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Another reason why Unions are the death of America


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I agree, we would not be were we are today. Ford, Gm and Chrysler would actually make money. 1/3 of the price of your car would not go for health and welfare plans for the workers. Prices would be lower and we would still have manufacturing jobs in the US. You are right, we would not be were we are today



As a former Teamster, I will tell you that the unions main purpose in todays age is to protect lazy workers, and milk the companies for every dime they can.

that not all true i was a teamster 4 20 year an you should no that if there was no union company would have you driving simi truck 4 $5.00 a hour if they could get away with it.

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you dont have a clue what you are talking about if it was not for unions companys would have you working for nothing unions keeps wages up you might not belive it but if you work for a company i hope you dont think they care about you if they could pay you $5.00 a hour they would


There is no truth here. First, there is a minimum wage which is independent of unions. Second, an employee is worth what the market dictates. This may seem obvious, but lets say you have x and y skills. The typical market for that in central ohio is $50,000 a year. That is what you are worth. If you have a little more experience or some more skills/certs/education, maybe you are worth a little more. If you need a union to force a company to pay you a decent wage, maybe you should go back to school or find a different job where you feel you are worth what your employee pays you. No one's forcing you to work for less than you feel you deserve. The same goes for the employer, no one should force them to pay more for a service/employee than what they are worth.

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that not all true i was a teamster 4 20 year an you should no that if there was no union company would have you driving simi truck 4 $5.00 a hour if they could get away with it.

I really doubt that would be the case. 1. Who would drive a truck for $5.00 an hour? 2. Even if you found some one who really needed work and would do it for $5.00 an hour the quality would suck. Leading to 3, the truck company would suck and eventually go under because of half ass workers. You can cut and cut to save money, but any smart business knows it’s a balance of cost and quality.


And please if you don’t mind (and I’m really not trying to be a dick) explain to me how unions are good to have in today’s business world? You’re saying to do our homework, but please share with us why they are still good? I’m open to seeing both side of it.


I deal with a union and it’s ridiculous. I watch people stand and do 1 thing for hours and get paid $25-$30 an hour to do something a 12 year old could do. They are so focused on their 1 job that they don’t care about the big picture and what needs to be done for the greater good of a successful business. If it takes them overtime, even better, because now they get $65-$75 an hour and I get to hear them brag about it. I really feel (from my experience) that the union is concerned more about themselves then the company and that’s not good business. You need to have people that work with/ for the company rather then against it. Again this is my experience and I’d love to see the other side of it, maybe then I wouldn’t feel like I’m getting fucked every time I deal with them.

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the only reason you have what you have is because of the unions you better WAKE-UP if there was no UNIONS your company would not give you NOTHING...


You must be fucking retarded. I don't work for a union, and I have a great job. I've said it before in this thread, and here it is again. Unions have passed their time of usefulness. It's over for them. They should be outlawed.

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Looks like some people on here need a history lesson on Unions and the Economy.


If we didn't have unions, then the USA sure wouldn't be where we are today. Most of the people that bitch and complain about unions probably never been in one and dont understand the real reasons for one.


Sure times have changed and we dont need as many unions as 30-50 years ago, but some industries still need them because they will get fucked. It's not just about higher pay and protecting lazy fucks, theres a bit more to it than that.


Do some research before being so negative.


Unions had a time and place. Here and now isn't it. Fucking union workers are just as bad as liberals...




"No I'm right. Listen to me. Do as I say. You are wrong. Blah blah blah."

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i am union

No shit? Really? Nobody figured that one out already.....


that not all true i was a teamster 4 20 year an you should no that if there was no union company would have you driving simi truck 4 $5.00 a hour if they could get away with it.

Do you think before you post? Or do you just type the few random thoughts in your head and think it's correct?

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My eyes are now bleeding after the posts by DollarBill.


+1, and i think he tried giving me neg rep for hating unions, but it turned out being neutral and there was no comment. And from what i glanced through in the thread, he has the lowest post count to where he might not be able to give real rep


it could be anyone else though

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you dont have a clue what you are talking about if it was not for unions companys would have you working for nothing unions keeps wages up you might not belive it but if you work for a company i hope you dont think they care about you if they could pay you $5.00 a hour they would


You're funny.


In most cases, MA cops are given way too much money for doing too shitty a job. For instance, law here is that if there's a construction site bordering any street that has a speed limit of above 30mph, there must be a police detail assigned to it. Police make $27/hour when they're assigned to this detail. Its fucking bullshit.


Guess thats what happens when you let the government tax whatever it wants.

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I get paid what I'm worth because of the education, skills, and experience I apply to the job I'm doing for the company/individual thats paying me.


When I am not providing value I don't get paid.


When I can or feel I should or just plain want to earn more money for my assets I leave and get a better job.


And I've been doing that for 25+ years.


I don't need a union.


And neither does anyone else with a conscious.


EDIT ....oh and yeah... if I ever get to be CEO of a big corp I'm gonna rape the unions like a tentacled anime demon on a japanese schoolgirl...

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The unions I was in just took money from my paycheck when I was making less then $6 an hour. I didn't get anything out of it other then I could do no call no shows all week and not get fired (i didn't do that).


Oh wait they did have an annual picnic but you HAD to bring a dish to attend. The union rep from my department kept asking me what I was bringing and I told him nothing because I am not coming. I must of said that 4 times before he left me alone. Yeah I pay you then you won't even give me food for free 1 day out of the year?

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There is no truth here. First, there is a minimum wage which is independent of unions. Second, an employee is worth what the market dictates. This may seem obvious, but lets say you have x and y skills. The typical market for that in central ohio is $50,000 a year. That is what you are worth. If you have a little more experience or some more skills/certs/education, maybe you are worth a little more. If you need a union to force a company to pay you a decent wage, maybe you should go back to school or find a different job where you feel you are worth what your employee pays you. No one's forcing you to work for less than you feel you deserve. The same goes for the employer, no one should force them to pay more for a service/employee than what they are worth.



I am currently in the union. I was non-union before.


when non-union the company did NOT care about anyone of there people. had health care and very little retirment if that is what you call it. made 20.50$ an hours and was a foreman. if i wanted enough money in my tretirement i had to invest some of my 20.50$ an hour plus they took out 60$ a week for my health care. ( by the way, top pay for the company was about 24-25$/hr after being there 20+ years....


joined the union. same type of work. make 28.76 an hour. dont pay for health care, and have a MUCH better retirement that i dont have to pay for. the company i work for now has been around for 35+years paying there people this much.


the difference b/w the union and non-union company was the fact the union takes care of there guys where the non-union made the owners richer.





for example. bids have been sent in for a job. union was 5000$ lower then the non-union so they get the job. so how is a company the pays there people more that much less???? who is making out here????????



and there are good and bads on both side. yes everyone in the union makes the same pay. but in non-union, its not all about what you know, its abuot who you know. it happen at my old company all day. a guy was buddies with a project manager, so he got moved up even though he didn't deserve it....

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I generally stay far away from threads like this one but there are a great number of Really stupid replies in this thread.

Keep in mind I have over 30 years in the work force. All heavy industry not some gay assed IT crap.

My work years have been split almost equally in management and hourly. I have worked and managed in both union and non union environments.

We have all seen the unions protect people that don't do there jobs. I have seen people that have lost there jobs unfairly in non-union environments.

The arguments that unions don't help everyone's wages are just plain wrong.

I worked in a basin in Wyo that had large deposits of a raw ore. This ore would be mined underground then refined on the surface into many very dangerous chemicals. Two of the facilities were union two were not. I worked in one of the non-union facilities. When the union facilities got a good contract we would get a good raise, they always kept us close but it was always less. Our facility was by far the most profitable in the basin. I believe one of the main reasons is we didn't have the rigid work rules the union did. We worked as a team, maintenance and production, electricians, millwrights, welders we all worked together and made things happen without bullshit rules that slowed our success.

BUT what good was it if ALL of the extra money went right into some fat cat motherfucker in another countries pocket???????????????

The only reason we were paid as well as we were was to keep us close to being in line with the union. They paid us no more than they absolutely had to. It had NOTHING to do with our efforts, skills nor the facilities profitability.

You people are really naive if you believe that companies with non union work forces are not deterred from treating people unfairly because it draws the unions in.

The union on the whole will hurt a companies profitability by reducing productivity and increasing payroll costs do to increased wages.

So you can work in a facility that is more efficient and profitable but sucks it all off and fucks over its workers OR you can work in a place that is less profitable, pays better and protects worthless fucks.

As far as the UAW's troubles, fucked up stupid management decisions are as much to blame as the unions.

Anyone with an absolute opinion and makes statements like unions should be against the law needs to go to work at Walmart.

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I know plenty of companies that are non-union shops that don't screw over their employees.


Well, the ones where the employees aren't dumb as boxes of rocks doing jobs shit-chucking apes and robots can handle...


But hey, if they dig ditches for a living and *aren't* self employed contractors, well thats they're own damn fault, and yeah I guess they better go get themselves in a union, cuz they already proved they sure ain't gonna *think* their way out of that low pay.

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I know plenty of companies that are non-union shops that don't screw over their employees.


Well, the ones where the employees aren't dumb as boxes of rocks doing jobs shit-chucking apes and robots can handle...


But hey, if they dig ditches for a living and *aren't* self employed contractors, well thats they're own damn fault, and yeah I guess they better go get themselves in a union, cuz they already proved they sure ain't gonna *think* their way out of that low pay.


Holy shit your alive?!


I thought you died in some sort of horrible air-soft accident?

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I stopped reading at this line. This single line defunct anything you could possibly say. You're a fucking idiot.

That's good because it was directed squarely at you.

I wanted to let you know exactly what a truly ignorant, one sided statement that was a point of view that differed from yours sounded like. Now go read your first posts and know that that's what you look like to anyone that read them and looks at the issue objectively.

You are a half blind, one sided moron that has no clue to the dynamics of the issue. If you had the ability the understand what I was posting you might have realized that I can make as many points for one side of the argument as the other. In fact if push came to shove I prefer to work in a non union shop.

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