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Part time Day time openings?

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I'm looking for a part time, day time job. 3 days out of the week is all I'm looking for really.

I'm a little picky as it will be a second job, and I don't NEED the income.

I don't mind dealing with customers.


I've worked in the restaurant business and that is it.

I'm a Manager/ Supervisor at the Pizza Shop I work at now.

I learn things quickly.

I know my way around a computer basically and have typing skills. I can't diagnose problems, but I feel I have basic knowledge with word, excell, and all of that.

If anyone knows of anything that'd be great.



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What the hell does it matter if they have busness you are getting paid, Typical i guess you ask for a job but yet u refuse to work somewhere that will pay you.


It's a SECOND JOB. I DONT NEED THE MONEY. Besides, if you are not busy then the option of waiting and making money is not there, and if waiters are just standing around doing nothing then they don't need bus boys to clean the tables. So, I don't think working for 3.xx dollars an hour is worth it.

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lol. amen.


not like in this economy youre going to get the pick of the litter. honestly, i saw the hiring sign saturday. i'd be suprised if its still up today with the way people need work


Oh, and it's still up. It's been up for about a week now. I got a job at the gas station working 3rd shift most likely.


Thanks for the info shotgun on Chase. If I was not a full time student I'd be all over it but it conflicts with my schedule.

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IIRC, if waiters aren't making enough in tips for the day to clear minimum wage, the restaraunt has to pay the difference to get you to min wage


State law says that if you don't make 30 dollars with in the month than you have to pay the difference I believe.


That's not hard to make even in SUPER slow week waiting.


But thanks, I will look into that as well.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Yeah I saw that, but they are a shit hole, and they get no business at all! Plus it's all Mexicans working there in the daytime. It'd be a last resort.


Not trying to bust balls (I'll hold my judgement for now), but wondering what's wrong with working with Mexicans?

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Not trying to bust balls (I'll hold my judgement for now), but wondering what's wrong with working with Mexicans?


I worked with all mexicans for a year and a half at Steak n shake. Its like any place when there are 4 of them and one of you it ends up being you vs them because of the language and cultural differences. Yes some experiences will differ but I would not put myself in that situation again.

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That mexican restaurant{Casa Fiesta...but now is changin their name to Los{something} place seriously is never busy. I think it would be a waste of time to work their unless you were the only waiter working that day. But by the way the last time I went there, there were 2 waitresses who weren't mexican.
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They just changed ownership not to long ago.

I ended up grabbing a job at Speedway. They started me out at 32 hours. My second job just turned into my primary job.


And I don't want to work with all the Mexicans because I would go insane listening to them speak Spanish all day. I already go nuts having to listen to the Macedonians at my work.


I'm not discriminating them or anything, I would just go insane listening to that for an entire work day.

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He doesn't speak the language?






:confused: I live in the USA. When I work with people who don't speak English, the problem is they don't speak English, not that I don't speak Spanish, etc. Get me? ;)

I have worked with others who don't speak English well. Sometimes, yes, there are communication probelms, but I've found at a job, you generally are expected to perform similar tasks from day to day. This means a simple form of communication capable of fulfilling the needed requirements is easy enough to establish between two intelligent people of different languages. I've lived mostly in Texas and Cali. Maybe, it's because I've had more experience working with latinos and asians this isn't a bid deal to me.


I worked with all mexicans for a year and a half at Steak n shake. Its like any place when there are 4 of them and one of you it ends up being you vs them because of the language and cultural differences. Yes some experiences will differ but I would not put myself in that situation again.

I've worked with many different nationalities. What you describe doesn't differ from nationality to nationality. You can experience that anywhere you work. The difference being is that those guys probably felt alienated. How much of an effort did you make to communicate and be friendly? And if you did make an honest, friendly effort, then maybe those guys were just dicks. Race still has nothing to do with that. I've become very good friends with others who didn't speak English. I'm currently friends with a Brazilian couple who moved here from Brazil. We even party together. Granted, their English has improved GREATLY. Yes, it was a little hard in the beginning (They speak Portuguese, nothing like Spanish, really, making it even harder.) but we're all intelligent people not fuckin sloths. (Note: I actually really like sloths and want one as a pet.) There is also another couple from Columbia who party with us, as well. (I know these people thru a company I used to work for if you're wondering how I keep meeting all these "out of towners".)


I know I got a bit off topic and this may just be my personality, but I dont' find anything wrong with making a little effort in my attempts at communicating and befriending others, no matter their origins, be it next door to me or from another country. Hell, I'll go out on a limb and say another damn planet, even. When you reach out to people, it's always amazing and pleasing to see them open up and do the same. Some of my fondest memories of friends and partying were with people who's language I couldn't always comprehend. lol :D


Anyway, blah blah, unity, blah blah, love, blah blah, break down the barriers, blah blah, sex without a condom, blah blah


I'll save the rest of my tree hugging, soapboxy opinions and beliefs for some other time.

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You can stay off topic, I found a second job so...


I don't like working with primarily foreign people because I have this notion that they are always talking shit about me. I came about this because I work with Macedonian people, and I picked up on a few of their shit talking words.


They would talk shit about everyone in the damn shop, and it bothers me that they can just go from speaking English to Macedonian whenever they want to talk about something they don't want me, or any other non Macedonian speaking person to hear. I have plenty of friends that are foreign that speak in other languages, but they primarily stick to English when in their jobs, or with friends, and stick to the foreign language when they are at their houses speaking to their families.


I'm cool with the Bosnian people I know, the people from Jordan that I know, and now I'm cool with the Macedonians at work.


It's just something that bothers me and since I did NOT NEED a second job, it was something I was going to steer away from.


Oh, and Speedway is still hiring if anyone is looking for a job.

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