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funny incidents at your job?


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i was doing collections at my old job...collecting on auto delinquency accounts. been calling this guy for a few months. finally, one day, he answers the phone, tell him why calling, etc, and he goes "i dont have time for this my wife just got killed by a pack of dogs!". the guy was older, 70s, and i sorta called him a liar without saying "you're a liar"...basically made him know i didnt believe him. he hangs up.


so i go to google or yahoo, search his last name, "dogs" and the city name, and i find this article, and this happened, literally like 3-4 days before i called him.




Elderly Woman Killed By Dog Bites In Vicious Attack

Staff WriterContributorNovember 28, 2005 8:17 PM

Tags: Premises Liability0 CommentsPrint ArticleSubscribeAn elderly woman was mauled to death by a pack of dogs while mowing her yard on Saturday afternoon


According to the American Statesman, an elderly woman was mauled to death by a pack of dogs while mowing her yard on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Stiles, 76, was found lying in her front yard at her home near Thorndale with bites all over her body. She had been attacked by six pit bull-Rottweiler mixed-breed dogs owned by a man living less than 500 yards away, Milam County sheriff's deputies said. A man who stopped to help Stiles also was badly injured by the dogs. He was taken to Scott & White Hospital in Temple, where he was treated for several bites on his torso, right leg and groin and later released.


Stiles died of her injuries, according to the sheriff's department. She may have gotten off the mower and tried to make it to her home when she was attacked. Milam County and Thorndale law enforcement officers took five of the dogs into custody at their owner's residence Saturday night. Officials said that the dogs were euthanized Monday and will be sent to Austin for rabies testing. The sixth dog was shot dead by Stiles' husband, Jack.

The dogs apparently were kept in a pen behind a 3-foot chain-link fence with no top rail. Electric fencing low along the inside of the pen was meant to keep them from digging and getting out.


i guess its not "funny" by any means...i felt like a bit of a dick afterwards...but my old boss, who has a quick/witty/sick sense of humor, right after i told him this goes "so call him up tomorrow and find out when he's getting the insurance check so he can pay off this account"



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i guess its not "funny" by any means...i felt like a bit of a dick afterwards...but my old boss, who has a quick/witty/sick sense of humor, right after i told him this goes "so call him up tomorrow and find out when he's getting the insurance check so he can pay off this account"



lol i hate doing this but i love it at the same time.


my husband wife daughter jsut died yesterday or the best im at a funeral for my son...oh im sorry to hear that so when will you be brining your accoutn back to a positive haha they hate that one ahh well dont be old you fuckers

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i love the ones who pick up and say "we dont answer blocked calls"..well you just did, dumbfuck.


i could go on and on after doing collections for 4+ years with some of the stupid shit i hear daily. my favorite is the people who complain that they couldnt pay because they lost their job like 3 months ago, then when i say "so what does that have to do with you not paying for 7 months, meaning you stopped paying 4 months before you lost your job", then they get really defensive and try to backpedal and make more excuses

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Two things I can't stand... Someone hanging up on me, and someone talking down to me.


Worked retail, had someone call, had a big attitude, talking to me like I was worthless. I stopped him mid sentence to correct his shit. He came into the store later bitching about everything and talking to me like I was a lesser person. Ended up giving him his shit and taking his address to all of the mall raffles (cars, motor scooter, free washer and dryer). After getting home I signed him up for life insurance quotes, auto insurance quotes, lending tree home refi and left a note please dont email, please do call me after 9pm and gave both cell and home numbers.


I know he never put two and two together, but I felt a lot better and thought it was pretty funny.

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Still to this day I dont know why its so funny to see a bunch of naked dudes fighting in the shower room. 90% of our assults happen during showers. I guess you just have to see a bunch of dumb fucks fighting over debbie cakes or a poker game being all serious butt ass naked beating each others ass.
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i cant even count how many times i have to put people in their place...calling me up right away with an attitude talking about what they are or aren't going to do, regardless of what i say. it sucks even more, caus with my new sup (who's a guy), he'll put them in check even harder, as opposed to the other 4 female sups who act straight customer service (this is in 7+ months delinquent collections)
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I work from my house so funny doesn't happen that often.


uunet/mci/worldcom/verizonbusiness though, there is a transvestite working in the office. Always a good time, big guy in a dress that needs a shave.


You mean Mike, err I mean "Trish". Yes, IT is still there...probably will be until the foundation crumbles.

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We have a mini fridge in our office and we all are very hungy people. One day I rigged up a fire work that has a sting on both ends to the door of the fridge. When you pull the stings, it pops pretty loud. As soon as I finish our Course Manager(boss) walks in saying he's getting hungry and heads straight to the fridge. BANG!! He doesn't use profanity at all.


"Son Of Bitch"





I've hit peoples door to their office, chairs, and even the phone reciever with these. Priceless everytime.

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We have a mini fridge in our office and we all are very hungy people. One day I rigged up a fire work that has a sting on both ends to the door of the fridge. When you pull the stings, it pops pretty loud. As soon as I finish our Course Manager(boss) walks in saying he's getting hungry and heads straight to the fridge. BANG!! He doesn't use profanity at all.


"Son Of Bitch"





I've hit peoples door to their office, chairs, and even the phone reciever with these. Priceless everytime.


hahaha nice. i wish i could do that but we have 300+ people on the phones at any given time. so a noise like that woudl get me booted quick haha

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I once opened up a porta-john door to a guy jacking off. I almost knocked that fucking thing over.


I used to work at a bar back in Charlotte and I went out on the patio to get a blow job from this hot ass drunk girl. Not 15 minutes later she was back at the bar sitting with this guy. He had his tongue down her throat.


Too many stories from when I was active army, one that comes to mind is knocking a port-a-shitter over at NTC in Ft.Irwin, California. They were right in front of our perimeter, so one guy ran into one to take a crap, we gently bumped it and knocked it over. Second funny one, was using a flash bang on one, when someone was taking a shit. He was deaf for atleast half the day :lol:


We left a guy stuck on the rafters of a new building by taking the lift down, A few minutes later he started screaming he had to shit, we laughed until he dropped trowel and shit right off the side of the building.


Funny as these may seem, The portajohn jokes and the leaving guy on rafter while having to shit joke is the kind of stuff that would get ur ass knocked the fuck out at my job site. We like to play jokes on eachother but messing with a man while he's trying to take a shit or has to take a shit is a NO NO and will get u "dealt with" quite quickly.

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