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How should I protect my truck while I am gone?


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I was in the middle of prepping my truck for paint (so it is 75% bare metal) when I was told we were getting deployed earlier than we thought. Instead of spending the rest of my time finishing my truck I decided to spend it with my friends and family. I will be gone for six months and my truck is obviously starting to rust already. I know it is going to be a bitch when I get back to clean all the rust off but I just don't want it to start to rot. My truck will be in the barn but it is really moist in there. I am trying to figure out what I can use to slow it down. I thought about just spraying it with a dozen cans of primer or maybe that primer that is supposed to turn rust to primer. I just need something to last 6 months until I get home. Any ideas?
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I know it holds moisture, I am not looking to fool proof everything I just want to slow it down so it is fine after 6 months. I will immediatly be taking it back to bare metal and priming it for paint myself. Maybe it would be easier to just thrown cheap paint on their so that it doesnt continue. Paint might be easier to sand off again later too. The only problem will be getting the paint to stick over bits of rust that is already there.
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most primer will hold moisture, use paint of some kind. or you could look into sealer of some kind. I'm not very experianced with this, but I do know that just using some rattle can primer isn't going to be a good thing.



There are alot of spray primer enamels that will hold up great. My bike is primered and has held up through rain storms and 2 years of hard riding.

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I don't know a whole lot about paint, but have you thought about possibly getting it re-prepped and painted by a good paint shop? It'll cost a lot more, but you wouldn't have to worry about it deteriorating while you are on deployment.


I am def not going to pay someone else to do it. I want my own name on my paint job and I already have all my products.

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yeah really i mean it will be less time to just seal it then use several rattle cans. and you dont want to lay an enamel down if your gonna do a base clear of urethane. enamel will eat threw it and look like shit, causing you more headache and time spent. juse use a real sealer and be done with it.
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