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Turning out to be a horrible day.


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Awwww.... poooor baby.... get a fucking hammer, and smack it the fuck back into shape.


...And you call yourself a Do-It-All...






i dont call my self a do it all :gtfo:

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Get lawyer. You're talking about a huge lawsuit. The company should be paying you your wages and taking care of the medical bills. If they aren't going to do that, sue the piss out of them.


This pretty well sums it up.......best of luck though, I have been reading about this since it happened. Hope it all works out for you.

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Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder
Well I get word that the insurance my family was going to start getting on may 1st, we are no longer entitled to because I will not be at work as an employee during this time. Mind you I just left a company where I was payed very well with full benefits to come back to this company because they needed me back to help get things done. So no insurance, and now I am being told that my compensation from workers comp will be far less than I would make being at work. I mean far less, not even close and thats just for the first 12 weeks. Then it drops down even less. So I am royally screwed at this point. Workers comp has not approved my claim so now the pharmacy can not fill my pain or blood thinning prescriptions until a few more days when they get around to approving it. It feels like I am being punished here. With this company, I rely on making 3/4 of my yearly salary during summer. I then float the rest of the year on that. Thus meaning I make a ton in overtime during then summer. Money I need to survive and cant live without. This is turning out to be a very shitty day. Now I have to worry about finding my family insurance which I can even afford cobra at this point not that its an option. So what now welfare? Lose my house?


Lawyer up. Or you will get screwed to no end.

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Man, I don't want to sound harsh, but if you don't get a lawyer NOW, you're done. You should have had one days ago. You're already getting screwed, and they'll tighten the screws harder at every opportunity unless you have a lawyer that can fight like a deranged wombat.
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Sucks about what your going through, you need to get a lawyer, my mom went through the same thing 20 years ago. If you do indeed have thousands in the bank, you won't get too much help, you can apply for food assitance and medicare (cade) though.



Its really a scary thought where one day your living a good life and the next your wondering if you might lose everything. Its really scarry.


Welcome to my world and the world of millions of unemployed people in America today. I've been unemployed since August 2008. Good thing we don't really have any bills and I saved a few bucks.

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You should have contacted a lawyer the minute you were laying in that hospital bed. Workers Comp and insurance companies will always try to fuck you as much as possible. It's up to you (and your lawyer) to get the benefits you payed for. It's a fucked system.


With no lawyer you are looking at huge medical bills that you will be paying for the rest of your life and probably bankruptcy. I'm sure you can find one that is willing to work for a % of the settlement and no money up front.

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