars waiting and you get the arrow for just yourself. Not that I havent done it.. Like most things in life, it's cool if you're the one getting the arrow and not the one waiting.

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