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Guest Jrcz24

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Thanks for showing me, cause I can only see 2 pages of the Oven and I didn't see his name in the listing, at least on this end I can't see his thread.



Then you don't know how to use the forum. There is an option at the bottom to change the filter for threads from "one month ago" to whatever your little heart desires. For such a forum veteran, you really are clueless.

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I couldnt have aid this any better myself. New members are good, just not dumb asses. As this man said, weve had alot bad rep from media lately and we dont need to some retarded ricer fags making things worse for everyone else.



Since when am I trying make things worse? I jus put a thread up stating that I'm new and i just get bashed all to hell and this is where we ended up talking about grammar and talking about how badly you guys got negative attention.


Have you ever stopped to think prolly the reason why you guys get so much negative attention from the media is because you bash on newbies and not let them see the rest of the site. Maybe people that give you guys negative attention think your hiding something, because they are stuck in the Oven section. It wouldn't be so bad if you guys would let people see the real side of this website instead of seeing all the negative things in the Oven. People then wouldn't give you negative attention. I'm sure you guys are real good people once the newbies see the real "you" thats hiding beyond the Oven. Instead all they see is the negative things you guys produce. I mean this in the nicest way because I also bash on people that have rice and all that. I see a lot of stupid looking cars at my work all the time.

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Then you don't know how to use the forum. There is an option at the bottom to change the filter for threads from "one month ago" to whatever your little heart desires. For such a forum veteran, you really are clueless.



Sorry I didn't see that at first. Thank you for telling me. I appreciate it.

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Since when am I trying make things worse? I jus put a thread up stating that I'm new and i just get bashed all to hell and this is where we ended up talking about grammar and talking about how badly you guys got negative attention.


Have you ever stopped to think prolly the reason why you guys get so much negative attention from the media is because you bash on newbies and not let them see the rest of the site. Maybe people that give you guys negative attention think your hiding something, because they are stuck in the Oven section. It wouldn't be so bad if you guys would let people see the real side of this website instead of seeing all the negative things in the Oven. People then wouldn't give you negative attention. I'm sure you guys are real good people once the newbies see the real "you" thats hiding beyond the Oven. Instead all they see is the negative things you guys produce. I mean this in the nicest way because I also bash on people that have rice and all that. I see a lot of stupid looking cars at my work all the time.

Dude, you fucked yourself on this one. If you could have just accepted the initial bashing without running off to another site and talking trash about this site and how its run, you could probably have been accepted eventually. (although I doubt it) You're a dipshit. Instead of wasting your time whining about everyone being mean to you, you should just go back to one of your j body forums and disappear. Or stick around and provide all of us some more entertainment. Jackass.

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Since when am I trying make things worse? I jus put a thread up stating that I'm new and i just get bashed all to hell and this is where we ended up talking about grammar and talking about how badly you guys got negative attention.


Have you ever stopped to think prolly the reason why you guys get so much negative attention from the media is because you bash on newbies and not let them see the rest of the site. Maybe people that give you guys negative attention think your hiding something, because they are stuck in the Oven section. It wouldn't be so bad if you guys would let people see the real side of this website instead of seeing all the negative things in the Oven. People then wouldn't give you negative attention. I'm sure you guys are real good people once the newbies see the real "you" thats hiding beyond the Oven. Instead all they see is the negative things you guys produce. I mean this in the nicest way because I also bash on people that have rice and all that. I see a lot of stupid looking cars at my work all the time.


Just stop. Just stop talking now. Do you REALLY think the media gives a flying fuck about "newbies" on an internet site? You really are as stupid as I thought you were. You don't know what we're talking about at all. And the rules in the oven were created DIRECTLY because of this negative attention. If it wasn't for this negative attention, we wouldn't have these rules. And did you seriously just say you bash on people that "have rice and all that"? Are you schizophrenic? Take a look at your fucking car! Your car IS rice you dolt. And posting on columbusdsm, when its perfectly fucking obvious that many people here are members there, wasn't making things worse? Seriously? Just go away. And for everyones viewing pleasure...




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Haha, funny.


I've noticed thats how you guys do it. You guys bash on the newbies who try and join this site for the "main" common interest which is cars, and you guys keep bashing until they give up and stop posting. If this site doesn't want newbies then why don't you make it so that no newbies ever again will be allowed to join. I just thought this site was about a bunch of automotive enthusiasts like me who talk about there cars and common interests in this vast automotive world of ours.


Here is where you are wrong, this is not to say it is in fact the only place you have been wrong. We weed out the ignorant newbs as much as possible. For instance if you fail to follow the rules and make your first post both informative and appealing, you will get fucked with. If you fail to post pics as stated in the rules, you'll probably get fucked with. If you start a thread about "what cars do you have" in the forum section clearly stating "intro threads", you just might get fucked with. If you have been known to be an asshat on other forums, you will almost always be fucked with. If its winter and noone has anything better to do, I guarantee you, you will be fucked with. Do you now see why your being fucked with? You know where you are? Your in the jungle baby.

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No, we dont get bad rep because of not letting people in, more like something completely different. Like some one else mentioned, when you join up here, be prepared to get flamed. Just about everyone else here has had to go through the same process to be able to see the rest of the site, and the ones that were smart and could take a little abuse, made it in. The others were weeded out.


Oh, and im sure your car is one of those pieces of crap you see every day. You are right, this is a a car enthusiest site, but most people dont care for a riced out POS like yours. We dont need any people watching fast and furious and thinking they have a cool/fast car just because they have a body kit and exaust, especially when they choose to have the damn body kit painted instead of making the car look respectable.

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First of all I'm not trying to be an asshat I just simply gave an intro both informative and with pics and you guys blew this out of proportion because you guys can't seem to Say "hey there newbie Welcome to the site I hope you enjoy your stay". Thats all the newbies want, is to get a friendly Welcome from their fellow Automotive entusiast. I agree that its all fun and games to make fun of someone a little but you gotta at least give them a chance that way you get to know the person. Thats what my thread "my Life" was about, that way you guys could get to know me instead of automatically bashing me off the bat and deleting my thread.
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Hell I can take the abuse I can think of more vulgar shit just like the rest of you.


I'm a piece of shit asshole that drives a Cavaqueer and I work at Advance and make 8 dollars an hour and I am the little seed at the bottom of the hill that all the shit piles on. I have a whacked out car with a bodykit. I should just take my teeth and put them on the curb so all of you can kick the back of my head in.


Hows that? I just bashed myself. I'm just like you guys now.


See I can take the heat.


I'm just not the type of person to bash people all day because they have different interests than me.

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Hell I can take the abuse I can think of more vulgar shit just like the rest of you.


I'm a piece of shit asshole that drives a Cavaqueer and I work at Advance and make 8 dollars an hour and I am the little seed at the bottom of the hill that all the shit piles on. I have a whacked out car with a bodykit. I should just take my teeth and put them on the curb so all of you can kick the back of my head in.


Hows that? I just bashed myself. I'm just like you guys now.


See I can take the heat.


I'm just not the type of person to bash people all day because they have different interests than me.


The damage is done. You have already given people something to do. Some will now take a vested interest in fucking with you. Its over. I told you to pull up at the beginning of this thread. But nope, in true newb fashion you continued to spiral outta control. The chances of you being accepted on here now is probably nil. Beg a mod to delete this thread and in 6 months just randomly start posting again as if nothing happened. Its like going to a new high school. Dont make eye contact, keep you head down, DONT DRAW ATTENTION TO YOURSELF. And by all means, stay under the radar.

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LOL he's stuck in the oven and has over twice as many posts as I do.


PS my Jetta is a daily driver. It's not riced out, unlike yours. I drive it like its mean to be driven a FRONT WHEEL DRIVE CAR.


PPS I guarantee the Jetta is worth more than your crappalier.


Have a nice day. :-)

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Strip the body-kit, put the rest of your money into making your car go. Than in six months come back with a new UN and a time slip or dyno video of your car putting 260+ to the wheels and I'll give you plus rep. For now the fail remains maximum.


Of course if you really do all that, I'll just rip on you for giving in like a little bitch. So I suppose either way you're fucked. You could sell your car and buy something with an LSx, thats like an instant golden ticket, just don't mention this thread.

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Strip the body-kit, put the rest of your money into making your car go. Than in six months come back with a new UN and a time slip or dyno video of your car putting 260+ to the wheels and I'll give you plus rep. For now the fail remains maximum.


Of course if you really do all that, I'll just rip on you for giving in like a little bitch. So I suppose either way you're fucked. You could sell your car and buy something with an LSx, thats like an instant golden ticket, just don't mention this thread.



You know I could do that, but that would be too easy. I have thought about getting an F-body, but i can't use one now cause they suck in the snow. I also have been looking to rid my daily for a DSM, but no luck yet.


The reason why I have a bodykit is because I don't want it to look like all the other cavaliers. Thats why I have Toyota Cavalier Tails and a bodykit.

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You know I could do that, but that would be too easy. I have thought about getting an F-body, but i can't use one now cause they suck in the snow. I also have been looking to rid my daily for a DSM, but no luck yet.


The reason why I have a bodykit is because I don't want it to look like all the other cavaliers. Thats why I have Toyota Cavalier Tails and a bodykit.



Well holy fucking shit guys! He's got MAD TYTE JDM taillights on his Cavi! and so instead of looking like every other Cavi, you just made it look like ass instead.

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The reason why I have a bodykit is because I don't want it to look like all the other cavaliers. Thats why I have Toyota Cavalier Tails and a bodykit.


That may be why you may not get along here.


No one cares (well not in a positive way) that your cavi doesn't looks like other cavi's. They probabaly would like it if it was faster than other cavis, like a lot faster.


I would still rip it cause its a cavalier though.

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I know, I know its slow as Fuck. Either way I've got winter plans for it to become faster. I'd like for it to be fast like my friend Davids Cav thats also in Cbus. Of course that will be a while though.
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damn, i feel bad about you being stuck here, so i'll post up some of the sweet rides from our j-body section


this is carl shitdick's sweet ass 11 second ride














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You know I could do that, but that would be too easy. I have thought about getting an F-body, but i can't use one now cause they suck in the snow. I also have been looking to rid my daily for a DSM, but no luck yet.


The reason why I have a bodykit is because I don't want it to look like all the other cavaliers. Thats why I have Toyota Cavalier Tails and a bodykit.


ok first, i will admit that RWD may not be the most pleasant thing to have to drive in the snow, but if you cant do it, that just means you suck at driving.


2nd of all, wanting to make your cavy look different than others is where you made your mistake. With out all of the crap you put on it, sure it might just look like your every day bone stock cavy, but you could have a had sleeper and actually put the turbo on it. But instead, you just made it look like every other riced out cavy ive seen running around.

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I've also thought about going ECO since there's a lot more aftermarket availability for it instead of the 2.4 LD9 I'm doing, but it would be a little more expensive to build considering I don't have that much cash flow.
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The reason why I have a bodykit is because I don't want it to look like all the other cavaliers.


TIP #329: A great way to make your car look different than all the other Cavaliers out there is to get rid of your Cavalier and drive a different car.

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