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30 day sentence...seriuosly?


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MIAMI (AP)—Cleveland Browns wide receiver Donte’ Stallworth(notes) began serving a 30-day jail sentence Tuesday for killing a pedestrian while driving drunk in Florida, a punishment made possible by his cooperation with investigators and the fervent wish by the victim’s family to put the matter behind them.







(and I do realize that it's spelled "seriously")

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Well it sounds like the victims family is requesting the smaller sentence. I wouldn't mind getting his by a car if I knew my son would have 5 million in his bank account. It's justice in one form or another. I think most families would take 30 days in jail and 5 million than just 15 years in prision.
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I guess it looks like a very leinent punishment, but 30 days in jail, 2 years house arrest (work privelages), 8 years probation, 1,000 hours community service, lifetime driving suspension, 5 million to the family, and a lifetime with that burden on your shoulders doesn't look that bad either.
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I think we're all forgeting the prosecution will only push it as far as the victims family wants to. Last time I dealt with a prosecutor she simply said I can slap him on the wrist or bend him over and fuck him with the long dick of the law (im paraphasing, kinda). Of course I chose the latter but it just goes to show that the victim and the vic's family has a strong say in how the punishment is taken out.
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I think my family would take the 5 mil instead of having the guy sentenced to life. I mean when the guy gets life you don't get shit, but if he goes for 30 days and you get 5 mil, fuck you just got 5 mil in the bank, your all set.
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Granted it seams like he gets off easy but the fact he will have to live with that burden of killing some one will haunt him for life. I couldnt live with that guilt maybe its because I have somewhat of a heart but any good human would feel the same.
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