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Turbo Buick Elitist Prick is back in action.


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I picked up another T on the cheap today.


Isn't as pretty as the other two but it will be fun for the summer at least. It could turn into a donor for an El Camino project this winter, I don't really have any solid plans for it.


The funniest part is that it has an open rear end - so expect to see 1.8 60's on a single slick.



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did you get this from that guy that wanted to buy my mustang?


No, that dude never even so much as emailed me.


Got it off a guy in Worthington - Ricky saw it on Craigslist and called me.


Pulling it apart tomorrow for some spring cleaning. The powermaster needs some work so I'm not sure if I'm buying a new one or converting it to vacuum.

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Mod #1 is ripping everything apart and cleaning it.


Mod #2 is putting a single slick on it after the rest of the parts I have laying around are bolted on and taking it to Larue for some one wheel peel shenanigans.

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