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junkies shit


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I said sorry to the person involved and everyone else is just a spectator. In real life this would have lasted 20 seconds and we would all be drinking another beer together.

to be completely brutally honest dude if we were face to face and you said some crap like that to me (drunk or not) you'd be tasting shoe leather for weeks... that's real life... in real life I get the impression you wouldn't say that to someone's face... (drunk or otherwise)... in real life I think you would act responsibly and accordingly... and I still haven't seen an acceptance from the offended...(i.e. casper or schmuck)

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post up the whole gig..i saw dave from here was on that site..just curious to see what all was said..

yeah, thats me I guess... I just think whoever wanted to burn a shirt was disrespectful... and I also agreed that ppl are more often asshats over the net...

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seriously guys? i would be pissed too if i was brandon, and he was drunk, everyone has been drunk and said something over the top. Im starting to feel like everyone (including some junkies) are acting like ohioriders is an MC club, and the junkies are like another mc club that ohioriders have a feud with. Its riduclous. To my understanding, ohioriders.net was made to bring riders together, find people to ride with, sell stuff..ect. If i misunderstood that, i would like someone to tell me. I agree, what he said was extreme, but he was drunk, and he said admitted he went over the top.

Im really tired of all the drama, im friends with alot of the junkies, including Brandon. Im also friends with with a ton of the members on this board, and in all honesty, this is insane, brandon and the guys are a great bunch of people, ive gotten help from them many times. They all come on here, post up rides, invite everyone to everything, add bits of advice to threads, brandon even did alot of work getting a group of people together for a track day last year, and helped out some members who were previously bashing the junkies. theyve helped alot of people out. This all started because of the videos of people riding fast, woopty doo, i could name over 25 people on here that i have seen do 100+ on the freeway, dragged knee on the street, or pulled a wheelie. If people would come down here and ride with them, or meet brandon or the junkies they would see they are not a crazy ass "motogang" like they are potrayed on ohioriders. Im not saying all of the junkies are innocent, they have done some dumb shit like everyone else, and there have been some of them bashing ohiorider members, thats not right either, but remember when it all started?

i know im opening up a huge can of worms, and i know people dont want a bunch of drama, but for us cincy people, this is personal. All of us regular members down here are caught in the middle of this shit beacuse we are all friends with the junkies. I would like to hear what the other non-junkie cincy members have to say about this too, even the dayton members who have come down to ride. Its a long shot, but i would like to see this dramastic thread be the last one.

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^^agrred thats me sometimes..only when i come drunk and type when riled up.. but again i make that no excuse..i guess maybe im just a bigger ass than i think of myself

sometimes you come across that way, but I heard from sam that your ass is just the right size for your body... whatever that means....

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sometimes you come across that way, but I heard from sam that your ass is just the right size for your body... whatever that means....

EDIT - forgot, cant ghey up the threads anymore.:lol:

Edited by SAMBUSA
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