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Who here Don't Drink

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You're like that girl at the party that wants to fit in and play games and trys to act all innocent and not drink, but everyone really knows she's a whore and is gonna get fucked anyway. And disrespected.


lol, I know someone that you know that fits this discription. Not a whore, but she will sure as hell get naked as soon as she has a few.

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As I am reading through these pages the only thing I keep thinking is, "Your cool..... your cool.... your a little bitch.... your cool... and so forth.


JK, I dont drink that often (3-5 times a month) as time in my life doesnt allow it, but when I do I can honestly say I have a problem. Alcholism runs in my family too and I have respect for anyone who is man enough to stay away from it all rather than chance getting sucked into possible problems.

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I don't drink.




Holly shit one more to add after how many pages:eek:



edited top post. not many updates..





Rob, you are one of the first tech's that I have ever met that doesnt drink. It seems to be a fairly common theme with most people that I have met in this industry. But, you do work for yourself which probably makes all the difference.

Long story on why i dont, if your ever around me some time ill tell you why

No I don't. I don't see what's so great about it anyway.


lie's and :bs:

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I rarely drink. I might have a beer at a hockey game, or if I'm on vacation somewhere. I don't even keep alcohol in my house. I don't have anything against drinking, it's just not a part of my life. Plus there are more than a few alcoholics in my family, so it's not something I care to tempt. I also have enough problems trying to stay in shape without adding alcohol to the mix.


So, I'd say on average I drink maybe 6 times a year? New Years, a few hockey games, and maybe if I'm in Vegas or Aruba or the 1000 Islands on vacation. But it's definitely not a habit for me... :)

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You could say that drinking use to be a hobby of mine. But now that I started boxing, I have really cut back. I've had a beer or 2 when I'm out at a bar with friends. But I haven't really drank or gotten drunk in about 3 1/2 months. Does that count?
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I was a heavy drinker up until 5 years ago when Isaid no more.


I attribute almost all of the trouble I have been into to drinking and that is alot...


I have never had more things in life either until I quite drinking. I save alot of money not having to use bondsmans and lawyers on the regular.

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I don't drink either. It just isn't for me. I don't mind if others do, and I'll certainly taste out of curiosity. But I just don't drink.


The up side is I don't have to worry about hangovers or the cost of alcohol. The downside is that I really don't get any enjoyment out of any sort of social gathering that's based around drinking (i.e. "hey guys let's go out and hit [insert bar here].")

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