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Computer Dorks - LOOK HERE!!!


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So my sister has a HUGE problem and Im looking to see if the huge expanse of knowledge and talent that CR has to offer, can come through for me this time. Here's the problem...


The hard drive in here computer is broken. its not corrupted, not demagnetized, that swing arm inside of the unit itself is broken. She has EVERYTHING to do with here business on there, all of her photos, music, everything. Someone quoted her $2400 to fix it by opening up the case in a clean room, removing the disk drive and swapping it into a unit that did work... is this the fuckin deal or what? Is there someone out there, that can do this, that would help a brother out... I know that someone out there does this kind of stuff but I cant remember who... The main things she wants back, is her business files, and her photos... the rest she doesn't really care if its lost... not as important. All I know is that the HDD is a Western Digital 250GB... any ideas?

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Nope. Broken HDD hardware = clean room recovery, no two ways around it and no one on here I can tell you has the facilities for this. Why? Been there, done that.


$2400 is a deal. I was quoted $7000 last year to recover the HDD in my company laptop.

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HDD recovery is no joke. I am always telling everyone of my friends and family to keep a second drive as pure backup, whether its external, or internal, for all docs, pics, media, programs and whatnot.
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Ask her how much money she'd lose if all that data was lost forever? I bet the recovery cost would look cheap after that. Then compare the cost of a simple backup solution, and that will look like pocket change.


If it's not backed up, it wasn't important; because if it was important, it would be backed up.


Just *PRAY* that the malfunctioning arm didn't damage the head and SCRAPE the media from the platters. If that happened, nothing will get the data back. At this point *NOTHING* is guaranteed. Even if you pay $2K, they can't recover data if it's dust or smeared across the platter.


Oh yeah, and $2K is a DEAL. Most places I've worked with before charge you $1500+ JUST TO OPEN THE BOX you ship the HDD to them in. Then there's diagnostics, clean-room handling, data recovery, data transfer, and return shipping. I had to quote between $4K and $7K when I was working PCs.

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Curious, how did you come to the concluion that the swing arm is damaged?

If you can hear parts inside the case rattling round, she is boned.


If it is mechanicly intact, there is a chance you can use R-Studio to recover data, but if a R/W head is toasted or the plter is scrached, no dice.

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