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Copperhead snakes in Ohio?

Chad is Dead

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My dad caught a snake in the garage today and I went over to see it. It is easily +3ft. My dad had looked up online to find out what kind of snake it was and he is pretty sure it's a copperhead because it has all the indications. He sent me pictures earlier but I deleted them but I'll try to get them again tommorow and post on here. So if it is a copperhead, what should we do with it?
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I know at my in-laws in Caldwell we've killed one near a pond on their property. They do resemble Milk Snakes though. Google both and see what you think. I suppose they could easily be in the cbus area. I don't think they are likely to kill you if bitten, but being venomous, I bet it would freaking hurt for a while.
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yea they have a mild venom but you still should seek immediate medical attention.


also true is the fact that thy could be mistaken for a "eastern milk snake". although even the eastern milk snake can be found in various patterns and colors. so if you look up the eastern you might find a color or pattern that doesnt match at all. the milk snake in general can vary greatly in colors and patterns. it could also be mistaken for a northern water snake but they dont grow to lengths over 3 foot. you want to know for sure take it to a wildlife officer.

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I saw one a couple years ago here in Lancaster. I've also heard of them being as far North as Akron. It's possible it is a copperhead, but the only way to find out is to take it to a wildlife officer as mentioned above. You should also check with wildlife preserves to see if they will take it. I've seen some mean snakes down here in the hills.
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My dad caught a snake in the garage today and I went over to see it. It is easily +3ft. My dad had looked up online to find out what kind of snake it was and he is pretty sure it's a copperhead because it has all the indications. He sent me pictures earlier but I deleted them but I'll try to get them again tommorow and post on here. So if it is a copperhead, what should we do with it?

Post some decent pics and I'll tell you what it is for sure. I've also had two wild copperheads as pets. One caught newborn, one as a juvenile. Used to even handle one of them occasionally. Some of the most beautiful snakes native to the US.

To the contrary of what was mentioned ealier, they are quite venomous and the Northern Copperhead is found throughout most of Ohio.


As was mentioned before, just take it far away and release it. Or, if you live near me, I'll pick it up or you can bring it here and I'll do it. I've got some great locations I can think of near me already. Just don't kill it, plz.

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Agreed don't kill the snake, It's not his fault he is venomous its how he is. If he's a copperhead shouldn't he have a rattle?


No then he/she would be a rattle snake........


Bill, Really? Tell me that question is a joke.

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copperheads are in ohio, especially further south. their venom is not nearly as bad as that from rattlesnakes, cottonmouths, or coral snakes, but if bit, you should still seek medical treatment. i treated an 8 year old for a copperhead bite--let me find some pics of his hand--hold on
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shortly after the bite, the patient developed compartment syndrome of his hand, necessitating fasciotomies--hence all the incisions on his hand




These images are NWS due to blood, etc.:













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