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My Shit Got Stolen Again


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Seriously do people have nothing better to do than steal shit. i just got my car broken into last month and i finally got all my new shit. Go out to the bar last night for 3 hrs in arena district and come back out to find my dash busted to pieces again. I seriously want to fucking cry. Its not even about the money. It is so violating. Plus they broke the antenna wire. (seriously) it FUCKING UNPLUGS now i have to run a whole new wire.


That is all have a good night :(

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i feel so bad for you man, i really wish i could help you somehow. i mean i can run to byers again for you :) . but think of it this way, you could just be getting punk'd


you wanna help him? stop stealing his shit!! j/k that sucks man, I know how you feel my car has been broken into 7 times before I moved

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How could they do anything to you legally?

I am not pretending to be an expert, but if they get hurt on/in your vehicle they have reason to sue you. Not sure on what grounds, but I'm not a lawyer. I just believe this to be true.

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I did that years ago and the only result was a completely bloody front seat after their failed attempt. :mad::) FUCK thieves. I say booby trap the bitch.


I am not pretending to be an expert, but if they get hurt on/in your vehicle they have reason to sue you. Not sure on what grounds, but I'm not a lawyer. I just believe this to be true.
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I did that years ago and the only result was a completely bloody front seat after their failed attempt. :mad::) FUCK thieves. I say booby trap the bitch.



Funny you say that. their is blood all over the passenger side door panel from gettting cut, aswell as by my trunk latch. the wierd thing is that there was a trunk release in the car however they dident pull it. and they dident jimmy the lock. However there is blood by the lock so IDK

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