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Best place to get disposable cameras developed


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I haven't developed film in years. We had 10 table cameras for our wedding reception (one is missing, nice...but not as nice as the $3,000 bar tab).


We want them developed + a disc with digital prints as well. Who does that cheap? I'm sure I can take them to Walgreens or CVS, but I'm betting there is a price premium. And price premium x 9 cameras = we already killed the wedding budget, no need to rape it further.


Any recommended places? Cheaper the better, these aren't going to be quality shots, that's why we had our two photographers.

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Maybe Snapfish


I quoted this because you have to register to see pricing..



e'll develop your first roll FREE - all you pay is $1.99 for shipping and handling. Offer expires 90 days from registration.


From each roll you send to Snapfish, you get a full set of high-quality prints along with your negatives, free online posting of your photos for easy sharing with friends, and free, unlimited storage of your online photos.



Film Developing & Prints

Unlike other online photo services, Snapfish provides a full set of high-quality prints and your negatives for just $4.98 per roll (including shipping and handling), plus we'll put your photos online for FREE for easy sharing with family & friends.


35mm Film Developing

(35mm film & single-use cameras)


Film Developing & Prints Price per roll

First roll: Developing & prints (3.5 x 5" or 4 x 6" prints only) Free

After First roll: Developing & prints (3.5 x 5" or 4 x 6") $2.99

Developing & prints (5 x 7") $3.99

Double prints (up to 27 exposures) $1.99

Double prints (over 27 exposures) $2.99

EasyFinder Index Print $1.00

Shipping & Handling ($1.99)

Scanning and placement of digital images in your online account FREE

Tax: Appropriate state and local sales tax will be applied to all orders


Note: While we accept international credit cards and we can ship other orders internationally, we do not develop film-roll orders for users who live outside of the United States.



Pre-paid Developing — Save up to 33%!

Buy your roll developing ahead of time and save even more! Use them whenever you want — they never expire. Prepaid film developing includes one full set of prints (3.5 x 5" or 4 x 6"), negatives, and online posting for each roll.

Price Price per roll

10 rolls $26.90 $2.69

15 rolls $38.85 $2.59

20 rolls $47.80 $2.39

50 rolls $99.50 $1.99

Tax: Appropriate state and local sales tax will be applied to all orders.

Note: Pre-paid developing credits cannot be applied to SuperSaver orders.



APS or Advantix Film Developing

(APS or Advantix film & single-use cameras)


Film Developing & Prints Price per roll

First roll: Developing & prints (4 x 6", 4 x 7", 4 x 10") Free

After first free roll:

Developing & prints - up to 27 exposures (4 x 6", 4 x 7", 4 x 10") $6.99

After first free roll:

Developing & prints - over 27 exposures (4 x 6", 4 x 7", 4 x 10") $9.99

Double prints (up to 27 exposures) $2.99

Double prints (over 27 exposures) $3.99

Shipping & Handling ($1.99)

Scanning and placement of digital images in your online account FREE

Tax: Appropriate state and local sales tax will be applied to all orders.



Pre-paid Developing — Save up to 29%!

Buy your roll developing ahead of time and save even more! Use them whenever you want — they never expire. Prepaid film developing includes one full set of prints (3.5 x 5" or 4 x 6"), negatives, and online posting for each roll.

Price Price per roll

10 rolls $62.90 $6.29

15 rolls $89.95 $5.99

20 rolls $109.80 $5.49

50 rolls $249.50 $4.99

Tax: Appropriate state and local sales tax will be applied to all orders.

Note: Pre-paid developing credits cannot be applied to SuperSaver orders.

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I go to cord a lot, but their expensive and to be honest they aren't that great. I'm still waiting to be happy with anything done there. I only keep going back because they can do large file sizes and if you are getting really technical you can get the color profile of their equipment.


On the other hand if you can get in Costco they are very cheap and have very good quality prints especially for the price.



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