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mt.dew vs. mt. dew throwback


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I was just about to post a thread about this.


I just got 2 12 packs; one of Mt. Dew and one of Pepsi.


Mmm the mountain dew.


I just got home from Walmart w/ a 12 pk of Mt Dew. Drinking one now. Fucking delicious!


Anytime I drink a Mt Dew in a 20oz, all I taste is corn syrup. And if I ever get to the bottom of the bottle.. :barf:

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I did not read this whole thread.... BUT:


Throwback has SUGAR as opposed to Corn Syrup.


Also, expect to see Pepsi Throwback in the near future.






PS - Some Mexican Groceries carry pop that still have SUGAR in them :D


already out...like i posted earlier, had some at my g/fs parents saturday. didnt taste any different to me.

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I was actually telling my g/f about this the other day (real sugar coke). It's because of passover if no one got my 'joke' earlier. You can also get Kosher Coke and it's got the real sugar in it. So we were in Giant Eagle and saw a stack of Diet Coke near the end cap that said it was kosher. How you could do it kosher with real sugar and make it diet, I have no idea. So I looked at the ingredients and they looked like what I thought normal diet coke would. Anyways it definitely didn't have real sugar. Weird.


Differnt kinds of sugar alternatives. For example, maybe it had sucralose in it. Here's some info on that:


Sucralose (Splenda) is a non-caloric sweetener made from sugar. It was discovered in 1976. A sugar molecule is modified to replace a hydroxyl (water) group with a chloride (chlorine) group. This creates a product on average 600 times sweeter than table sugar, which theoretically will pass through the body without being metabolized. Over 100 studies have been conducted using sucralose in order to approve it as a food additive.


So, technically, sucralose is a sugar.


They all taste like complete shit to me. I've tried so many different kinds in my quest to replace goddamn soda.


Here's one that interest me:


Stevia is a plant that originated in the rainforests of Paraguay. It is up to 300 times sweeter than sugar, does not impact blood sugar and has zero calories. The leaves have been used for over 1,500 years by the Guarini Indians of Paraguay. It was discovered and introducd to Europe by M. S. Bertoni in 1899. While Stevia has since become a very popular sweetener because it is "natural," the FDA has yet to approve it as a food source - it remains classified as a dietary supplement

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Copied this from a website.


Coca-Cola used to be made with sugar, but is now made with fructose corn syrup—except for Kosher Coke, that is.


Kosher for Passover Coke is usually only in stores around Passover time. During Passover, the Jewish custom is not to eat food that contains leavening or leavening agents. Corn is on the list of prohibited foods. Passover Coke has to adhere to specially produced observing Kosher food preparation rules. A rabbi oversees the whole process.


Many non-Jewish fans stock up on the Kosher Coke because they like the “original taste” of the sugared drink more than the taste when it’s made with corn syrup. Coca-Cola, however, says that there’s little or no difference in the taste.


They sit in the middle of the expansive kosher section inside an area Kroger supermarket. Two-liter bottles of kosher for Passover Coke — and they're quickly disappearing from the shelves. "They're quite popular not just with Jews, but non-Jews as well," said Rabbi Alan Schwartz. (usatoday)


I used to work for coca-cola (syrup plant). There's actually quite a bit of coke out there with sugar instead of HFCS. A few specific franchises get only sugar due to a lawsuit a bunch of years ago. I'm not sure what franchises get sugar sweetened coke but there are a few. HFCS is the bulk though, we went through 12 rail cars a day of the stuff.


Diet coke is sweetened with aspartame.

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Guest tbutera2112
I also love Mt. Dew and tried throwback yesterday.... Idk but to me it tasted like Diet Mt. Dew.... It has this weird taste that I don't like but maybe it can grow on me.


+1...it tasted like diet mt dew

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