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Anyone from Kent ohio or live there


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i call bullshit... i live 30 miins form kent and i am almost down there every weekend sinc ei was 17.....theres no fucking way that was going on and somone from cleveland didnt hear about it.. i call MAD bullshit.
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both...... most of the time you go to kent... people are to fucking hammered to do shit.. let alone all have the brain ability to meet up all at one time... i mean the only time you see that many cars in one places thats not at a party it taco bell or sonics at 1 or so in the morning.
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youll see a couple cars here and there.. nothing that big.. and i really doubt those are all from kent... that was probibly an akron meet.. those cars are to nice to be from kent. and akron has some pretty mean cars...
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True, one of the related videos was in kent, wa. But anyways watch the first race in this related video. Its kick ass. Dont waste you time watching the whole thing though


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA " I got money .. I got clothes, I got wheels .....I got hoez eeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrscretch smashhhhhhhhhh"

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