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got tired of the antec 900 case......


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Mine never top 50 full load but I run watercooling.


My Q9400 is at 3.7GHz, my E8500 runs at 4.25GHz. My e8500 runs around 49C full load, the Q9400 runs about 54C full load.


What mobo you runnin? I'll help ya dial it in if I can.

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You want max OC or just a bit faster? Since you don't mention what version of the P5Q, i'll be generic.


Be 100% sure your ram is up to the task, set it to 1.4vcore, 1.4v FSB Term and whatever voltage your ram needs to hit ~500fsb. Crank it to 8x500, set your ram timings to 5-5-5-18 or looser (depends on ram), the ram divider to 1:1 and tweak your way from there. If it won't do 500, leave those voltage settings alone and change the FSB to 451. Just keep messing with it until you get it running. Then after you get into windows, start stability testing. If it passes stability, keep lowering the FSB Term and Vcore until it crashes.


There are many more tweaks but that should be plenty to get you started at least.


FWIW, I know the E8xxx cpus will run well. I've had mine running 545fsb before I think my ram started to crap out. The 45nm chips are a pain to OC though as they are VERY voltage picky. One setting off and it won't load windows.

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well my video card decided to die 2 days back so i did some more upgrading,

PC power and cooling 750watt silencer


and EVGA GTX 260 superclock edition.


im getting ready to do my 3dmark so i know what my case does.







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that PSU is fricken huge!

price you gotta pay for some good power.


most powersupplys have multiple rails in them with a low wattage. this PSU has 1 single rail at a 60 Amp. also to add to the size of the thing PC power and cooling made the case longer so the fan can be moved a inch away from all the internal components this makes the unit quieter and cooler. if i turn of all the fans in the case or turn them down to around 800RPM the case is dead quiet. only thing you can really hear is the water trickling in the case.

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