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Volcano tacos + chili cheese burritos > your life


Oh fuck, I'm about to get out of bed.


See, I did ponder that but didn't want to have Saturday morning death shits.


Draft beer + volcano tacos + fire sauce + cheesy potatoes = wet napping my asshole all day

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Is it wrong that I almost enjoy the liquid explosion that comes out of my ass after I eat Taco Bell?


I'm not sayin', but I'm sayin'...


Dr. Freud says, "An enjoyment of this type - anal expulsiveness - suggests a fixation in the anal stage of psychosexual development." Of course, he would also say it with an Austrian accent, so imagine that too and it will help.

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I live at Summit Station and Broad, I know what you mean :rolleyes:

at least you live on broad, i still have to make it down summit without putting the car in a ditch or hitting a deer before getting to some what clear roads.


Me and a buddy of mine were just talking about this the other day, and its like i told him, i dont know how many times ive heard of studies being done that supposedly show that the human race is just getting smarter and smarter, but some how like 5/10 people i meet on a daily basis, dont show this in the least.


As for the retards you deal with at your job, just remember that they are just idiots and they dont know any better. I work at a kroger fuel center, and one thing i love that they did, was gave a us speaker box to talk through, So we put a sign up that say's please quite talking on you phone before coming to the window. Well it doesnt work so well, so i just yell at them through the speaker (and its loud), and you can tell they get pissed when you do, but its pretty damn funny.


That and people just seem to be so damn lazy anymore, and would rather just have everyone else do everything for them.

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