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Moving boxes, I need them.

Dr. Pomade

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Kroger has banana boxes all the time. If you go towards the end of the night at the 24 hour ones you can usually get a stocker to give you some. I used to give them out all the time for free. Just ask nicely. Banana boxes are very strong but they have a square in the middle cut out of them. Put a piece of other cardboard on there and it will be fine.
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Man you should have spoke sooner. I just moved this past weekend into my first house and just got rid of a bunch of good sized boxes and paper boxes. I gave them to a co-worker that is moving this weekend and the rest went in the trash.


Like others have said, hit up grocery stores. Banana boxes are great for moving because they are so heavy duty. I know at the little grocery store I worked at during college, we would always gladly give away our boxes. We got charged by the trash company for how much was in our box compactor, so you would be saving them money by taking them.

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should have posted this up sooner I just got rid ofa ton of diaper boxes.


Keep them bitches and call me, I'll come get them periodically. Roommate moving out in July and she'll need them. Heart.

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i can get alot from work how many do you need and what sizes Need to know by tonight


I need about 20 boxes, the bigger the better. Essentially, I'm looking for the same kind of boxes that U-Haul charges you $2.00 a piece for (or whatever).


Thanks to the rest of you guys for the advice - if something doesn't work out with whitealero, then I'll hit up Kroger and WalMart.


Also, I would have posted this sooner, but I just recently decided to move. I know, characteristically impulsive on my part. :)

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yeah i get the most i can tomorrow they are usually big enough to put stuff in not that big but they work i got a couple when i was moving ill just pm you tomoorw i live on the Northside of Columbus
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i have a 50 foot box truck, if u need help


Thanks very much for the offer, but I've got the transportation covered. :)


yeah i get the most i can tomorrow they are usually big enough to put stuff in not that big but they work i got a couple when i was moving ill just pm you tomoorw i live on the Northside of Columbus


Okay, cool. I stopped in at a Kroger earlier and they were very cool about giving me boxes, they just asked me to come in around 10pm (when the stocking happens). I'll probably do that tomorrow night. I'll stay in touch with you through PMs.

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