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Ohio to Ban Pit Bulls CREW


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Only if you let him flip Titan off.


lol What a load of shit this is.


Ogeretla, if you truly believe yourself to be open-minded and have the capability to make unbiased decisions based on actual experience and knowledge, then I challenge you to come visit my dogs and I. Anyone here who shares his sentiments or is just curious, plz, it's an open invitation. I'm not going to argue with you or name call, etc. I honestly have had so many people who had the same view as yours about "pitbull" type dogs. After spending some time around the "scariest" of my dogs, Titan, they have left those negative feeling behind. I have at least 7 friends I can think of off-hand who've gone and purchased a AmStaff or APBT after meeting my dog and seeing the interaction bewteen myself and him. 3 of these friends were very opposed to anything concerning bully breeds previous to meeting Titan and I.

No doubt many of the bully breeds are very athletic, powerful, and strong willed. These traits with the proper training and attention help to make an incredible breed of dog. These same traits are also what make it so dangerous in the wrong hands. Based on your logic, all firearms, dogs of at least a medium size (though I'd love for you to have seen the damage an attack by a cocker spaniel did to my little cousin and my gf when she was younger), all knives and blunt instruments capable of damage, portable jump starters, roller coasters, sharks, turbos, elephants, etc, etc, etc. Here's an analogy you may understand. No different than a powerful sports car. Now, in your head cuz I'm too lazy to replace all the "pitbull" references in your posts to "fast car", repeat to yourself the logic of this and see if it seems agreeable to you and/or makes sense.


Btw, my offer still stands. :)

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likes to try to lick kids to death.


Oh noes, there you have it folks, the dog owner himself claims that his dog tries to kill the kids.


wow, this thread is by far rediculous. I own/have owned 3 rotts, 1 pit bull, and 1 st. bernard. I have only had one problem in the last 10 years with any of the dogs. It was the st. bernard. It actually just happened 6 months ago. I have her this bone, she instantly started eating/knawing at it. I was leaving and went to pet her and she just growled(i assume, in fear that I would be taking her prescious bone away from her). I told he no, don't do that. She then got up, walked me to the door like she does everyday, I pet her jaw like I do everyday, and that was the end of it.


It has been my experience that the dog is only as good as the owner. Now, dont' get me wrong. When I walk into somebody house for the very first time and I see a pitbull/rott or just about any big dog, I am kinda timmid. Only because I don't know how the dog was treated or how the dog is currently being treated.



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Big Joe's (Thorne's dog) a kickass dog. This is a bullshit proposal and I don't see it getting any further than being introduced. Any sensible politician would shoot this down in a heartbeat. Trjackson, dead on with the dog's only as good as its owner. My dog's a German Shepard, but looks like a black lab (coat) and acts like a Shepard (slight mix). Great dog, and they were service dogs like pits, but I haven't seen anyone bitching about them, at all. They can be aggressive as well...any dog can. This proposal gets me worked up, with my experience with the dogs, going into people's houses, I don't like this idea. Animal rights activists will be all over this...euthanizing dogs because of their breed?! Fuck that.
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I think Ohio needs to slowly start killing stupid people. Anything can be dangerous in the hands of stupid people, be it guns, dogs, cars, kids, hell even a stappler. You can very well kill a person with a stappler, especially a heavy metal one. Crazy people have snapped and killed, why don't we outlaw them too?
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Guest mrhobbz
I think Ohio needs to slowly start killing stupid people. Anything can be dangerous in the hands of stupid people, be it guns, dogs, cars, kids, hell even a stappler. You can very well kill a person with a stappler, especially a heavy metal one. Crazy people have snapped and killed, why don't we outlaw them too?


Robots will take over the world and replace us!

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I think if the "responsible" owners were responsible enough to carry the required $100,000 bond per animal there wouldn't be as much complaining about pit bulls. People would get bit (just like they do with any other dog) get their money and move on. Problem is, people don't have enough insurance and it causes a public uproar when someone gets bit. I only have an Australian Cattle Dog, but I carry a $50,000 insurance bond on her just to be safe.
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On a side note my son was bit by a wiener dog last week and it broke skin. I called the news (because of this thread) and they pretty much told me to go to hell. I took pics of it and everything. I guess a kid getting attacked by a small dog just doesnt scream ratings :( True story.
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One of the problems is many people don't know their dogs near as much as they think they do. I know what my dog will do before he does. I've also had years upon years in animal husbandry and experience with more species of animals and types of dogs than most have in their whole life.

I always tell people who want a bully breed that their not "beginner" dogs. Much like certain reptiles and fish, it takes a bit of advanced knowledge, skill, and wisdom to properly take care of. The same characteristics that make them such an incredible breed are the same characteristics that can make them so very dangerous. Like many things humans come in contact with, we twist and corrupt it. :(

Just some knowledge, (this may've changed now), previously, the breed of dog with the most attacks on humans have been cocker spaniels. Also, I consider a Chow to be much more of a danger than any bully breed. And this is coming from someone who raised and bred them for years.

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Yet the bully breeds have more fatal attacks on people. At least that's what I got from the article. Comparing a bite from a cocker spaniel or weinerdog is hardly an apt comparison. I would also guess that if cocker spaniel attacks ended in death as often a the pit breeds you could bet they would be in the news. This still keeps coming back to owner responsibility though. Its possible restrictions may be in order to prevent naturally aggressive breeds (not just pits, but rotts, chows & so on) out of the hands of potentially abusive, or irresponsible owners.
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Bulls are most definally not for the weak or timid. It takes a strong will to have a bull in your family but they are the most loving and loyal dog I've ever had. You don't use negative reinformcent with a bull you use Leadership and treat them how you would want to be treated.



I <3 my Bull please don't try and take him from me I don't want to end up on the news for shooting someone.

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Bulls are most definally not for the weak or timid. It takes a strong will to have a bull in your family but they are the most loving and loyal dog I've ever had. You don't use negative reinformcent with a bull you use Leadership and treat them how you would want to be treated.



I <3 my Bull please don't try and take him from me I don't want to end up on the news for shooting someone.



I'll be in jail with you! I wont willingly give mine up I'll hide her in the attic like Anne Frank :D the only thing I have going good for my pit is the pound registered her as a boxer/mix for me ;)

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Bulls are most definally not for the weak or timid. It takes a strong will to have a bull in your family but they are the most loving and loyal dog I've ever had. You don't use negative reinformcent with a bull you use Leadership and treat them how you would want to be treated.



I <3 my Bull please don't try and take him from me I don't want to end up on the news for shooting someone.



Cesar Milan has great methods for "power breeds". I always like what he says "rehabilitate dogs, train humans".

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pit bulls have been banned in ohio for years the new law is simply making it easier to enforce the old law, by adding search and siezure wording


I got chased by a pit once when I delivered the newspaper back in the day mean fuckers I hope the law passes


and for the people who think they are going to shoot it out with the cops when they come for your dog, go for it at leaste the news will be fun to watch for awhile

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They are not illegal. Get your facts straight....




What is a Pit Bull?


Ohio Revised Code Section 955.11 (A)(4)(a)(iii) defines a "breed of dog commonly known as a pit bull" as a vicious dog. For enforcement purposes, the term "a breed of dog commonly known as a pit bull" refers to any of the following:


An American Pit Bull Terrier

A Staffordshire Bull Terrier

An American Staffordshire Terrier

An American Bulldog

Any other pure bred or mixed breed dog whose appearance and physical characteristics is predominately those of any of the dogs listed above, or is a combination of any of the dogs listed above.


Confining Pit Bull Dogs

(Ohio Revised Code Section 955.22D)


Dogs that are a "breed of dog commonly known as a Pit Bull" must be confined on the owner's property by means of a locked fenced yard, a locked dog pen that has a top, or some other locked enclosure that has a top (such as a house). This law applies not only to pure bred American Pit Bull dogs, but also to other pure bred and mixed breed dogs that have similar physical and/or behavioral characteristics. Animal Control Officers make the determination as to whether or not a dog is a "breed of dog commonly known as a Pit Bull." The maximum penalty for a violation of this section on a first offense is a $1,000 fine and up to six months imprisonment. If the dog seriously injures a person, or this is a second offense of this section, the charge may be filed as a felony.


Insuring Pit Bull Dogs

(Ohio Revised Code Section 955.22E)


Owners of dogs that are a "breed of dog commonly known as a Pit Bull" must maintain at least $100,000 of liability insurance coverage on these animals. The maximum penalty for a violation of this section is a $1,000 fine and up to six months imprisonment.


If you have any questions regarding these laws, please contact a Field Supervisor at the Department of Animal Control's Enforcement Division at (614)462-3400. You can obtain insurance from these two insurers:


Ohio Insurance Exchange



Rotts are just as, if not more dangerous, but they dont get enough airtime for people to wish death upon them. Wishing that someones life long pet is forced to be put to sleep is ignorant. Some people do actually have the insurance, always have their dogs on leashes, and have trained them properly.

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Animal Control Officers make the determination as to whether or not a dog is a "breed of dog commonly known as a Pit Bull."


This law applies not only to pure bred American Pit Bull dogs, but also to other pure bred and mixed breed dogs that have similar physical and/or behavioral characteristics.



Any other pure bred or mixed breed dog whose appearance and physical characteristics is predominately those of any of the dogs listed above, or is a combination of any of the dogs listed above.


Wow, I didnt realize how lame all of this is. They made it easy for them to do whatever they want to your dog (pit bull or not). So basically any dog that is in shape/muscular can be classified as a pit bull????


Make sure your dogs are fat and have small necks if you want them to live :bs: :bs:

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pit bulls have been banned in ohio for years the new law is simply making it easier to enforce the old law, by adding search and siezure wording


I got chased by a pit once when I delivered the newspaper back in the day mean fuckers I hope the law passes


and for the people who think they are going to shoot it out with the cops when they come for your dog, go for it at leaste the news will be fun to watch for awhile

Ignorant, idiotic, moronic and pathetic are all words that come to mind when I read your post. You're a worthless citizen. I was bitten by a Scottish Terrier a few years ago, but I'm not as retarded as you to wish death upon everyone's pets for it.



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