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Guy finds a few bees in his grill

Science Abuse

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So what would you do if you found a bee fortress on your back porch?



Call any number of Honey Bee Keepers. We used one when we had a small hive hanging in our Arbor a few years back. It was small and a young hive...size of a large melon, but still...tons of bees.


They will gladly come out and harvest the hive. I wasn't home when they did it, but my neighbor said it was amazing. He smoked them, collected a bunch of the honeycomb and bees, then proceeded to insure the queen was captured.


When I came home there wasn't one bee left anywhere. The guy told me they likely swarmed one day, found our spot and decided to make it home and viola. He said it was a a matter of days before he came that our nest was built.


the one pictured here....very cool. Neat to be able to see in the hive and home like that. Too bad they had to die.

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Okay, cool and all, but I don't know how keen I'd be letting off a bug bomb like that near a place where I cook food. "Dad, why does my burger taste like Raid?"

If you can manage to get it to hang around long enough, CO2 will do the same job without poisoning anything. It's heavier than air, which makes it difficult in this situation. The nice thing is, if you can release the gas without making any noise, it'll kill everything without causing a distress call. They'll just inhale-exhale-inhale-sleep-die.

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I just watched a show on one of the educational channels....


A guy had an exterminator come out and cut part of his roof of to get a very large nest out. The man had is Craftsman Shop Vac Rigged up so he could turn it on and suck the bees out little by little. They showed the vac filled to the top with bees. And the company killed 5 times his trapt amount.


We had a hive in the basement crawspace 2 years ago. I went in, in the winter and cut it all out. It filled 2 30gallon trashbags full.

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That's not helping the honey bee population that is declining. The thought is no bees to pollinate our food, we starve.




Stupid idiot should've called a beekeeper. :nono: :thumbdown


EDIT: I didn't see other posts after Spaceghosts...I'm glad others had the same opinion on what should be done.

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