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John Bruh

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Does that mean we are getting one?

What money or possessions do we have to protect? You already know you can never have the car. I purchased that out of wedlock, I am winnar in Ohio.

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"If the trust is there..."


Sure, there is trust there now. There is always trust before you catch her blowing your best friend in a dumpster behind Arby's. :lol: Then, you get played AND lose your shit. You guys live in a fairy tale land.


Just because YOU put your whole heart and trust into it NOW, does not mean future events do not and will not occur.

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A pre-nup, if properly written and executed, is the best thing. However, my wife and I are currently dividing our assets into two separate trusts where each one is the sole signor, only to be released to the other upon death. Both trusts have designated trustees that will determine how assets can be disbursed to our beneficiaries (either the surviving spouse or our children).


I respect where this question is coming from. Ignore the fucking idiots...look past the pre-nup and spend an extra grand to construct trusts where other CREDITORS cannot touch your assets in the event of a death, dissolution of marriage, or bankruptcy (not just if the marriage doesn't work out!) and you won't have to worry about the future. I've got a good attorney that can help you, but be prepared to spend about $1500 or more, depending on how you want to structure your assets...

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Anyone know anything about these. Im gonna get married but i would like to have one incase things go sower. anyone have and suggestions on what lawyer to use?


How long does it take to get one and how much does it cost for lawyer fees



Hit men are cheaper than lawyers AND ex-wives. Just keep one of THOSE on retainer and you will be better off.

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Not having a pre-nup is about as smart as not wearing a seatbelt. Both are preventive measures that you can easily enact to protect you from something that you absolutely, without a doubt, cannot ever fathom predict occuring in the future.


Are pre-nups unromantic? Sure. But are they the smart choice to protect you financially - and even emotionally - in the event the unspeakable occurs? Absolutely.

100% correct.


We are finalizing ours right now. It basically protects us from either asking for alimony, driving up CC bills during a divorce, protects retirement funds, etc.


I can't imagine Janet and I ever breaking apart, but if the unforseable happens, it won't happen for financial gain.

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Ohio is a "community property" state. Once married, it doesn't matter what there was before the marriage, you both own equal shares.


Ask me how I know, and where Firebird Jr. went.


What money or possessions do we have to protect? You already know you can never have the car. I purchased that out of wedlock, I am winnar in Ohio.
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Call me old fashioned, but you shouldn't be getting married if you want a pre-nup.

Think about it; You're basically saying "I don't trust you to stick to your vows, sign this just in case".


If you think things may go sour, don't get married, hold out for some one who won't give you that feeling.

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Call me old fashioned, but you shouldn't be getting married if you want a pre-nup.

Think about it; You're basically saying "I don't trust you to stick to your vows, sign this just in case".


If you think things may go sour, don't get married, hold out for some one who won't give you that feeling.


Your living in an unrealistic world man.


And Anthony speaks the truth.

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No I'm not. I'm living in a realistic world where you don't make commitments unless you're sure you can keep them. Planning for the end before the beginning speaks volumes.


If you both feel that way, then there is no reason not to sign one.

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