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Concealed Carry Guns

max power

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Have been looking at a few ccw compacts.

Mostly the Ruger LCP


and the Bersa Thunder 9 Ultra Compact


Does anyone have any opinions/experience with either of these?

Any other sugesstions in the sub $350 market?

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Well i love the my Springfield XD(M) 40, but when i wear it inside the pants/ small of the back its kind of too much. its not bad when moving or while on the bike but sitting in a cage it sucks! Ruger SR9 is a great choice IMO, its light, almost no recoil, and pretty dead on out of the case.

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I have a keltec P3AT, similar to the ruger. It's great for pocket carry, painful to shoot due to the low weight and straight blowback action. Like pauly said, going up to 9mm is a good idea. I like the Kahr P9 or CW9, the cw can be had for 400ish used if you look. A PM9 would be closer in size to the ruger.

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List of dimensions for small CCW


Rugers are good, but 380 sux

9mm is small which is good, but Bersas sux

How about a Kahr PM9 (or P380 for .380) or a Kal-Tec P-11 (or PF-9 for .380)?

There's nothing wrong with most of the new names in firearms. The introduction of modern CNC machining and fresh tooling makes many of the new companies very competitive.

Personally I still like wheel guns, J-frame and 5 shot 45LC frames. No thinking required.

Tokarevs (7.62x25mm) are cool, they are very very thin in width, but have a short 3-finger grip. Which makes a Makarov (9x18mm) interesting. Lower cost choices.

Go bigger and I like 45ACP like a Colt Officer or Commander.

I still like single stack magazines.

just sayin

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  Isaac said:
Ok' date=' Bersa sucks but Kel-Tec doesn't? :confused:[/quote']

Kel-Tec probably does, but if he's considering a Bersa, it's comparable.

Honestly, if I want something in my pocket, it's usually a small 5 shot revolver, or a tiny little 25acp semi-auto. Small is good. If I'm going to war, that's another story.

edit: Sig has been mentioned, dang it, I want one. Someday I'll get a P220.

Edited by ReconRat
add Sig
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Keep in mind I'm relativly new to hadguns. I sold my (free to me) Hi-Point .380 to buy a cc gun. Why is Bersa bad? I've heard nothing but good things. I have an 11 year old, therefore want something with a redundant safety and dont keep loaded in the house, kinda want to be able to chuck a mag in at a moments notice rather than hand load a safetyless revolver. You dig?

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All good points Max, and that over rides any other considerations. Safety first. Most of the gun shops consider the Bersas to be good low cost firearms. That must mean people aren't finding faults and returning them. So I withdraw any objection to Bersa.

Even with all the safeguards, Ohio law probably says the loaded magazine has to be locked up if there are kids in the house. Dunno. I haven't thought much about that since the newer laws have been enacted. Now I have to go look it up somewhere.

edit: looked it up... Ohio does not have what is called a Child Access Prevention Law. Some cities might have such laws. Although I'm sure that if a child obtains an improperly stored, loaded gun, the adult owner is criminally liable.

Edited by ReconRat
looked it up
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I'm not so worried about the child as the childs friends etc. The kid has been taught gun safety early on and has respect. Its more of a personal preference thing that as the child starts into puberty and such, I would prefer not to take the chance of leaving a loaded firearm in the house that might not always be under my control. Therefore, a mag gun would be preferable. Next considerations would be stopping power and concealability.

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Bersa Thunder 9 pistols are standard issue pistols for the Argentinean Federal Police and the Buenos Aires Province Police.
That right there is impressive. I guess that means it is a decent service grade firearm.
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  vroddave said:
Max Power, Taurus millenium .40 cal is $349.99 at gun shows. this is a gun that i am lookin at. for my cc

You mean this?


I have been looking at that one too. That brings up this question.

What is the most effective round for stopping power that is not going to break the bank?

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dude....if a guy breaks into your house are u going to grab the cheap ammo or the good ammo...shoot the cheap ammo in the field keep the good stuff at home...

no one ever seems to argue smiths quality. the below gun won't ever jam and it's the same specs as the smith airlite or airweight not sure..we're going to the store today to check it out...i think the only diff is metal?


not trying to persuade u at all

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  max power said:
...What is the most effective round for stopping power that is not going to break the bank?

Bag of worms there...

You probably mean what type of round for a given caliber. But it's a many part question. (Multiple bags of worms)

I would go with the Federal studies on that subject.

Handgun Wounding Factors and Effectiveness

FBI Firearms Academy Training Unit



They say penetration (minimum of 12 inches), and bullet diameter. Any other factors are a bonus. Various charts and articles on the internet will give an indication of what's effective:





Any way you look at the question, it is accuracy that is more effective.

Read the five rules for concealed carry:


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