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Rick I got your answer right here.


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Rick has had plenty of input on religion.

Probably heaps less than Thorne, though, yet I haven't seen much over-reaction towards him. I sense this is because his ideas fit the ideas of yours' and others'.


Oh, and when you drop the F bomb, it just makes me feel quite warm inside. :D

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Probably heaps less than Thorne, though, yet I haven't seen much over-reaction towards him. I sense this is because his ideas fit the ideas of yours' and others'.


Oh, and when you drop the F bomb, it just makes me feel quite warm inside. :D


Not all of Thorne's ideas fit mine. And quite often, he lashes out in ways that I think are counterproductive. His "ways" aren't my problem, though I have called him on things before. When I discuss and debate something, I'm concerned with the rebuttal of those I'm in a discussion with. As far as others go, I cannot speak for them. You'll have to ask them why.


I'd also like to point out one other thing, especially for you. :D


Perhaps one of the most interesting and colorful words in the English language is the word "fuck". It is the one magical word, which, just by its sound, can describe pain, pleasure, love and hate. In language, "fuck" falls into many grammatical categories. It can be used as a verb, both transitive (John fucked Mary) and intransitive (Mary was fucked by John). It can be an active verb (John really gives a fuck) or a passive verb (Mary really doesn't give a fuck); or an adverb (Mary is fucking interested in John), and as a noun (Mary is a terrific fuck). It can be used as an adjective (Mary is fucking beautiful). As you can see, there are very few words with the versatility of "fuck".


Besides its sexual connotations, this incredible word can be used to describe many situations:


Greetings: How the fuck are you?

Fraud: I got fucked by the car dealer.

Dismay: Oh, fuck it!

Trouble: Well, I guess I'm fucked now.

Aggression: Fuck you.

Disgust: Fuck me.

Confusion: What the fuck...?

Difficulty: I don't understand this fucking business.

Despair: Fucked again.

Incompetence: He fucks up everything.

Displeasure: What the fuck is going on here?

Lost: Where the fuck are we?

Disbelief: Unfuckingbelieveable.

Retaliation: Up your fucking ass.

Telling time: I have to work till 5 o-fucking-clock.


It can be used in an anatomical description -- "He's a fucking asshole."

It can be used to tell time -- "It's five fucking thirty."

It can be used in business -- "How did I wind up with this fucking job?"

It can be maternal -- as in "Motherfucker".

It can be political -- "Fuck George Bush."



And, never forget General Custer's last words: "Where did all them fucking Indians come from?"


Or the Mayor of Hiroshima: "What the fuck was that?"


And last, but not least, the immortal words of the Captain of the Titanic: "Where is all this fucking water coming from?"


The mind fairly boggles at the many creative uses of the word. How can anyone be offended when you say fuck?


Use it frequently in your daily speech; it adds to your prestige.


Today - say to someone "Fuck You!"

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Not all of Thorne's ideas fit mine. And quite often, he lashes out in ways that I think are counterproductive. His "ways" aren't my problem, though I have called him on things before. When I discuss and debate something, I'm concerned with the rebuttal of those I'm in a discussion with. As far as others go, I cannot speak for them. You'll have to ask them why.


I'd also like to point out one other thing, especially for you. :D


Perhaps one of the most interesting and colorful words in the English language is the word "fuck". It is the one magical word, which, just by its sound, can describe pain, pleasure, love and hate. In language, "fuck" falls into many grammatical categories. It can be used as a verb, both transitive (John fucked Mary) and intransitive (Mary was fucked by John). It can be an active verb (John really gives a fuck) or a passive verb (Mary really doesn't give a fuck); or an adverb (Mary is fucking interested in John), and as a noun (Mary is a terrific fuck). It can be used as an adjective (Mary is fucking beautiful). As you can see, there are very few words with the versatility of "fuck".


Besides its sexual connotations, this incredible word can be used to describe many situations:


Greetings: How the fuck are you?

Fraud: I got fucked by the car dealer.

Dismay: Oh, fuck it!

Trouble: Well, I guess I'm fucked now.

Aggression: Fuck you.

Disgust: Fuck me.

Confusion: What the fuck...?

Difficulty: I don't understand this fucking business.

Despair: Fucked again.

Incompetence: He fucks up everything.

Displeasure: What the fuck is going on here?

Lost: Where the fuck are we?

Disbelief: Unfuckingbelieveable.

Retaliation: Up your fucking ass.

Telling time: I have to work till 5 o-fucking-clock.


It can be used in an anatomical description -- "He's a fucking asshole."

It can be used to tell time -- "It's five fucking thirty."

It can be used in business -- "How did I wind up with this fucking job?"

It can be maternal -- as in "Motherfucker".

It can be political -- "Fuck George Bush."



And, never forget General Custer's last words: "Where did all them fucking Indians come from?"


Or the Mayor of Hiroshima: "What the fuck was that?"


And last, but not least, the immortal words of the Captain of the Titanic: "Where is all this fucking water coming from?"


The mind fairly boggles at the many creative uses of the word. How can anyone be offended when you say fuck?


Use it frequently in your daily speech; it adds to your prestige.


Today - say to someone "Fuck You!"


You also forgot how the word is used in frustration in an attempt to make yourself "feel" more powerful. In addition, it just plain makes you look like a low life, with a limited vocabulary.

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Christians busts my chops all the time when he disagrees with me. He's called me out publicaly and personally. I respect christian because he's a man who believes in the things he says. Trust me we get into some very heated debates and we still Sit down afterwards for me to whoop his ass at some gran turismo (JK)


Not all of Thorne's ideas fit mine. And quite often, he lashes out in ways that I think are counterproductive. His "ways" aren't my problem, though I have called him on things before. When I discuss and debate something, I'm concerned with the rebuttal of those I'm in a discussion with. As far as others go, I cannot speak for them. You'll have to ask them why.


I'd also like to point out one other thing, especially for you. :D


Perhaps one of the most interesting and colorful words in the English language is the word "fuck". It is the one magical word, which, just by its sound, can describe pain, pleasure, love and hate. In language, "fuck" falls into many grammatical categories. It can be used as a verb, both transitive (John fucked Mary) and intransitive (Mary was fucked by John). It can be an active verb (John really gives a fuck) or a passive verb (Mary really doesn't give a fuck); or an adverb (Mary is fucking interested in John), and as a noun (Mary is a terrific fuck). It can be used as an adjective (Mary is fucking beautiful). As you can see, there are very few words with the versatility of "fuck".


Besides its sexual connotations, this incredible word can be used to describe many situations:


Greetings: How the fuck are you?

Fraud: I got fucked by the car dealer.

Dismay: Oh, fuck it!

Trouble: Well, I guess I'm fucked now.

Aggression: Fuck you.

Disgust: Fuck me.

Confusion: What the fuck...?

Difficulty: I don't understand this fucking business.

Despair: Fucked again.

Incompetence: He fucks up everything.

Displeasure: What the fuck is going on here?

Lost: Where the fuck are we?

Disbelief: Unfuckingbelieveable.

Retaliation: Up your fucking ass.

Telling time: I have to work till 5 o-fucking-clock.


It can be used in an anatomical description -- "He's a fucking asshole."

It can be used to tell time -- "It's five fucking thirty."

It can be used in business -- "How did I wind up with this fucking job?"

It can be maternal -- as in "Motherfucker".

It can be political -- "Fuck George Bush."



And, never forget General Custer's last words: "Where did all them fucking Indians come from?"


Or the Mayor of Hiroshima: "What the fuck was that?"


And last, but not least, the immortal words of the Captain of the Titanic: "Where is all this fucking water coming from?"


The mind fairly boggles at the many creative uses of the word. How can anyone be offended when you say fuck?


Use it frequently in your daily speech; it adds to your prestige.


Today - say to someone "Fuck You!"

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I am so glad that you guys think of me so much!


Even you as a rational person have to admit that your a frindge christian. a Minority (THANK GOD ((see what i did there))). YET you preach the things you say as absolute truths and if someone questions them you use the same source to backup things. I will challenge that thought process as much as I would someone who's spewing off urban legends.




YES I START RELIGIOUS THREADS. Why do I do it? Because I think its important to challenge anyone who believes there so holier then though they feel they need to opress others with there morals.. Do they really believe what they say? IF you notice I am very specfic on the type of christians I set my targets on.


I start the threads sometimes just curious on what DR rick will say. Other times It's because I completely think some of the shit I read is a complete joke. (SEE THE RAPE THREAD) .



Who's more loving or tolerant?


The athiest who minds who's own business pays his taxes invovled with there kids lives.




The "CHRISTIAN" who teaches there children the world is lying to them science is wrong and that homosexuals and anyone not of the same exact belief system is wrong?.


There are plenty of good christians out there. I just think the evangleicals who preach such fringe topics should wake up to 2008 not 1665.

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I'd also like to point out one other thing, especially for you. :D

The weight of your post concentrates on my condemning of him using such aggressive language towards people he disagrees with(most notably, "fuck"). I use the word nearly every day, as it's just a word to me, when used appropriately. I think it's pretty obvious, when looking at his responses, he is being much more stubborn and aggressive with his words than arguable. It's the type of post that nothing feels suitable as a way of responding other than cussing back.

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The weight of your post concentrates on my condemning of him using such aggressive language towards people he disagrees with(most notably, "fuck"). I use the word nearly every day, as it's just a word to me, when used appropriately. I think it's pretty obvious, when looking at his responses, he is being much more stubborn and aggressive with his words than arguable. It's the type of post that nothing feels suitable as a way of responding other than cussing back.


Oh, I understood where you were coming from. I was just playing around with you about it. I, personally, have no problems with the word. It's just another word to me. As is any other. It's not the word that it's important, that would be ridiculous. It's the context. (Which I know is what you're saying, as well, Mike.)


And Rick, didn't you use the word "liberal" the other day? ;):D

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Mike, my biggest problem with Rick is that he refuses to accept any viewpoint but his own. He is narrow-minded and belligerent, and all too willing to push for legislation from nothing more than his own RELIGIOUS beliefs. He is willing to invoke the Constitution in one argument, then completely defy it in the next because it doesn't fit his views on how the world SHOULD be.

I don't give a flying crap if Rick never started a thread in his life. He pushes his views into every thread that even touches on religion, and offends more people than not. Whether he starts threads is completely irrelevant. He is irrational, and my statement only addressed the fact that he's even less rational about politics than he is about religion and science. If you think MY language somehow mitigates HIS faults, well, that speaks more to your thought processes than it does to anything else.


As for my comment "Where the fuck have you been?", it was a measure of genuine astonishment that anyone on this board might be unaware of Rick's beyond-fundamentalist rantings.

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Mike, my biggest problem with Rick is that he refuses to accept any viewpoint but his own. He is narrow-minded and belligerent, and all too willing to push for legislation from nothing more than his own RELIGIOUS beliefs. He is willing to invoke the Constitution in one argument, then completely defy it in the next because it doesn't fit his views on how the world SHOULD be.

I don't give a flying crap if Rick never started a thread in his life. He pushes his views into every thread that even touches on religion, and offends more people than not. Whether he starts threads is completely irrelevant. He is irrational, and my statement only addressed the fact that he's even less rational about politics than he is about religion and science. If you think MY language somehow mitigates HIS faults, well, that speaks more to your thought processes than it does to anything else.


As for my comment "Where the fuck have you been?", it was a measure of genuine astonishment that anyone on this board might be unaware of Rick's beyond-fundamentalist rantings.

Take religion out of that post and you could replace my name with yours.

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Mike, my biggest problem with Rick is that he refuses to accept any viewpoint but his own. He is narrow-minded and belligerent, and all too willing to push for legislation from nothing more than his own RELIGIOUS beliefs. He is willing to invoke the Constitution in one argument, then completely defy it in the next because it doesn't fit his views on how the world SHOULD be.

I don't give a flying crap if Rick never started a thread in his life. He pushes his views into every thread that even touches on religion, and offends more people than not. Whether he starts threads is completely irrelevant. He is irrational, and my statement only addressed the fact that he's even less rational about politics than he is about religion and science. If you think MY language somehow mitigates HIS faults, well, that speaks more to your thought processes than it does to anything else.


As for my comment "Where the fuck have you been?", it was a measure of genuine astonishment that anyone on this board might be unaware of Rick's beyond-fundamentalist rantings.

The problem is, Rick doesn't present his beliefs until someone calls upon them. He usually is merely defending them. You and anyone else who refuse to see this should be ashamed. You don't have to be religious(like myself) to see someone's defense as nothing more than an argument. Also, define "pushes his views". Is that not what you do when you argue or believe something?

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:D I love myself!!!


That is the best you can do? You found one thread I started that was in response to spaceghost or thorne. Looks like a lot of people attacking me.


This will help you click


Ps. Westboro says I am too conservative.

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:D I love myself!!!


That is the best you can do? You found one thread I started that was in response to spaceghost or thorne. Looks like a lot of people attacking me.


This will help you click


Ps. Westboro says I am too conservative.

Rick, you entered these conversations of your own volition. If you resent the reaction your arguments receive, tough.


How about we break this off into the kitchen, so we can have some REAL fun?

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Rick, you entered these conversations of your own volition. If you resent the reaction your arguments receive, tough.


How about we break this off into the kitchen, so we can have some REAL fun?

No thankx.... you way to smart for me. lol

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