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New Addition to the Family (no 56k) Pics


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Some may be aware, we lost our beloved Boxer Jasmine on Christmas Eve. It was a very tough time for us and emotions are still high. She was with us for over 11.5yrs.


There's certainly no replacing her but after a couple days of grieving and celebrating her life, we decided to add another Boxer pup to the family. Our 8.5yr male has never been alone and was starting to show signs of concern. Especially noticeable as he waited for her to come through the door behind him every time he went outside. He was also not nearly as playful.


Today that changed. Welcome Xena (Wife Named Her), our 9wk old Black-Faced Standard Brindle. We both had Fawns Growing up and we wanted something that wouldn't necessarily remind us of Jasmine.


Her and Ares got along great today and she seems to have taken to her Kennel in our room quite well for the evening....so far.


Thanks for all the condolences in my prior thread.


Head Turn










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If I may ask, why are you a fan of Boxers?


Hands down the best dog personality wise. I believe most all of the Bully Type breeds are.


In no particular order


1. Very, very good with kids, but they do 'Box' so care with really young ones is needed.

2. Size #60-#85lbs, perfect for two in a house. Extremely strong, solid muscle. Nice deterrent to solicitors :)

3. Great personality, period. Very expressive looks only a bully can make.

4. Loyal and protective to the very end, not one owner but rather family dogs. Higher than the average dog for sure.

5. Pups until the day they die, they slow down, but will play full force at the drop of a hat.

6. Very majestic in look and mannerisms yet have a "puppy dog" look all the time.

7. Extremely Intelligent working dogs. Thrive on learning new things. We teach ours to track, protect and early on are in agility courses. They need training as do the owners as they can be stubborn otherwise.

8. Are not typically destructive or chewers.

9. Shed very little and then only twice per year for a short time.

10. Clean....a breeze to maintain but naturally clean too.

11. Boxers love people, family and really do act like one of the family. From all aspects of personality to their expressive looks.

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Hands down the best dog personality wise. I believe most all of the Bully Type breeds are.


In no particular order


1. Very, very good with kids, but they do 'Box' so care with really young ones is needed.

2. Size #60-#85lbs, perfect for two in a house. Extremely strong, solid muscle. Nice deterrent to solicitors :)

3. Great personality, period. Very expressive looks only a bully can make.

4. Loyal and protective to the very end, not one owner but rather family dogs. Higher than the average dog for sure.

5. Pups until the day they die, they slow down, but will play full force at the drop of a hat.

6. Very majestic in look and mannerisms yet have a "puppy dog" look all the time.

7. Extremely Intelligent working dogs. Thrive on learning new things. We teach ours to track, protect and early on are in agility courses. They need training as do the owners as they can be stubborn otherwise.

8. Are not typically destructive or chewers.

9. Shed very little and then only twice per year for a short time.

10. Clean....a breeze to maintain but naturally clean too.

11. Boxers love people, family and really do act like one of the family. From all aspects of personality to their expressive looks.



All great points about the Bully Breeds. Exactly why we choose a bully breed as a companion dog for our son. We originally wanted an English Bulldog but decided it might be too lazy for a companion for a young child. We ended up going with a Valley Bulldog, a lesser known breed just becoming known in the US. Valley Bulldogs have the genetic background of a Old English Bulldog and a Boxer. She is now a little over a year old and just under 50 lbs and a total clown. Here's a pic of her with our son the night we picked her up last year at Christmas.





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