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Got a new dog


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5-6 year old black Lab. This dog has the temperament of a guide dog. We got him from the Humane society yesterday. So far this is the best behaved dog I have ever owned.

We had to put our springer down three years ago before our daughter was born because she had aggression problems.


My blackberry does not take very good pics.



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Question, why would you have to put a dog down cause of aggression. I know you had a baby to care for but why not give it to someone that could care for it or put it up for adoption.

We thought about giving her away, but giving a dog away that has rage fits is not safe. The dog we had put down was half cocker and half springer. We took her to trainers, pet behavior specialist and multiple vets in St.louis and Columbus. We had her spayed and that did not help. Cockers and springers have a genitic problem from inbreeding that causes some to have "fits" of rage.


We were advised by the vet, trainer and pet behavior specialist to put her down. That was a very hard thing to do! She was really a dangerous, unpredictable dog.

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cockers are bitches. my g/fs parents got one within the last year, after having it a month or so, it bit me twice, and the straw that broke the camels back was when he was laying on my g/fs moms lap. she moved and went to pet him, and he bit her arm. she stood up and he was hanging on to her arm, all 4 legs off the ground/couch. she got like 50-60 stitches inside and outside of the top and bottom of her forearm


they had it put down the next day and just got a black lab pup from the humane society a few months ago. was just over to see him today. best dog ive ever seen.

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I had 2 Chocolate Labs, Brutus and Buckeye


here is a pic of Brutus before he was put down



Buckeye as a pup






and Both boys together


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whats with ppl putting dogs down nowadays? id never put a dog down aggressive or not. they're a part of my family. putting one down would be like putting down a daughter or son. You might as well start putting ppl down that are aggressive. If I do have an aggressive dog i'll try to break him as much as possible and if all else fails i'd give him away to someone who will tolerate his aggressiveness. You guys must not be attached to these dogs at all.
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Theres no comparison between an aggressive human and an aggressive animal. Cocker Spainels, Poodles, and other small dogs have been known to be the meanest dogs. Small man syndrome in effect I guess lol. As for labs I have had I think 4 labs since i was a little kid and all 4 were great dogs. Had 2 retrievers as well and they were great.


BTW if anyone is looking for a awesome family dog, there is a 5 or 6 year old Golden Retriever at the Humane society in Newark. His name is Jake and he is the most laid back dog I have ever seen. I go in there weekly just to see what they have cause my moms looking for a dog. I just saw him last week so he still might be there. I garuntee you he is over 80lbs.

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whats with ppl putting dogs down nowadays? id never put a dog down aggressive or not. they're a part of my family. putting one down would be like putting down a daughter or son. You might as well start putting ppl down that are aggressive. If I do have an aggressive dog i'll try to break him as much as possible and if all else fails i'd give him away to someone who will tolerate his aggressiveness. You guys must not be attached to these dogs at all.

The way I look at it is, my childrens safety is far more important than any dog.


Year after year the news stories come out about a child that is seriously injured or killed by a dog that should have been put down. I will not put my kids at risk with a dog that known to bite. Maybe that is a risk you are willing to take, but not me.

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The way I look at it is, my childrens safety is far more important than any dog.


Year after year the news stories come out about a child that is seriously injured or killed by a dog that should have been put down. I will not put my kids at risk with a dog that known to bite. Maybe that is a risk you are willing to take, but not me.

You should have gave her away and found a home for the dog.. I have no sympathy for people who dont do research on a dog and its behaviors. Then put it down cuz they cant control it... Shame on you

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