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Im watching "The Happening" and...


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That movie SUCKS. Made Lady in the Water seem like a masterpiece.


About 30-40 minutes in, it took a turn to cheesy, and never looked back. My wife and I loved this IMDB review:


"Yup, no ending! I was disappointed, greatly disappointed. That's right, no ending. It has wind, lots of wind, but no ending. It has much terror and screaming, but alas, no ending. It has a great cast, but alas, no-"no bra" slow motion running and no ending. It has no end to the number of dead people scattered about, but no ending. It has crazy people in it, but not a one of them crazy enough to write an ending.It did have some great camera work, but severely lacked any plot development or ending.The opening credits were well done and were complete with an ending, but that's where the wheels fell off the train. This train wreck had no ending. I, however have mercifully concocted an ending. I do hope you like it. It goes a little something like this...... THE END!"

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That movie SUCKS. Made Lady in the Water seem like a masterpiece.


About 30-40 minutes in, it took a turn to cheesy, and never looked back. My wife and I loved this IMDB review:


"Yup, no ending! I was disappointed, greatly disappointed. That's right, no ending. It has wind, lots of wind, but no ending. It has much terror and screaming, but alas, no ending. It has a great cast, but alas, no-"no bra" slow motion running and no ending. It has no end to the number of dead people scattered about, but no ending. It has crazy people in it, but not a one of them crazy enough to write an ending.It did have some great camera work, but severely lacked any plot development or ending.The opening credits were well done and were complete with an ending, but that's where the wheels fell off the train. This train wreck had no ending. I, however have mercifully concocted an ending. I do hope you like it. It goes a little something like this...... THE END!"


This is almost completely accurate. I thought almost whole movie was good minus the ending.


As stated above Unbreakable ftw.

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His movies are fucking lame ass! I have not seen one movie of his that I have liked. The previews reminded me of The Fog meets Outbreak with a hint of I am Ledgend add it all up and you got a bad movie.


BTW I did go see Eagle Eye tonight with my gf and its a pretty good movie. I like Shia Labouf the more I watch him in movies.

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