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Street Racing Charge On WBNS 10TV


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Giving a kid a Felony for driving a car over the speed limit? Even if he was there, how was he in control of George's car? Fuckin joke of a court system in Franklin County. Maybe the need to find real crimes like the rapist that hasn't been caught instead of a moving violation. I wish Brandon some luck, he doesn't deserve that charge in the least bit.




But I think they are trying to say that he provoked it,


Almost saying if your robbing a bank and your side kick shoots someone you are responsible for that death in a way "guilty by association". But I would have to say I like you think. Why should the bank robbers be charged with shooting someone when the person who actually shot the gun was the sole cause of the affect.


Charge him with the crime he commited.


Now if there was contact between said two cars now thats a whole diff story.


Hopefully he does have a good lawyer, This will not be an open and shut case this will drag on for a very long time.

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This is the only thing that comes to mind when thinking of this situation. Anything more makes little sense.


Look up the Ohio Codes on all three charges....unfortunately he fits all three charges to the letter of the law.


involuntary manslaughter

aggravated vehicular homicide

aggravated vehicular assault


he doesn't have to be directly connected to George's actions / car. He simply has to have been behind the wheel of one of the vehicles and "participated in" the events that led to the second and third charge.

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While I see the point pdqgp is trying to make, its completely rediculous.


If there was no contact between the two cars, then how was it Brandon's fault that George crashed? It just doesn't make sense. George had a decision to make, Brandon didn't make the decision for him. Brandon in no way made George's car turn on, accelerate, brake(slow down), turn, lose control etc. I think it is completely rediculous that Brandon can even be accussed of this. How is it another person's fault?


What about an assault charge. 3 guys, A, B and C. A and B are talking, Guy B says to Guy A that Guy C said Guy A's girl was a bitch. Guy A and C get into fight. A dies, and C is critically wounded. Is it Guy B's fault for saying that? Absolutely not.


Brandon's actions did not cause George to loose control.


It is absolutely amazing that people think this way. I am speechless.

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If there was no contact between the two cars, then how was it Brandon's fault that George crashed? Brandon in no way made George's car turn on, accelerate, brake(slow down), turn, lose control etc. .


The cars don't have to make contact, that's not at all a requirement of the charges....he participated in what they believe was street racing/reckless behavior while in control of a vehicle.....again, he has been indicted, which means the prosecution presented enough evidence that he was "likely" involved and thus warrants charges and a trial. If you don't believe they did, fine...neither does Brandon's attorney.


That "participation in" is why he's being charged as Aggrevated...he "aggrevated" the crime....his actions and participation led to the cause. He doesn't have to have physically hit another car.


And as pdqgp just pointed out, the law clearly states he is at fault. Its just amazing to me that a person can say, yep, that law is a good solid law that makes sense. lol


so what you're saying is you dont' agree with the law....okay.....then go before the state and petition to have it changed. my point is simply he is being charged in accordance with current law. don't make it sound like it's simply one persons opinion. I do however agree with the law.

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The cars don't have to make contact, that's not at all a requirement of the charges....he participated in what they believe was street racing/reckless behavior while in control of a vehicle.....again, he has been indicted, which means the prosecution presented enough evidence that he was "likely" involved and thus warrants charges and a trial. If you don't believe they did, fine...neither does Brandon's attorney.


That "participation in" is why he's being charged as Aggrevated...he "aggrevated" the crime....his actions and participation led to the cause. He doesn't have to have physically hit another car.




so what you're saying is you dont' agree with the law....okay.....then go before the state and petition to have it changed. my point is simply he is being charged in accordance with current law. don't make it sound like it's simply one persons opinion. I do however agree with the law.


That law is stupid.

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That law is stupid.


then be prepared to toss out tons of laws then. look at it this way, if two guys walked into our house one night, killed your kids and, raped your wife, and kicked your ass, yet one guy just was along for the ride and stood there doing nothing while the other guy did all that, would you just let the guy standing there walk and forget it?


{pdqgp} take abreak u made ur point ur not getting paid


just continuing conversation no different than everyone else who feels their point is valid.

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then be prepared to toss out tons of laws then. look at it this way, if two guys walked into our house one night, killed your kids and, raped your wife, and kicked your ass, yet one guy just was along for the ride and stood there doing nothing while the other guy did all that, would you just let the guy standing there walk and forget it?



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then be prepared to toss out tons of laws then. look at it this way, if two guys walked into our house one night, killed your kids and, raped your wife, and kicked your ass, yet one guy just was along for the ride and stood there doing nothing while the other guy did all that, would you just let the guy standing there walk and forget it?




just continuing conversation no different than everyone else who feels their point is valid.


If laws were always right they wouldnt be changed so much. Dont be closed minded and think just because its a written its 100% accurate. Flaws in our laws and legal system are pointed out all the time.


You dont have to delete tons of laws. Just add specific verbiage to laws that already exist.

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How could you say that? :wtf: A father is gone, his family is left upside-down and the other victime has massive injuries and had their life changed forever and there are people saying it should just be left alone and not looked into? It's not thread on a message board that can just simply be locked.......


I don't know about any of you but if she were my daughter, the tough questions would be asked and answered come hell or high-water.


I meant by Georges family has been through enough and were prolly close to being able to get on with their lives, now they reopen the case and they have to live through it all again.

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That is kind of shitty. That and it is going to drag on even more now since im sure this case is going to take awhile.


But that is what happens when you put yourself in situations like this one. not that it is right, just that it is something we have all learned from im sure. Hell I still catch shit for what happened to me last year.

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Ok, I am posting.


I don't know Brandon. Never met him. This is ridiculous that an 18 year will have HIS life taken away from him as a result of another mans doings.


I knew George very well. I will stand firm on my own synopsis of the happenings. It was 1am, George and family were drinking. He loved his car, he wanted to race. I will put everything I have into believing George, or someone else on here (not name dropping) set up this race. Not Brandon. I am sure Brandon was minding his own business elsewhere as his phone was being exploded with messages to race. As they are out, they decide conditions are too dangerous. They get on freeway. (George LOVED to show off. I had seen it 1000x times first hand, just as he and I would merely leave work. He would CONSTANTLY try to get me to race.- I don't race, so all you damn ricers, STOP trying me, or I will force you to stop and I will beat your God damn ass). Back on track, they get on freeway. George was drunk. He is DYING to get some sort of speed thrill. George takes off on his own free will. He pulls to 4th gear, and rear tires break loose. The rest is just plain sad.


Now, there is plenty more to this. But, I refuse to get into that on a public forum.


Conclusion, this is flat wrong that this 18 year will lose his free will because George made the decision doing what George does. This was Georges fault. He would have done that, regardless of where/who he was with. Putting Brandon to blame, is result of cowardly politician falling subject to pressure of innocent people. I call BULLSHIT!

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I don't agree at all with Brandon getting charged. I believe it is a waste of tax dollars taking him to court on a case that has so many different variables in the way tragedy struck. Also, it makes me raise an eyebrow at the law enfocement, prosecutor and our society.
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Ok, I am posting.


I don't know Brandon. Never met him. This is ridiculous that an 18 year will have HIS life taken away from him as a result of another mans doings.


I knew George very well. I will stand firm on my own synopsis of the happenings. It was 1am, George and family were drinking. He loved his car, he wanted to race. I will put everything I have into believing George, or someone else on here (not name dropping) set up this race. Not Brandon. I am sure Brandon was minding his own business elsewhere as his phone was being exploded with messages to race. As they are out, they decide conditions are too dangerous. They get on freeway. (George LOVED to show off. I had seen it 1000x times first hand, just as he and I would merely leave work. He would CONSTANTLY try to get me to race.- I don't race, so all you damn ricers, STOP trying me, or I will force you to stop and I will beat your God damn ass). Back on track, they get on freeway. George was drunk. He is DYING to get some sort of speed thrill. George takes off on his own free will. He pulls to 4th gear, and rear tires break loose. The rest is just plain sad.


Now, there is plenty more to this. But, I refuse to get into that on a public forum.


Conclusion, this is flat wrong that this 18 year will lose his free will because George made the decision doing what George does. This was Georges fault. He would have done that, regardless of where/who he was with. Putting Brandon to blame, is result of cowardly politician falling subject to pressure of innocent people. I call BULLSHIT!


If thats truely what happened you should contact Brandons lawyer so that can be brought to light. (if it hasn't been done already)

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I handle Supeonas for time warner, If the lawyer is worth his fruit he would file for a preservation of records with the cell phone provider. That would clarify what you say.




Ok, I am posting.


I don't know Brandon. Never met him. This is ridiculous that an 18 year will have HIS life taken away from him as a result of another mans doings.


I knew George very well. I will stand firm on my own synopsis of the happenings. It was 1am, George and family were drinking. He loved his car, he wanted to race. I will put everything I have into believing George, or someone else on here (not name dropping) set up this race. Not Brandon. I am sure Brandon was minding his own business elsewhere as his phone was being exploded with messages to race. As they are out, they decide conditions are too dangerous. They get on freeway. (George LOVED to show off. I had seen it 1000x times first hand, just as he and I would merely leave work. He would CONSTANTLY try to get me to race.- I don't race, so all you damn ricers, STOP trying me, or I will force you to stop and I will beat your God damn ass). Back on track, they get on freeway. George was drunk. He is DYING to get some sort of speed thrill. George takes off on his own free will. He pulls to 4th gear, and rear tires break loose. The rest is just plain sad.


Now, there is plenty more to this. But, I refuse to get into that on a public forum.


Conclusion, this is flat wrong that this 18 year will lose his free will because George made the decision doing what George does. This was Georges fault. He would have done that, regardless of where/who he was with. Putting Brandon to blame, is result of cowardly politician falling subject to pressure of innocent people. I call BULLSHIT!

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Ok, I am posting.


I don't know Brandon. Never met him. This is ridiculous that an 18 year will have HIS life taken away from him as a result of another mans doings.


I knew George very well. I will stand firm on my own synopsis of the happenings. It was 1am, George and family were drinking. He loved his car, he wanted to race. I will put everything I have into believing George, or someone else on here (not name dropping) set up this race. Not Brandon. I am sure Brandon was minding his own business elsewhere as his phone was being exploded with messages to race. As they are out, they decide conditions are too dangerous. They get on freeway. (George LOVED to show off. I had seen it 1000x times first hand, just as he and I would merely leave work. He would CONSTANTLY try to get me to race.- I don't race, so all you damn ricers, STOP trying me, or I will force you to stop and I will beat your God damn ass). Back on track, they get on freeway. George was drunk. He is DYING to get some sort of speed thrill. George takes off on his own free will. He pulls to 4th gear, and rear tires break loose. The rest is just plain sad.


Now, there is plenty more to this. But, I refuse to get into that on a public forum.


Conclusion, this is flat wrong that this 18 year will lose his free will because George made the decision doing what George does. This was Georges fault. He would have done that, regardless of where/who he was with. Putting Brandon to blame, is result of cowardly politician falling subject to pressure of innocent people. I call BULLSHIT!


First off, you really could have done without the "dying" piece..


So to reiterate Skinners point... If you are typing facts then this info should be relayed to a lawyer (not us clowns on a message board)

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Help me understand something.


It was stated that Georges wife and neighbor was following behind. Hell that could mean they were participating and encouraging the race by being a chase vehicle?

so are they going to get charged as well?

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First off, you really could have done without the "dying" piece..


So to reiterate Skinners point... If you are typing facts then this info should be relayed to a lawyer (not us clowns on a message board)



Listen here fuck face! Im not here to entertain your point of view, or anyones on here! Im laying it out like it is. Shut your mouth!


You got a problem, TOUGH!


And, if ANYONE else on here has a further interest on my post, come discuss it WITH me. I am sick, and pissed off, by this whole situation. Dont further the frustration.

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