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e-mails i got about Obama


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Chris Matthews seems to have slam dunked Texas Senator Kirk Watson, when he asked the Senator for just one example of Obama's legislative accomplishments.

Want to see a politician choke on national TV?.....watch this....

Chris was surprised when the Obama campaign's own surrogates are left utterly stumped when asked to list his legislative accomplishments as a Senator.

It appears that people in small towns do THINK!

For those of you who don't know where this newspaper is published, it comes from a small town in western Kansas town founded by hard working and fair thinking Americans.You gotta love those small town people.


Hays Daily News Editorial

Hays, Kansas







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He almost writes a thought out opinion piece, and than goes and ends it with a an half witted insult. Way to prove em right. Ofcourse opinion pieces are always good for that.



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