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My Internets All Suck

Kevin R.

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Is there something I can download to make browsing the internet on Firefox or Safari better? I can't watch any videos or listen to barely any streaming music. My IE7 works like a retarded piece of shit so that is out.


A codec pack or something? :confused:


Gracias. :cool:

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Is there something I can download to make browsing the internet on Firefox or Safari better? I can't watch any videos or listen to barely any streaming music. My IE7 works like a retarded piece of shit so that is out.


A codec pack or something? :confused:


Gracias. :cool:


From the "I am too good to use google.com" department:




Lazy ass :bangbang:

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Since you are using IE7 I will assume windows platform. You need an accelerator.


What is your internet connection like? DSL? Cable, EVDO?


IE7 wants to de-bug every website and I have no clue why. I have been using Safari for Windows as I simply like it better than FireFox, but it still has the same drawbacks; as I cannot view certain videos, stream music I want to stream from online radio, etc. and I have no idea why these things will not work on these browsers, only IE7 (which won't work right).


How do I re-install IE7?

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