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It's getting warmer, the theives are out


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I live in a pretty nice little town. A few months ago(more like 4-5) a car was broken into and they got a wallet. Why they left their wallet in the car is beyond me


Anyways, yesterday morning I noticed the door on my s10 was open a little bit. It has bad hinges so you have to lift up on it or it won' shut. Right away I knew some one was in it. My glove box was rummaged through. Fucker took some change and a pack of fucking gum lol, but they didn't take a really nice knife that was sitting out in the open, some cd's and my cd player.


Went to the Bravada and they took change from it as well. Had it in one of those cup ashtrays. The glove box in it was also rummaged through, but he left behind two winning lotto tickets for a total of $20.


When the first break ins happened I went and spoke with the village idiot(town cop) and he mentioned something about a 16 year old kid that was breaking into cars but he couldn't catch him in the act, but he told me where he lived which is about 200 yards from where I live, and is a straight shot to my driveway. Talked to a few people and I guess he hit a few others in the last week as well.


Not much I can do but I am thinking about roughing this kid up a bit next time I see him walk past the house. What would you do?

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I live in a pretty nice little town. A few months ago(more like 4-5) a car was broken into and they got a wallet. Why they left their wallet in the car is beyond me


Anyways, yesterday morning I noticed the door on my s10 was open a little bit. It has bad hinges so you have to lift up on it or it won' shut. Right away I knew some one was in it. My glove box was rummaged through. Fucker took some change and a pack of fucking gum lol, but they didn't take a really nice knife that was sitting out in the open, some cd's and my cd player.


Went to the Bravada and they took change from it as well. Had it in one of those cup ashtrays. The glove box in it was also rummaged through, but he left behind two winning lotto tickets for a total of $20.


When the first break ins happened I went and spoke with the village idiot(town cop) and he mentioned something about a 16 year old kid that was breaking into cars but he couldn't catch him in the act, but he told me where he lived which is about 200 yards from where I live, and is a straight shot to my driveway. Talked to a few people and I guess he hit a few others in the last week as well.


Not much I can do but I am thinking about roughing this kid up a bit next time I see him walk past the house. What would you do?


I know this cool company that does video surveillance.

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Well I wouldn't randomly assault a minor. . that could get you in more trouble than it's worth. However there's nothing wrong with a little bait and switch. Perhaps put a few bucks on your dash. . back in your vehicle. . leave it unlocked. . and once he enters your property and pursues your vehicle. . then it's fair game. =)
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Well I wouldn't randomly assault a minor. . that could get you in more trouble than it's worth. However there's nothing wrong with a little bait and switch. Perhaps put a few bucks on your dash. . back in your vehicle. . leave it unlocked. . and once he enters your property and pursues your vehicle. . then it's fair game. =)




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Well I wouldn't randomly assault a minor. . that could get you in more trouble than it's worth. However there's nothing wrong with a little bait and switch. Perhaps put a few bucks on your dash. . back in your vehicle. . leave it unlocked. . and once he enters your property and pursues your vehicle. . then it's fair game. =)


Most likely won't see him around for a while. Might take a long time for him to try again, but since he's so close I'm sure he will be back some time.

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So you made money because of the lotto tickets?


Shake his hand vigorously and say thanks next time you see him... but don't explain WHY you are thanking him. He will get weirded out and never bother your cars again.


Sorry, I guess I typed that wrong. The lotto tickets were mine, but he had to have seen them laying there.

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Lock your doors.




And have this kid break my window over a couple bucks worth of change? I'm not sure that's a good idea. He's not getting anything of good value, it's just annoying knowing some one went through your vehicle while you were sleeping.

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I never do that, if a thief wants in they'll just fuck up your shit to get in. Making the items inside less desirable (or noticeable), is what I've done and its worked so far.



Yeah but most thieves that are just looking to steal some change or something worth something in the open are looking for unlocked car doors.


Check door handle, if locked move to the next one.

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Yeah but most thieves that are just looking to steal some change or something worth something in the open are looking for unlocked car doors.


Check door handle, if locked move to the next one.



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They used to break into all the unlocked vehicles in our neighborhood and steal change. Was usually right before, or right after the home security door-to-doors happened.


I live in BFE, you take your life into your own hands if you break into vehicles in this neighborhood now.

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And have this kid break my window over a couple bucks worth of change? I'm not sure that's a good idea. He's not getting anything of good value, it's just annoying knowing some one went through your vehicle while you were sleeping.


Chances are your car would never been molested had the doors been locked. Nobodys gonna smash a window in the middle of the night in a driveway in a niehborhood just for some loose change.


Locked doors FTW...

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Yeah but most thieves that are just looking to steal some change or something worth something in the open are looking for unlocked car doors.


Check door handle, if locked move to the next one.



I'd rather lose some change to a punk kid, than have my door/windows raped by an actual thief determined to get in.

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I'd rather lose some change to a punk kid, than have my door/windows raped by an actual thief determined to get in.



Doors locked or not a thief will get what they want. Locking the doors keeps an average punk kid from stealing change out of your car.


If you dont mind somene going through your shit to keep from getting a window broke or a lock punched that's cool. I will do what it takes to keep anyone out of my shit. If something gets broke during the breakin, so be it.


Insurance FTW!!

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If you dont mind somene going through your shit to keep from getting a window broke or a lock punched that's cool. I will do what it takes to keep anyone out of my shit. If something gets broke during the breakin, so be it.


Insurance FTW!!


I hear ya, I purposefully keep nothing in my car worth stealing, so I wouldn't mind anyone going through it if they were so inclined. At night garage is FTW.

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Yeah but most thieves that are just looking to steal some change or something worth something in the open are looking for unlocked car doors.


Check door handle, if locked move to the next one.


Not true. I used to be a bad person when I was much younger and I can tell you that locked doors really didnt stop anything. Windows are easy to break and people in the area are slow to react. Dont worry, Ive already had my encounter with karma, I had all my cd's stolen out of my old car (doors unlocked) and then a few months ago I got my driver window on the nissan busted out but, nothing was taken because there was NOTHING in there to steal.

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and I repeat.....http://everything2.com/?node_id=1310821


Mince up a bunch of dried leaves, mix it with a little weed and leave it in their for them to take too.


Fuck crooks. The most priceless thing will be watching him for weeks after. I had guy stealing shit off my desk at work years back but it all ended quickly after he got a hold of my shit that last time. I simple walked up to him explained to him that Karma is a bitch.

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