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Christmas- Love it?, Hate it? Why?


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So here we go, I was out christmas shopping today and I was wondering to myself if people actually enjoy christmas or if they just do it out of habit. So do you enjoy the holiday or could you do without it?


I think its a good holiday for children and thats about it really. I think that once you're an adult you should just cut it out of your calendar. (unless you have children of course) Plus people get all fucking crazy with the holiday, especially shopping which easily turns into a dangerous situation. I dunno, maybe if the whole peace, love, and unity theme would return to christmas then maybe I could fully enjoy it again.

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Last christmas was the best christmas I ever had because we spent 2 weeks at disney. I cant describe how good a time we had. Other than that, I really enjoy christmas eve and morning. I woke up this morning hoping it was christmas. For gifts, I wish people would tell me what they want and I would buy that. I have never liked shopping. I grew up getting massive amounts of gifts and awoke to a room filled. My wife was just the opposite and doesnt understand my desire to do the same for my kids. Of course when you spend several hundred on one gift, its kinda hard to. I have every year since having kids, always went out on christmas eve to wlagreens or cvs buying more gifts after we place everything under the tree and it looks bare. My wife hates it.
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Favorite Holiday to celebrate. But it does come with alot of stress from time to time. This year not so bad because we're settled in up here in columbus but last year me and my girlfriend where just moving intogether.
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Well Im happy to here that there are some people that feel like me. The whole spending time with friends, family, and eating are great. And the present thing is out of control. I try to explain to the woman and family that Id rather them save their money for their own stuff but nobody ever listens. Im only really looking forward to ham, I loooove me some dead piggy.
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polaris had a couple toy stores inside with some nice stuff.


My daughter love the backyardigans and "little People" stuff. We were trying to get her a plush of one of the characters, and a Little People Musical Zoo train set. Both were not at Toys R US. We are just going to order online I guess.

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