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This is getting pretty LAME


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Ok so I posted in another thread (http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=51874) before how my car got "cone-dicked" as said by one member. Well it happened again this morning with random shit drawn on the windows. A tad irritating, took 10 minutes to scrub it off.


Well, my brother just left home and called me and told me to look at my car. This is what I go out to see (at about 11:30pm tonight)










Anyone have a rifle and some coffee I can barrow for the next week?



edit: I posted this in the wrong forum somehow, but i guess it fits here.

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I hate to be a realist, but this has got to be someone who knows you.


i mean, they arent messing with your paint, right? Just the glass?


(sucks either way, sorry dude.)


I don't know anyone who is this big of a douche. Seriously, this will take FOREVER to get off unless I use some dangerous liquids. Might try power washing it.

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Just get a razor and scrape it off.


Oh thats a good idea. I got a bunch of paint/putty scrapers and more stuff. My dad works for mac tools so I'm pretty well set with all that stuff.


LOL @ Ryan.


That is all.

Oh and....


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Oh thats a good idea. I got a bunch of paint/putty scrapers and more stuff. My dad works for mac tools so I'm pretty well set with all that stuff.


I wouldn't use a putty scraper.


I bought 200 box cut razors at habor freight for like 2 bucks. Just use those. that's what I use to take off the numbers they paint on the window when i'm at the track (when they don't wipe off). It'll come right off.

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hahaha atleast it comes off. any angry x gfs u know about?


Nope. No angry people at all. Like its been said probably just people I know dicking with me.


I need to think of some revenge ideas if I ever find out whos been doing it.

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you've got a poorly drawn pee pee on two windows. I'm gonna guess it's not an ex doing it. It's gotta be guys.

Wait, you're brother called to tell you to look at your car. Did he call you the last time this happened? Are you sure he's not doing it before he leaves? Check inside his car to see if the paint is hiding there!!

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here's the plan:


1.)next time you suspect it might happen, park your car in the center of the driveway


2.)pour a continuous trail of gasoline around the perimeter of your driveway


3.)wait somewhere nearby out of sight


4.)when perpetrators arrive near your car, toss a match, and enjoy the ring of fire you've created :).




....or a paintball gun on the roof, works for coyotes :)

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Ok so I posted in another thread (http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=51874) before how my car got "cone-dicked" as said by one member. Well it happened again this morning with random shit drawn on the windows. A tad irritating, took 10 minutes to scrub it off.


Well, my brother just left home and called me and told me to look at my car. This is what I go out to see (at about 11:30pm tonight)


edit: I posted this in the wrong forum somehow, but i guess it fits here.

Although this sucks for you, think of it this way: you just provided a plethora of comedy for all of CR to enjoy. Thank you. ;)

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