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domestic guys, answer this


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I'm a GM guy, but I don't buy them because they are American, although I like the fact that they are. If a Camaro/Vette/etc was assembled in China I'd be disappointed, but it's still the same car designed by GM, that's what matters.


I don't dislike imports, I just don't care for the way a lot of them look. I don't give a shit where the Camry is made, it still looks like a Camry, therefore I won't buy it.

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Or asked another way...if Chevy started making Corvettes in China, would I buy one?


Probably not. I agree with Dave that most of China's stuff is not high quality. I would probably just end up switching to that BMW 850 I always wanted. ;)


I guess I'm more loyal to Corvette than I am to GM. However, if I can get a competitive vehicle and remain GM that does make me feel a little better (like my wife is interested in either a Saab or Subaru wagon...both GM subsidiaries)...

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No. I want to buy from an American company that supports American workers. There are so many people unempolyed in Michigan right now, and the dollar is so cheap, that is doesn't make sense to me. GM is actually going to be building cars in the US and exporting them to Europe.


After saying that, nothing is 100% made in America anymore. But I would pay more attention to the content percentages on the window sticker when buying. In the end, the money would come back to an American company no matter where it's built, so to me it's better to buy a GM car made in China vs. a Chery (when they start selling here).

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Yeah but lets say ford became solely made in china, would you stay loyal?


I just would not buy anything new and stick with buying older cars from the '90's. With the way technology is going now a days looks like I will be sticking to older more simpler cars anyways.



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Nothing made in China is made well....except for that "little thing" I met one night years ago :p


Honestly, no. Japan, yes. I will likely go back to driving an import for my next ride. Quality is top notch and overall value for what I'm looking for next is there more so than in the domestics.



I am not sure if this question has ever been brought up before or not, and I know there are some die hard domestic guys out there, but would you drive say a ford or chevy if they started making them in china?
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I am not sure if this question has ever been brought up before or not, and I know there are some die hard domestic guys out there, but would you drive say a ford or chevy if they started making them in china?


to answer your question, yes i would love mustangs even if they were made by honda, but honda doesn't make supercharged v-8's.

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My question stems from Ted Koppels series on A&E. Very good mini-series. I certainly encourage everyone to catch all the episodes. They say soon detroit will be all but a memory for building cars. Very interesting hearing the movers and shakers in china explain their plan for the automotive future.
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Like previously said, no car company is truly american. GM is originally american, but they call themselves a world corporation now. I like the thought that GM's profit comes back to the states for the most part, but they are in business to make money and doing all in michigan just isn't feasable. However I can deal with my beloved Camaro being made in Canada alot better than China. Although the lines of import and domestic are so blurry who can tell on most cars. Parts come from all over the world to be made into cars all over the world.


Here's a thought: think there are car guys in japan, europe, where ever, having the same discusion about their cars not being domestic to them anymore?

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No. I want to buy from an American company that supports American workers. There are so many people unempolyed in Michigan right now, and the dollar is so cheap, that is doesn't make sense to me. GM is actually going to be building cars in the US and exporting them to Europe.


After saying that, nothing is 100% made in America anymore. But I would pay more attention to the content percentages on the window sticker when buying. In the end, the money would come back to an American company no matter where it's built, so to me it's better to buy a GM car made in China vs. a Chery (when they start selling here).




That is funny that you think that, toyota is still leading in sales in the USA and they are built in the USA by americans, same with toyota, subaru, honda, ect, americans are greedy they want cheap labor and will turn there back on there own people and sell out to canada and mexico there is no pride anymore. I mean a few years ago I seen a mopar sticker on an srt4 for only 5% had anything to do with being american. more AMERICANS are hired by foreign car company then their own "domestic" companys in the united states. More american car companys pack up and leave for cheaper rates in other countrys then any other car company in the world. It seems like the USA has a problem, its called being greedy, americans want to make more money In detroit ,when there are 5 million people in mexico that will do the job for 1/4 and have a better product and work harder then any other american has.

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That is funny that you think that, toyota is still leading in sales in the USA and they are built in the USA by americans, same with toyota, subaru, honda, ect, americans are greedy they want cheap labor and will turn there back on there own people and sell out to canada and mexico there is no pride anymore. I mean a few years ago I seen a mopar sticker on an srt4 for only 5% had anything to do with being american. more AMERICANS are hired by foreign car company then their own "domestic" companys in the united states. More american car companys pack up and leave for cheaper rates in other countrys then any other car company in the world. It seems like the USA has a problem, its called being greedy, americans want to make more money In detroit ,when there are 5 million people in mexico that will do the job for 1/4 and have a better product and work harder then any other american has.

I don't pretend to be any politician, but when these Japanese manufacturers came here it was cheaper for them because of tax breaks and import fees. While at the same time our traditional american companies got no breaks so it became cheaper for them to go where the cheap labor is. Thus is life in the big city. Does it really make much difference?

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