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Ohio to Ban Pit Bulls CREW


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Men should be banned in Ohio. We should all be put to sleep because men kill more Americans than anything else.


How would I look if I suggested that bill?


Something needs to be done about liability, this is just not the right way to start a serious debate.

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I'm not a Pit fan, but I believe that this is a little over board. One of my good friends just adopted a 10 week year old pitbull, and I know he's really upset/pissed off about this.


First thing I thought about when I read about a pet ban was the South Park ''Cheesing'' episode...sad but true.

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Kbond Please define PIT.



Thats what pisses me off, People claim a PIT did this a PIT did that. Whats funny is so many fucking times its a AMSTAFF or a American Bull or something else.



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I'm a litttle late to the party, but I thought I needed to put my 2 cents in.

Will this bill pass? Most likely not. Should it IMO, yes. The one thing missing in all of these posts is a personal point of veiw of an attack by said dog mentioned here. So I'll give you mine.

5 years ago when my daughter was 12 she and he cousin were attacked by a pit, they were 5 houses down from my house, screamed, and my father ran to their defense. Long story short, my daughter was bit in in the leg and arm, and my father ended up with 33 stitches from his ear to his throat. All this from a 5 year old, primarily house dog, who happened to get over a 6ft tall privacy fence at 6pm on a bright sunny day.

This dog lived in a home with 3 teens, and was not raised wrong in any way, he got out and just snapped. The dog got out, and went clear accross the street to attack my family. This breed of dog has no place in a residential area of any kind where children are present IMO.

The owners of the dog had NO required insurance of any kind on this dog, and me and my father came within a hairs breath of taking the home right out from under this family, if we had not known them for a few years we probaly would have taken more than their homeowners insurance.

I understand that those of you who own the dogs love them, all i can say to you, is I hope you carry the insurance needed to own these dogs, because the conseqences could be quite large if you dont.

BTW it was unbearable to see my father getting stitched up becuase of this, It was the hardest thing I've had to endoure so far in my life.


Here are my 3 dogs in my fence. Each side is shared with a neighbor. Each neighbor has multiple children plus the children that come to play. The back fence shares a yard with an apt complex. At least 3 apt back doors open into a small yard shared with my back fence. Everyday, people come to my fence when they see the dogs out, to either admire them, a couple of them that know me and the dogs pet them, including my neighbors, and sometimes I get the assholes who like to tease them and piss them off. (btw, having owned many various breeds of all sizes and temperment, I find people are FAR more likely to tease your dog if it's a bully breed. I wonder how many attacks are a result of that? Also, I would like to add that my dog has never started a fight with another dog and on quite a few occasions, I've had people purposely let their dog go out the fence or off the leash "accidentally" to attack my dog. I'd share a few stories, but it's too much typing.) That results in a very quick reprimand from me. And I don't care who you are.


Come kill or take my dogs?! I don't fuckin think so. Some of you need to open your minds and and quit making these ignorant, biased, and bigoted statements.


Dave, the only dogs I've ever received bites from have been from a mix breed. Maybe we should kill all your mix breeds you've owned. What do you own, now? Btw, that's a rhetorical question. I really could care less what you own, which is exactly my point. As long as you're a responsible owner who has raised his pets right. Oh, and impound and crush your Mustang since I'm afraid of that. Do you know how many Mustangs have been involved in an accident? Who even knows when it could just break, ie, steering wheel falls off, brakes go out. I mean it's an American car so it must be junk and ready to side impact my ass. lol

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Kbond Please define PIT.



Thats what pisses me off, People claim a PIT did this a PIT did that. Whats funny is so many fucking times its a AMSTAFF or a American Bull or something else.





I wouldn't know a AMSTAFF from a American Bull, or any other dog in the family, but authorities did when they came to cart the dog off to be killed, so I can only go by what they told me , PIT BULL.


Look fellas I know not all dogs are dangerous, and in general I think this bill will NEVER pass, but these dogs can be dangerous, and i just wanted to share a personal experience. the last thing i want to see is big brother coming into your homes to take away a family member, but seriously i won't shed a tear if it does happen.

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Man o man... so many things to respond to. Do I really give a shit about this bill... not really. Have I had bad expierences with a Pit... absolutly. But lets lay out some facts.


1. Its extremely common for traffic'ers to use these dogs to protect abondon houses that have a large drug and money stash in.


2. Its extremely common for a person to buy a pitbull, because its a "tough" dog.


3. The Pitbull is the most common breed used in illegal animal fighting.


4. Pitbulls were breed to be aggressive, and near fearless. This makes them extremely dangerous to ANYONE, not just children. This is like having to deal with the mind of Charles Manson, in the body of Ronnie Coleman, all jacked up on PCP. The amount of damage that the animal can do is astronomical.


5. Like most WILD preditors, a Pitbull doesnt just maul its prey and let it bleed to death, it goes for the throat in order to sufficate its prey on the spot. Other animals that do this include bears, almost all large cats, wolves, jackels, hyena, and even large constrictor snakes.


6. Like all naturally or in this case un-naturally aggressive animals, you cant stop the primal instinct to attack and fight to the death. You see this all the time in domesticated wild animals. That is why its illegal to own them.


Now can a person own a baby pitbull and give it a good home and live a whole life without incident, absolutly. But how often does this really happen? 20% of the time? 30% of the time? 50% of the time? Bottom line is, if its anything less than 99% of the time, and that percentage results in serious injury requiring more than 50 stiches, excessive blood loss, and nightmares for years, than we need to remove them society. They are a breed that has no positive function.


I really dont care if they are banned. Ive only owned pure bred min-schnauzers my whole life... and i have yet to hear about anyone being hospitalized from one of those.

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I wouldn't know a AMSTAFF from a American Bull, or any other dog in the family, but authorities did when they came to cart the dog off to be killed, so I can only go by what they told me , PIT BULL.


Look fellas I know not all dogs are dangerous, and in general I think this bill will NEVER pass, but these dogs can be dangerous, and i just wanted to share a personal experience. the last thing i want to see is big brother coming into your homes to take away a family member, but seriously i won't shed a tear if it does happen.


Do you have kids? There dangerous that are capable of killing people. I'm going to pass a law so I can come take them even if they've done nothing wrong just because they are kids.



But see the problem is half the animal control people have no clue. Since PIT BULL is not a bread its a generalized slang term to describe basiclly any BULLY breed its a fucked up way to look at things.



Nick I'm saddened to read your post. You back nothing up with facts and generlize a entire class of dogs. Orginal fighting Pit dogs were designed with 0 human agressive these backyard MUTTS not even worthy of being called a bulldog are the problem. Not pure breed papered dogs.

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Do you have kids? There dangerous that are capable of killing people. I'm going to pass a law so I can come take them even if they've done nothing wrong just because they are kids.



But see the problem is half the animal control people have no clue. Since PIT BULL is not a bread its a generalized slang term to describe basiclly any BULLY breed its a fucked up way to look at things.



Nick I'm saddened to read your post. You back nothing up with facts and generlize a entire class of dogs. Orginal fighting Pit dogs were designed with 0 human agressive these backyard MUTTS not even worthy of being called a bulldog are the problem. Not pure breed papered dogs.


Pulled from Wikipedia:


[edit] Legal issues in the United States

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) published a study concerning deaths from canine attacks in 2000. [34] According to the study, between 1979 and 1998, one-third of all fatal dog attacks were caused by Pit Bull type dogs. The highest number of attacks (118) were by Pit Bull type dogs, the next highest being Rottweilers at 67.


A followup to the study published in 2000 by Journal of American Veterinary Medical Association suggested that "generic non–breed-specific, dangerous dog laws can be enacted that place primary responsibility for a dog’s behavior on the owner, regardless of the dog’s breed. In particular, targeting chronically irresponsible dog owners may be effective."[35]



[edit] Misconceptions


[edit] Locking jaws

Many sources propagate the myth that Pit Bulls have a "locking jaw" mechanism, and that the dog cannot let go once it has bitten. This is untrue. According to Dr. I. Brisbin, a senior researcher with the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, University of South Carolina: [36]


“ The few studies which have been conducted of the structure of the skulls, mandibles and teeth of Pit Bulls show that, in proportion to their size, their jaw structure and thus its inferred functional morphology, is no different from that of any breed of dog.

There is absolutely no evidence for the existence of any kind of 'locking mechanism' unique to the structure of the jaw and/or teeth of the American Pit Bull Terrier.




Furthermore, the Pit Bulls that compete successfully in protection sports such as Schutzhund obviously do not display an inability to release their grips after biting, as releasing the decoy's sleeve on command is an integral part of scoring the competition. [38] Reports of Pit Bull type dogs refusing to release a bite grip is more likely a function of the breed's gameness—a willingness to engage in a task despite pain and discomfort.


A variant of the "locking jaw" story is told by Tom Skeldon, Lucas County (Ohio), dog warden, who said that an impounded Pit Bull that had been used in fighting started "going wild," biting at the walls of the kennel.[39] He shot the dog with a tranquilizer, and then left it for five minutes to let it pass out. When he came back the dog had indeed passed out, but not before it had leaped up and clamped its jaws on a cable used to open the door of the kennel. "Everything else was relaxed, the dog was out cold, but its jaws wouldn't let go of that cable, and he was hanging in midair," said Skeldon. "Not even a jaguar will do that."


However, an incident reported by the Associated Press suggests that other breeds may also fail to relax their jaws when they become unconscious. An Albuquerque police officer was attacked, in October 2005, by a Belgian Malinois, a dog used for herding and police work, with no significant commonality with "Pit Bulls." The dog bit the officer on the arm. When the officer couldn't shake free, she shot the dog, killing it. Still, other officers had to come to her aid, and pry the dead dog's jaws off the officer's arm.



[edit] Inability to feel pain

Another common misconception is that Pit Bulls don't feel pain. Pit Bulls have the same nervous system as any other breed, and they can and do feel pain. Historically, breeders propagated dogs who would tolerate or ignore discomfort and pain allowing them to finish required tasks. This trait is known as “gameness” which is defined as “The desire to continue on and/or complete a task despite pain and discomfort.” Therefore care must be taken to avoid serious injuries, since Pit Bulls, like some herding dogs, will continue to perform tasks despite injuries as severe as broken legs.



[edit] Only breed unaffected by pepper spray or other pain when attacking

Another urban myth surrounding this breed states that Pit Bulls are the only type of dog that are not affected by capsaicin-based dog-repellent sprays. In fact, many other dog breeds also display this resistance to pepper spray when they are attacking. Documented cases include Bull Mastiffs, Rottweilers and many German Shepherds (including Police K-9s).[40] In the words of two police officers, it is "not unusual for pepper spray not to work on dogs" [41] and "just as OC spray doesn't work on all humans, it won't work on all canines." [42]


It is also untrue that the Pit Bull is the only dog that will keep attacking after being sub-lethally shot. Rottweilers, Mastiffs and German Shepherds have all exhibited this capacity. [43][44]



[edit] Insurance problems

Many homeowner's insurance companies in the United States are reluctant to insure owners of dogs that are considered to be a dangerous breed. Allstate (depending on the state) may not insure homes with Pit Bulls or even Boxers, Akitas, Chow Chows, Dobermans, Rottweilers, or wolf hybrids. [45] The Automobile Club of Southern California will refuse to provide homeowner's insurance if a dog living in the home "looks like a Pit Bull". [46] The CDC estimates that 4.7 million people were bitten by dogs in 1994. By analyzing data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System-All Injury Program (NEISS-AIP), the CDC determined that 368,245 persons were treated in U.S. hospitals for nonfatal dog bites in 2001, and that approximately 2% of the U.S. population are attacked by dogs per year. These attacks most often occur on the owner's property. [47]


Some insurance companies have taken a compromise position, and will only insure Pit Bull owners if their dogs have achieved a Canine Good Citizen award. [48]


[edit] Dog fights

Pit Bulls are often used for dog fights, due to their strength, courage and widespread availability. Fight training often means using other dogs of the same sex, as most dogs will not show aggression towards the opposite sex. The true "pit dogs" have excellent attitudes towards humans and show aggression to other animals and other dogs. Although dog fighting is illegal in the United States, it is still practiced, and is sometimes accompanied by gambling. In the United States Commonwealth of Virginia, for example, it is a felony to organize, promote, be employed by, or wager on a dogfight, whether one is physically present at the fight or not. Laws vary in other states, but most states have some laws to address dogfighting.


Most people who own these breeds direct their dogs' plentiful energy toward nonviolent athletic tasks. Some people train their Pit Bulls for dog agility. Others involve their Pit Bulls in weight pulling competitions, obedience competitions or Schutzhund. The Pit Bull often excels at these sports.

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I really dont care if they are banned. Ive only owned pure bred min-schnauzers my whole life... and i have yet to hear about anyone being hospitalized from one of those.



One time a min-schnauzer bit my ankle. It hurt a lil bit. I think the whole breed of EVIL ankle biting MINI DOGS should be abolished from our society.


Oh i also only ready 3 posts out of a possible 233.

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Man o man... so many things to respond to. Do I really give a shit about this bill... not really. Have I had bad expierences with a Pit... absolutly. But lets lay out some facts.


1. Its extremely common for traffic'ers to use these dogs to protect abondon houses that have a large drug and money stash in.


2. Its extremely common for a person to buy a pitbull, because its a "tough" dog.


3. The Pitbull is the most common breed used in illegal animal fighting.


4. Pitbulls were breed to be aggressive, and near fearless. This makes them extremely dangerous to ANYONE, not just children. This is like having to deal with the mind of Charles Manson, in the body of Ronnie Coleman, all jacked up on PCP. The amount of damage that the animal can do is astronomical.


5. Like most WILD preditors, a Pitbull doesnt just maul its prey and let it bleed to death, it goes for the throat in order to sufficate its prey on the spot. Other animals that do this include bears, almost all large cats, wolves, jackels, hyena, and even large constrictor snakes.


6. Like all naturally or in this case un-naturally aggressive animals, you cant stop the primal instinct to attack and fight to the death. You see this all the time in domesticated wild animals. That is why its illegal to own them.


Now can a person own a baby pitbull and give it a good home and live a whole life without incident, absolutly. But how often does this really happen? 20% of the time? 30% of the time? 50% of the time? Bottom line is, if its anything less than 99% of the time, and that percentage results in serious injury requiring more than 50 stiches, excessive blood loss, and nightmares for years, than we need to remove them society. They are a breed that has no positive function.


I really dont care if they are banned. Ive only owned pure bred min-schnauzers my whole life... and i have yet to hear about anyone being hospitalized from one of those.

Wow, are you fucking kidding me? Did you just pull all of this shit out of your asshole or are you just easily persuaded? NOTHING that you typed is fact! Do you even realize how many pits are in Ohio let alone the United States? And to think you've come up with your own ratios and percentages for data analysis, that's godamn spectacular.

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Do you have kids? There dangerous that are capable of killing people. I'm going to pass a law so I can come take them even if they've done nothing wrong just because they are kids.



But see the problem is half the animal control people have no clue. Since PIT BULL is not a bread its a generalized slang term to describe basiclly any BULLY breed its a fucked up way to look at things.




Yes I have kids, and a grandkid, and if removing a dangerous breed of dog from residential areas is going to keep them safe I'm all for it. Thorne like I said before, I dont want to see Govt' come into our homes, it will start here, and then move on to something else, which is why I know this bill will never pass, but I love my family like you love you dog, I'm stating my opinion/personal experience about this issue, and you are stating yours.

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Yes I have kids, and a grandkid, and if removing a dangerous breed of dog from residential areas is going to keep them safe I'm all for it. Thorne like I said before, I dont want to see Govt' come into our homes, it will start here, and then move on to something else, which is why I know this bill will never pass, but I love my family like you love you dog, I'm stating my opinion/personal experience about this issue, and you are stating yours.

I think the biggest problem people are really having with your comments is that they seem a bit unthought out. I say that in lieu of saying they're bigoted. ;)


Let me explain. How many children are killed by automobiles, alcohol, toys, sports, firearms, knives, parents, etc? Should we abolish those, too? It's not about the breed, it's not about the kind of car, music, the video game they were playing; it was about the responsibility of the parent of the child or the responsibility of the dog's owner.


You can't just go around pointing the finger so vehemently at one thing, and let another slide. Some other examples: You can't eat horse, but I'll eat a cow. You can't smoke pot, but I'll get drunk as fuck.


Not to mention, anyone who's willing to pass such a general judgement on people or things without real prior experience or any personal knowledge and experience with individuals... I don't really know how I was going to finish that statement, but to say that person is seriously lacking judgement, intelligence, fairness, and a sense of fairness and "right" is a good start.


I'll put it another way. Your way of thinking implies to me that if you were robbed by a Puerto Rican you would assume that all Puerto Ricans were thieves and should be jailed? (I use "Puerto Rican" because I am, so it's ok. ;) ) Of course, I could come up with another dozen analogys but you get the point.

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To summarize this thread in its entirety, for those just joining.


Puerto Ricans make poor housepets.



On the front of Thorne's door, there is a sticker for emergency workers to evacuate any pets that may be in the house and blanks to list said animals. Under "Other:", it lists Puerto Rican. :D

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I think the biggest problem people are really having with your comments is that they seem a bit unthought out. I say that in lieu of saying they're bigoted. ;)


Let me explain. How many children are killed by automobiles, alcohol, toys, sports, firearms, knives, parents, etc? Should we abolish those, too? It's not about the breed, it's not about the kind of car, music, the video game they were playing; it was about the responsibility of the parent of the child or the responsibility of the dog's owner.


You can't just go around pointing the finger so vehemently at one thing, and let another slide. Some other examples: You can't eat horse, but I'll eat a cow. You can't smoke pot, but I'll get drunk as fuck.


Not to mention, anyone who's willing to pass such a general judgement on people or things without real prior experience or any personal knowledge and experience with individuals... I don't really know how I was going to finish that statement, but to say that person is seriously lacking judgement, intelligence, fairness, and a sense of fairness and "right" is a good start.


I'll put it another way. Your way of thinking implies to me that if you were robbed by a Puerto Rican you would assume that all Puerto Ricans were thieves and should be jailed? (I use "Puerto Rican" because I am, so it's ok. ;) ) Of course, I could come up with another dozen analogys but you get the point.


My "comments" are my opinions, I'm entitlled to them just like you and Thorne are. I think you need to read them again. I think your "PR" over generalization is stupid, I gave a play by play of an up front bloody dog attack that could have killed a family member or two, and you call that an "unthought out" comment? Thorne and yourself are the only ones who commented on what I said (I think) so who are the people having a problem with my unthought out comments?

BTW the next time you have to ride in an ambulance with blood runing o\o your fathers neck you can talk to me about "prior experience, or personal knowledge" until them STFU!

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My "comments" are my opinions, I'm entitlled to them just like you and Thorne are. I think you need to read them again. I think your "PR" over generalization is stupid, I gave a play by play of an up front bloody dog attack that could have killed a family member or two, and you call that an "unthought out" comment? Thorne and yourself are the only ones who commented on what I said (I think) so who are the people having a problem with my unthought out comments?

BTW the next time you have to ride in an ambulance with blood runing o\o your fathers neck you can talk to me about "prior experience, or personal knowledge" until them STFU!

I also have a problem with your unthought out comments. Yes, it is bad what happened to your father, but you would seriously take away every good pet owner's pit to retaliate for one bad dog and dog owner? THAT is selfish and ignorant. I don't think you really know anything about any breed associated as a pit nor do you understand canine traits, behavior or instinct. Even a dog raised for fighting doesn't "snap" and suddenly try to kill some random man. These aren't monsters, they're animals who have more emotion and personality than any type of dog I've encountered. You need to recollect your facts before trying to change thousands of peoples'(and their pets') lives for the sake of something that happened in your life.


BTW, my AmStaff is sleeping on his pillow behind me right now, completely oblivious that you want him murdered; yet he would still greet and accept you and may even give you a lick or two.

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I also have a problem with your unthought out comments. Yes, it is bad what happened to your father, but you would seriously take away every good pet owner's pit to retaliate for one bad dog and dog owner? THAT is selfish and ignorant. I don't think you really know anything about any breed associated as a pit nor do you understand canine traits, behavior or instinct. Even a dog raised for fighting doesn't "snap" and suddenly try to kill some random man. These aren't monsters, they're animals who have more emotion and personality than any type of dog I've encountered. You need to recollect your facts before trying to change thousands of peoples'(and their pets') lives for the sake of something that happened in your life.


BTW, my AmStaff is sleeping on his pillow behind me right now, completely oblivious that you want him murdered; yet he would still greet and accept you and may even give you a lick or two.



Still dont see where the comments are unthought out, I think I put alot of thought into them, and like I also said earlier I would not like to se Govt. come into your homes to take away a family member, but like I also said earlier, I won't shed a tear if it happens. My opinion, dont like it? Get over it.

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I think the biggest problem people are really having with your comments is that they seem a bit unthought out. I say that in lieu of saying they're bigoted. ;)


Let me explain. How many children are killed by automobiles, alcohol, toys, sports, firearms, knives, parents, etc? Should we abolish those, too? It's not about the breed, it's not about the kind of car, music, the video game they were playing; it was about the responsibility of the parent of the child or the responsibility of the dog's owner.


You can't just go around pointing the finger so vehemently at one thing, and let another slide. Some other examples: You can't eat horse, but I'll eat a cow. You can't smoke pot, but I'll get drunk as fuck.


Not to mention, anyone who's willing to pass such a general judgement on people or things without real prior experience or any personal knowledge and experience with individuals... I don't really know how I was going to finish that statement, but to say that person is seriously lacking judgement, intelligence, fairness, and a sense of fairness and "right" is a good start.


I'll put it another way. Your way of thinking implies to me that if you were robbed by a Puerto Rican you would assume that all Puerto Ricans were thieves and should be jailed? (I use "Puerto Rican" because I am, so it's ok. ;) ) Of course, I could come up with another dozen analogys but you get the point.


BTW Since you left the other night christian I can't seem to find my bike.

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On the front of Thorne's door, there is a sticker for emergency workers to evacuate any pets that may be in the house and blanks to list said animals. Under "Other:", it lists Puerto Rican. :D


True story.

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My "comments" are my opinions, I'm entitlled to them just like you and Thorne are. I think you need to read them again. I think your "PR" over generalization is stupid, I gave a play by play of an up front bloody dog attack that could have killed a family member or two, and you call that an "unthought out" comment? Thorne and yourself are the only ones who commented on what I said (I think) so who are the people having a problem with my unthought out comments?

BTW the next time you have to ride in an ambulance with blood runing o\o your fathers neck you can talk to me about "prior experience, or personal knowledge" until them STFU!



My ex wife was attacked by a rott It ribbed about half her leg muscle off she was in the hsopital for 2 weeks plus with surgeries and repairs. It fucked her up for life and left a perminent scare. The dog was used as a guard dog for a shop her dad owned.


I can find pics somewhere if you want to see. Imagine my horrow watching my wife being thrown around like a rag doll by a rott. A very powerful rott. I ran up and scared the shit of the dog causing him to finally let go.


Unless you've herd the fucking screams and seen an attack take place don't give me your in a ambulence. I've been there and done that so we have a common frame of referance.


Yet I am against this legistlation. On the back of my wifes SUV you will see 2 things. 1 a pets license plate 2. a NO BSL sticker. We don't like nore support stickers on cars but we felt this was a issue worth supporting.

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The thing about making something illegal or banned, is it only keeps law abiding citizens from owning/possessing that current thing.

So will dog fighters keep fighting pit bulls if they are banned? yes, they will as dog fighting is illegal to begin with and they have no respect for the law.


Will drug dealers put them in abandonbed houses to keep people out stille? yes because drug dealing is illigal and they have no respect for the law.


Will it keep a burglar or someone trying to cause harm to a family and/or their possessions? No, unless that family fights dogs or deals drugs.


Good dogs belong to good owners. If the owner is a bad owner they will have a bad dog regardless of breed. Pitbulls are very loyal dogs that love and will do anything for their owners. Unlike some other breeds.




Courageous, loyal, full of energy; Should be socialized early on with children and other animals.




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