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Got a flat...scary shit


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Whew, tonight was interesting...


Was doing about 80mph on 71s tonight about 10:30pm just crusing home and all the sudden shit gets real wobbly and unstable. I'm in the middle lane and for some reason traffic is pretty thick, so I'm trying to slow down/keep it straight and get over two lanes of traffic and nobody cares.


Back tire must've caught something but it didn't last long, from the time I felt something wrong to the point where it was flat was seconds, not long at all.


I'm just glad nothing bad happened but it was a scary feeling not knowing if the bike was going to do something crazy or not.


I had to countersteer the rear end swaying back and forth with the handlebars to keep it straight.


Then I sat on the side of 71s for nearly 45 min before someone stoppped and offered a cell phone. (mine had died sometime during the afternoon.)


Then I spent 30-45minutes loading it in my dad's pickup and strapping it down.


So instead of getting home around 10:30-10:45, I just got home 20minutes ago...good stuff plus I'm out probably $300 for a new tire.


Oh well, just glad I got stopped safely.

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Wow, glad you're all right. I've had good tires ruined by construction nails and crap about 3 times, but never did it fail fast. Thank God it wasn't the front that blew on you!


Yeah front tire=ouch. I would also agree that the condition of the roads suck!

A couple of years ago I called numerous times about a huge hole on the 71 to 270E ramp on the south end. I told those idiots if someone on a bike hit it and lived they would be lucky. They didn't do shit until after a motorcycle officer got messed up by it.

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have you ever driven in michigan on I75? i have a buddy that way who rides, and after driving up there in a car, i cant understand how you can own a motorcycle in that state. HORRIBLE. PA isnt great either...actually, IIRC, those 2 states were at the top of the "worst roads in america" list a couple years ago

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