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really CPD?


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Crime Stoppers added a teenage girl to its most wanted list this week.
Isn't it just "Crime Stoppers" most wanted list or whatever, and not CPD ?


Or is there something Im missing ?




EDIT: nevermind its on CPD's website too. WOW.

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Only an idiot would make a statement like that. You obviously have no idea of some of the real crime that takes place in this city.


In other words, you've never dealt with them. Hope you never have to.


Just for the record, a short list of "real" crime I've experienced,

Age 17: car stolen

Age 18: friend murdered

Age 19: car stolen

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There are no "other words". You are an idiot.


Hardly. I've simply never had a positive experience dealing with them.


Having a good friend shot, two cars stolen, a gun pulled on you because you inform the officer that pulled you over (for a plate light no less) you have a valid CCW and you're NOT carrying, etc. etc. leaves a bad taste in your mouth.


Again, I hope your experiences have been better (assuming you even have any, hopefully you don't).

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