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Let's talk about auto bailout.


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I know the auto industry has made some bad choices. But if it fails there is going to be HUGE joblesses in michagain. Thats also going to impact the rest of the country.


I personally think we should use part of that money to make a loan to them. I have more faith in the auto industry making good on paying back the loan then anyone else.



The dow closed below 8k :(

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They will not go away, they will restructure and come back as a better stronger company. The suppliers and others will be back in business. Very suprising that some of you republicans/conservatives that posted loving McCain on this board suddenly have very socialist attitudes......
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They will not go away, they will restructure and come back as a better stronger company. The suppliers and others will be back in business. Very suprising that some of you republicans/conservatives that posted loving McCain on this board suddenly have very socialist attitudes......


Key word is be back in business. There is no time to let them fail then try to bring them BACK. It would cost a shit ton more money to bring them back from failure, let alone pull our economy out of the shitter even further due to the millions in job loss.

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Long term kevin, long term, it's time to quit with the quick fixes, a bailout today is another bailout in a couple of years. These companies refuse to change. Hell look at ford interiors, they hate change.

That is the issue. I WANT a Big 3 bailout, but only if they change and stop letting the unions run everything.


What they really need to do is give them the bailout, then require they hire Japanese car manufacturer execs

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Long term kevin, long term, it's time to quit with the quick fixes, a bailout today is another bailout in a couple of years. These companies refuse to change. Hell look at ford interiors, they hate change.


A bailout today does not equal a bailout in a couple years. This is one of the worst economic slumps short of the Great Depression our economy has seen; and it is GLOBAL. The unpredictability of the markets has never quite happened like this before.


If there weren't 100 other factors involved, then yes, a bailout today = a bailout a few years down the road. But you can't whole-heartedly say this is 100% GMs fault. Can you make an argument it is 99% their fault? Maybe. But with things the way they are right now I would say no.


I like the commentary I saw on Bloomberg one night. BRING THE CARS THEY HAVE IN EUROPE OVER. The guy was saying how they need to ease up on emissions and crash tests and put some responsibility back into the hands of the owner to not kill themselves. The diesel powered cars with great fuel economy and good looks selling over in Europe could easily be transferable to the production lines of the United States.

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The union cannot go away unless they go under. they cannot compete with the UAW contract. Bottom line. there can be no change unless the UAW goes away. This is not the first time for them to get Government money. It will continue, I know for a fact that this is Chrysler's second time at least.
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We are a free market, let natural selection happen, thousands of companies go out of business every day. Major airlines are gone, big companies go out of business. Others take their place. Maybe we can get grow a manufacturer like Tesla Motors to be a big manufacturer like GM/Ford or what not. these companies would love that and could have viable products to offer and use the same suppliers, the suppliers will adapt to the changing needs of the companies. Hell look at WWII and how everything switched to making war machines. These 3 companies continue to operate with their hands tied. And I agree bring over the diesel vehicles of Europe, hell they have just as tough emission standards as us maybe not cali, but not too far off. I would love a Diesel hybrid rabbit, that VW has in the works for Europe. At 70MPG and the more expensive cost of Diesel, you would still make out as a consumer.
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For the trippple I guess what I am trying to say is lets grow a manufacturer that is not chasing Toyota and Honda, lets grow a manufacturer that will make Honda and Toyota change. If GM and ford built 21 century vehicles that ran on orther energy sources and are much cheaper to run. They will create a whole new market that Honda and Toyota will be trying to get a piece of again. Just like back in the 70's and 80's. let's "bail out" these companies with Grants for research and design.


Where is my flying car?! It's almost 2010, we were supposed to be running around like the Jetsons dammit!

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Yes I can, I'm not in Debt to bad other than my mortgage that is half paid off and very affordable, less than 20% of our salaries per month. We have 1 year of car loans left and no CC debt. We are saving Money in this bad economy. If it gets worse we can still cut back if we have too.
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They are, still are, and have.


Obviously not enough.


Drastic times call for drastic measures. The truth is that right now we dont need them. As we build up the economy they can build their business back up as well. Making and trying to sell cars and car parts that are not being purchased insnt exactly a smart investment. Yes it will hurt the economy... but giving them money and letting them do what they are doing now is just prolonging the inevitable.

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I know the auto industry has made some bad choices. But if it fails there is going to be HUGE joblesses in michagain. Thats also going to impact the rest of the country.


I personally think we should use part of that money to make a loan to them. I have more faith in the auto industry making good on paying back the loan then anyone else.



The dow closed below 8k :(

I'd rather see the money go to Detroit, than someone like AIG that flat out made horrible choices. As something that helped build our country I think we should be helping the Big 3 out.

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