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Shittin bricks right now.....


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Guest tbutera2112
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Mark I'll miss you at work even though I didn't see you much this year :(


Did you hear our CIO got let go too?


he was the low person on the totem pole with 13 years on the job...you work with him and are 23...so youve been working there since you were 9? or are you an under the table secretary who the company cant function without? :confused:

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he was the low person on the totem pole with 13 years on the job...you work with him and are 23...so youve been working there since you were 9? or are you an under the table secretary who the company cant function without? :confused:


Just because he's been there 13 years doesn't mean I've been there that long. I am in the IT department but am under a different group than Mark (I manage the unix servers).

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Guest tbutera2112
Just because he's been there 13 years doesn't mean I've been there that long. I am in the IT department but am under a different group than Mark (I manage the unix servers).


i figured it was different parts of the building :p just bustin your....balls? :confused:

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Hey it says alot about you that your willing to call in and let them know of a few things they might need to. I have done the same things before when leaving a job. When I left my company to try something else, I was calling weeks later keeping tabs on projects I was working on.
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Guest tbutera2112
Hey it says alot about you that your willing to call in and let them know of a few things they might need to. I have done the same things before when leaving a job. When I left my company to try something else, I was calling weeks later keeping tabs on projects I was working on.


you got asked to come back too didnt you? or was this a different company?


maybe by calling in like he plans to, it will help him out when the time comes to rehire people

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thats LESS than what i make on a 40 hr week :mad: fucking donatos


because at 18, and a "manager", you're probably a shift manager making about 8.25/hr


i worked there for about 2 years when i was your age driving and pulled in like 15$/hr, and most of it tax free. you're in the wrong section of the company

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I've been in your shoes. Ironically, I just called a buddy of mine who's in marketing and sales there. He's in mgt. and seems good, but another friend in sales is scared she's on the fence. They all seem to be. Me too....and I just got back on my feet just 6mos ago after being released.


You have PM

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because at 18, and a "manager", you're probably a shift manager making about 8.25/hr


i worked there for about 2 years when i was your age driving and pulled in like 15$/hr, and most of it tax free. you're in the wrong section of the company


8.50. havnt gotten a raise in the 3 years ive worked there other than the promotion to shift manager. ive considered driving but the problem would be getting 40 hours. also the gt isnt exactly the best pizza delivery machine

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8.50. havnt gotten a raise in the 3 years ive worked there other than the promotion to shift manager. ive considered driving but the problem would be getting 40 hours. also the gt isnt exactly the best pizza delivery machine


Why would it matter getting 40 hours/week if you're making the same amount in less hours?

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Why would it matter getting 40 hours/week if you're making the same amount in less hours?


Man has a point Jeff. I used to be a shift manager at grinders, made a bit more than you do but its basically the same thing. Went back to school and became a driver, was working less but making a bunch more. Shit most thurs/fri/sat nights I'd make $120 a night or so delivering, but it was also dublin/powell area so good money...


Sorry to hear Mark, hope things work out for you.

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Man has a point Jeff. I used to be a shift manager at grinders, made a bit more than you do but its basically the same thing. Went back to school and became a driver, was working less but making a bunch more. Shit most thurs/fri/sat nights I'd make $120 a night or so delivering, but it was also dublin/powell area so good money...


Sorry to hear Mark, hope things work out for you.


grinders in powell aye? i work in powell ha. definately some rich bastards over tere in wedgewood. sorry to thread jack.


/my existance in this thread

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thanks for all the support. I told her and she took it very well. Much better than I expected anyways.


I worked at Sterling Commerce in Dublin. They are owned by AT&T. My boss said that this was due to the failing economy and it was more than just me that got it. I was low man on the seniority totem pole with only 13 years in. The good thing is I've made lots of good friends over the past 13 years at Sterling that I'm going to miss.


After the shock is gone and reality is back I feel pretty good about being able to find a new job within the IT industry.


If there's anyone out there that needs a Datacenter/Operations/Facilities worker... I could be exactly what you're looking for!!


It's going to be weird not getting up at 4:40am to get ready for work...... Hell I'm still thinking about shit that I was working on that my old boss needs to know about.... Sick thing is I'll call him tomorrow to fill him in...


Well my arms and hands are going numb again so I'm going to take a break from the computer and try to choke down some food.


thanks again for all the support, it definitely helps.


Awww man :( I knew there was something big comming. I herd about it a big RIF. So it did happen .



Man I am so sorry to hear that.

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thanks for all the support. I told her and she took it very well. Much better than I expected anyways.


I worked at Sterling Commerce in Dublin. They are owned by AT&T. My boss said that this was due to the failing economy and it was more than just me that got it. I was low man on the seniority totem pole with only 13 years in. The good thing is I've made lots of good friends over the past 13 years at Sterling that I'm going to miss.


After the shock is gone and reality is back I feel pretty good about being able to find a new job within the IT industry.


If there's anyone out there that needs a Datacenter/Operations/Facilities worker... I could be exactly what you're looking for!!


It's going to be weird not getting up at 4:40am to get ready for work...... Hell I'm still thinking about shit that I was working on that my old boss needs to know about.... Sick thing is I'll call him tomorrow to fill him in...


Well my arms and hands are going numb again so I'm going to take a break from the computer and try to choke down some food.


thanks again for all the support, it definitely helps.


Thats probably the best attitude to have in this situation. In 13 years im sure you made alot of friends and contacts in the industry that your now looking for employment in. Get all the leads you can by not burning your bridges and taking it personal AND actually trying to help your former boss with the work your leaving behind it will leave nothing but a good impression. It does look great when you put your former imediate supervisor on the top of your list of references. Just dont make the mistake of "taking some time off", a good friend told me once you cant take time to reflect you just have to hit the ground running immdiatly after. Hope some encouragement helps, it worked for me. goodluck.

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because at 18, and a "manager", you're probably a shift manager making about 8.25/hr


i worked there for about 2 years when i was your age driving and pulled in like 15$/hr, and most of it tax free. you're in the wrong section of the company


For real, I actually didn't mind delivering. It was nice to have loads of cash everyday after work.



Mark, sorry to hear about the job. GL on the new job hunt.

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Join the club man. Apply for unemployment asap, you'll make about $350 a week tax free (if you choose)


Just wanted to throw this out there, but unemployment benefits are not tax free.

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Guest tbutera2112
8.50. havnt gotten a raise in the 3 years ive worked there other than the promotion to shift manager. ive considered driving but the problem would be getting 40 hours. also the gt isnt exactly the best pizza delivery machine


i started at 8.50 working at ups in march of 08...right now im making 11.85...and my job hasnt changed, im doing the same thing i did when i started


youre in the wrong business...UPS is always hiring! come work with me...hope you like getting up early

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8.50. havnt gotten a raise in the 3 years ive worked there other than the promotion to shift manager. ive considered driving but the problem would be getting 40 hours. also the gt isnt exactly the best pizza delivery machine


You need to move to general manager, since last I was there around 17, there were bonus checks to be had. Maybe it changed, but go above your #'s you get more $$$$.

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I hate to read these people layoff threads :(

This world sucks sometimes for sure, best of luck to ya on finding something else.. maybe youll find something even better now though :)



I just about vomit when I see this shit...and it's nearly on a daily basis. I have a friend at Mettler Toledo and they are about to go through a reduction of nearly 600 people in the next couple weeks. :(

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