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Guest Jrcz24

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Yes, there are a ton of J-body owners on here. There's Billy, Rad Ronnie, Insane4UJgurl, Steve, Big J-Bod Jim, and Faggy McGee, to name a few. They don't post much in here - they usually post in the J-Body Section of this site. Do you have access to that part yet?



No of course not, even though i'm not a typical noob to Forums, I actually have been on many Forums since 2004. Its just this is the first one that actually rates people in order to gain access to the rest of the site.


One question though if you guys actually hate J-body's so much, then why would you have a section for them? (if you actually do, since i can't access to it.)

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No of course not, even though i'm not a typical noob to Forums, I actually have been on many Forums since 2004. Its just this is the first one that actually rates people in order to gain access to the rest of the site.


One question though if you guys actually hate J-body's so much, then why would you have a section for them? (if you actually do, since i can't access to it.)


Yeah, the rating stuff is kinda weird, so I feel you there. Usually people around here just need to get familiar with you to feel more welcoming of your presence. Do you have any pics of you or your g/f or friends? If so, post those up, as that usually helps people put a "face with the name" and makes things more hospitable, you know?


I think everyone is just messing around with you about the "we hate J-body people" stuff. Actually, they're quite well liked here - hence why there's an entire section devoted to them. You'll really like it once you get there. The moderators there - Rad Ronnie and Faggy McGee - are really knowledgeable about the J-bodys and are a lot of help with the technical stuff.


Okay, dude, so, get to posting those pics and join the party already!!! :)

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No were not retarted enough to have a jbody section for u to jerk off to... honestly u should probably drive that custome crapalier into the lake with ur hands handcuffed to the wheel...



Actually we have a National and International website for Jbody's and we have over 42,000 members and Growing.


BTW: you spelled Retarded wrong and Custom wrong. but i give you credit for the Crapalier part especially since i get that a lot.

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No were not retarted enough to have a jbody section for u to jerk off to... honestly u should probably drive that custome crapalier into the lake with ur hands handcuffed to the wheel...

Paul you drive a Neon, and the slower beater truck.


Actually we have a National and International website for Jbody's and we have over 42,000 members and Growing.


BTW: you spelled Retarded wrong and Custom wrong. but i give you credit for the Crapalier part especially since i get that a lot.

He is the beater of other small cars, it's one of the fastest FWD econo box pieces of shit on the site.


What is the point of your car anyway? Is it supposed to look cool, or be fast because it doesn't seem to do either.

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I had a 4 door the same color as yours, I had it scraped for $200. 2.4s are junk. Car was slower than my S10. Not sure what you see in it.


Kind of surprised you're still posting. Do we interest you or something?



I don't know yet, I'm just curious to see the unseen J-body section. I'm curious if i know any of them. I prolly seen them at the 2008 GM Tuner Bash in Xenia this year.

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So you still can't see the rest of the forum? We do not have any sections dedicated to any type of car. No J-body section, but I'll bet you're on j-body.org. That site is nothing like this one, we are assholes and e-thugs if you haven't noticed.
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So you still can't see the rest of the forum? We do not have any sections dedicated to any type of car. No J-body section, but I'll bet you're on j-body.org. That site is nothing like this one, we are assholes and e-thugs if you haven't noticed.



Yep Member since 2006. and yes I've noticed, but nothing new to me.

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Its just an interest of mine. I got into these cars cause i like the body lines of them. I've learned a lot about them along the way and i guess I'm hooked now.


just stole your car, set fire to your couch, humped your girlfriend, ate your last piece of pizza, drank your last beer, shit on your coat, called your father a dingle berry, smeared KY jelly all over your toilet seat, called the police and told them you were mean to me, broke your calculator, made a flip book out of your post-it notes, wrote obscene messages on your driveway in sidewalk chalk, mixed up all your dress socks so you have one navy blue and one black one, left your refrigerator door open, left your freezer door open, left your front door open, asked your priest to excommunicate you, rifled through your mail but didn't find anything interesting so I put it back, switched your calender with a 1996 one, changed your screen saver to the windows logo, switched all your clocks back 1 hour, licked all your stamps and put them on the ceiling of your stolen car, made a random post trying to make you cry, invited twelve stray cats into your place and watching the sit on the burning couch, run up your long distance bill asking china if they really loved white rice, played darts with your neighbor, the dart board was the side of your house, I won, vacuumed your carpet then dumped the bag on your bed, set your bed on fire to watch the dust burn, it wasn't that interesting so I took a fire extinguisher and put it out, watched the couch burn some more cats, invited a stray dog over to chase the burning cats, got hungry again after eating your last piece of pizza so I ordered another one, its in your refrigerator but the doors still open, called your work and told them you died in a horrible gay experiment, told the same thing to your dad.

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Yeah, the rating stuff is kinda weird, so I feel you there. Usually people around here just need to get familiar with you to feel more welcoming of your presence. Do you have any pics of you or your g/f or friends? If so, post those up, as that usually helps people put a "face with the name" and makes things more hospitable, you know?


I think everyone is just messing around with you about the "we hate J-body people" stuff. Actually, they're quite well liked here - hence why there's an entire section devoted to them. You'll really like it once you get there. The moderators there - Rad Ronnie and Faggy McGee - are really knowledgeable about the J-bodys and are a lot of help with the technical stuff.


Okay, dude, so, get to posting those pics and join the party already!!! :)



The purity of the 'win' in this post is of such a high grade of quality that new 'win' measuring instruments had to be constructed to gauge it in its entirety. Unfortunately the construction of said devices, was too slow to prevent the premature cultivation of assets.

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just stole your car, set fire to your couch, humped your girlfriend, ate your last piece of pizza, drank your last beer, shit on your coat, called your father a dingle berry, smeared KY jelly all over your toilet seat, called the police and told them you were mean to me, broke your calculator, made a flip book out of your post-it notes, wrote obscene messages on your driveway in sidewalk chalk, mixed up all your dress socks so you have one navy blue and one black one, left your refrigerator door open, left your freezer door open, left your front door open, asked your priest to excommunicate you, rifled through your mail but didn't find anything interesting so I put it back, switched your calender with a 1996 one, changed your screen saver to the windows logo, switched all your clocks back 1 hour, licked all your stamps and put them on the ceiling of your stolen car, made a random post trying to make you cry, invited twelve stray cats into your place and watching the sit on the burning couch, run up your long distance bill asking china if they really loved white rice, played darts with your neighbor, the dart board was the side of your house, I won, vacuumed your carpet then dumped the bag on your bed, set your bed on fire to watch the dust burn, it wasn't that interesting so I took a fire extinguisher and put it out, watched the couch burn some more cats, invited a stray dog over to chase the burning cats, got hungry again after eating your last piece of pizza so I ordered another one, its in your refrigerator but the doors still open, called your work and told them you died in a horrible gay experiment, told the same thing to your dad.



What exactly does this have to do with my post that you quoted me?

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Its just an interest of mine. I got into these cars cause i like the body lines of them. I've learned a lot about them along the way and i guess I'm hooked now.



Actually this post has nothing to do with the post that copperhead posted. It doesn't refer to what i posted. Its just a bunch of random shit being said. It is completely meaningless. Its just an extra post for him and in the process he was just trying to get me upset and try and get in my head and manipulate me and play on my emotions. Its nothing new to me cause I've seen this many of times over my 4 years of being on many different forums. Theres a lot of people out there that like to do that, Its a pleasure for them and it makes them happy.

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Actually this post has nothing to do with the post that copperhead posted. It doesn't refer to what i posted. Its just a bunch of random shit being said. It is completely meaningless. Its just an extra post for him and in the process he was just trying to get me upset and try and get in my head and manipulate me and play on my emotions. Its nothing new to me cause I've seen this many of times over my 4 years of being on many different forums. Theres a lot of people out there that like to do that, Its a pleasure for them and it makes them happy.



Wow, I didn't know they let psychiatrists moonlight at Advanced Auto...

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