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The new way to take a shit


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People over on OT are trying this and are saying this is prolly the best way to take a dump now. They say by sitting like this, that it relaxes your body more then allowing more shit to come out. Pic of way to take shit







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Try it Sam..


take pics..



Dont have to poopie right now. I am goin to later tonight. They say it stinks alot more then usual since you dont seal the bowl up as good as the conventional way but they say you release more poo then any other way and feel 100x more better after shitting.

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I'm long limbed, so even when on the pot, my legs come up pretty far. Quite often I bend over further or tip-toe my feet. It results in a position close to this. Whenever it takes me more than a minute or two, I always experiment with different positions; leaning one way or the other, tip toe or not, lean forward or not, etc.


Gonna give it a shot and go full out on this position tomorrow morning. Man, I'm laughing as I type this. Ahem... Excuse me. This is serious business.


lol at even being involved with this convo... :D

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hmmm not sure if i wanna try that....i like to sit back an relax an take my time.... ask brian carter, his wife buys the most amazing toilet paper...it was like a baby wife... simply amazing!!!!!!!!!!!


:wtf: Like a baby wife, eh?



High quality tp is important, especially if you're an anal wiper. hahahah Get it? Do you get it? "Anal wiper". See what I did there? :D

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I believe it, I have season 1 of Jackass on DVD and one of the previously unreleased clips is of Johnny Knoxville dressed as santa going to get a colonic. When he has to poopie at the end, they give him one of those blocks to raise his feet up.


If jackass did it, it must be true.

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I just go out and squat in the yard with the dogs. I make my wife clean up the yard too. BTW.....technique works. My son props his feet up on the stool in front of our toilet that my younger daughter uses and he can fill a bowl like a grown man after and all you can each Chinese Buffet.
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