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I got a OMVI


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Now I know I will get crucified for even posting this from the holier than thou side but I will accept what ever flames I may get in trying to educate those from avoiding my fate. It really is not worth it!


I did it, I got caught, and there is no denying it. I believe about every state is .08 limit on breath and .11 if its urine. My urine came back .117, and I was fine and dont argue with me here! I got pulled over by the Highway Patrol for simply no use of a turn signal and it snow balled from there.


I know there is those here weather they will admit it or not drive after drinking. I admit I love my beer on the weekends and like bouncing a few of the bars. There is nothing wrong with that but try to be responsible about it.


Either have someone drive you, dont do it at all, or at least know your limit. I never figured I would get caught but I did and I am paying the price now. I do try to be responsible in that I would never attempt to drive after getting totally shit faced.


After everything is said and done it will probably cost me about 5 grand for a 1st time offense. If your going to do it at least pick you a little insurance. Ebay has portable breathalyzers ranging from 10 bucks to a grand. Hind sight is always 20/20 and if I would of had one of these I never would of got behind the wheel until I knew I was well under the limit.





Take it for whats its worth and avoid my fate at all cost as this has not been fun in anyway.


Flame suit on

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hieght/wieght and how many drinks an hour? did you feel drunk?



6'3 200lbs and a belly full of food. 5 beers and a shot in 3 hours. I felt fine and I am not a first time drinker. Even the lawyer agreed that I passed the sobriety test but fact is the law is .08 and I was over.


Like I said, no denying it. I did the crime and paying for it now

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6'3 200lbs and a belly full of food. 5 beers and a shot in 3 hours. I felt fine and I am not a first time drinker. Even the lawyer agreed that I passed the sobriety test but fact is the law is .08 and I was over.


Like I said, no denying it. I did the crime and paying for it now

I would have thought 2 drinks an hour and you would have been fine.:eek:

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If I could go back (obviously I wouldn't have drove), but I wouldn't have agreed to take any tests. The mandatory suspension is better than an omvi being on your record for the rest of your life.
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suck mang. Itd be different if you were out gettin smashed and then went home, but who doesnt have a drink or a few now and then.... Heck even a few over the course of a long dinner could come back to bite ya... sucks
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Shit is fucking ridiculous. I'll admit I have driven drunk in the past, but I've quickly grown up and learned that it's simply not worth it for me, or those I care about. But just as the case here is, the whole .08 limit thing its total bullshit. Different people handle alcohol differently. For one person, that might be too much, for another its nothing. Not shit I can do about it except not drink and drive. Sucks for you man, wish you the best of luck
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6'3 200lbs and a belly full of food. 5 beers and a shot in 3 hours. I felt fine and I am not a first time drinker. Even the lawyer agreed that I passed the sobriety test but fact is the law is .08 and I was over.


Like I said, no denying it. I did the crime and paying for it now


Best of luck to you. Not judging you here but IMO, 5 beers and 1 shot.....I don't care if it was 3hrs or not, I wouldn't even think of driving, regardless of how I feel. I think the general rule is 1 drink per hour.


1 beer at dinner when I'm out is the limit. 2 drinks over a long dinner / conversation of say 2hrs and I "may" drive, but perhaps not.....but anything more and I don't drive. Not that I even remotely feel anything, but just knowing that the chances are there and not worth it...I won't drive.

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Guest fist302
Been there done that and it fucking sucks bad. Dont get another one and for those who havent gotten one dont let it happen. Also if you do drink and drive i assure you you will eventually fuck up and get busted or possibly even much worse.
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But just as the case here is, the whole .08 limit thing its total bullshit. Different people handle alcohol differently. For one person, that might be too much, for another its nothing.


That's exactly why it's NOT bullshit. I don't care what anyone says or how they feel after drinking, if there's even one person on the road at .08, the rest of us that are responsible don't need to have our families in danger by those that .08 is too much to handle. Hell, even those that say they feel fine are still .08 closer to killing someone.

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Why bother to share this?

You can't expect sympathy from people, so I really can't explain it.


On a similar note, I think tonight I am going to wear 3d glasses, and tie 1 arm and foot behind my back and see how far I can make it on 270, I'll be sure to post a thread about it after.

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Why bother to share this?


Now I know I will get crucified for even posting this from the holier than thou side but I will accept what ever flames I may get in trying to educate those from avoiding my fate. It really is not worth it!


Take it for whats its worth and avoid my fate at all cost as this has not been fun in anyway.



that'd be my guess

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Fucking stupid, no doubt about it. I'm glad you learned your lesson, too many people don't. I applaud your honesty and attempt to stop at least one more person from making the same choice.
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On a similar note, I think tonight I am going to wear 3d glasses, and tie 1 arm and foot behind my back and see how far I can make it on 270, I'll be sure to post a thread about it after.

Shawn, you obviously don't drink. Drinking > non-drinking.


But my question is, if you passed the field sobriety check, why would you have been urine tested? That has to be done at the station (and has to be within 2 hours of being stopped, otherwise the evidence is not submittable in court). Field breath tests in Ohio can't be used in court, and I don't think many officers even carry field units because of it.


Hell, I had CPD pull me over on a memorial day a couple years ago in the Arena District. I was stuck in an intersection because a cab cut us off to pick someone up, and the light turned red. Pulls me over down the street. I had 2 tall ones a BW3's earlier that evening, and down there had probably 3-5 beers and several $1 shots at Gasworks. Took the test and he let me go. :) I was sweating bullets, and I have been more careful since.


If you do have a couple of drinks and drive (I'm not advocating drunk driving), always be very aware of following all rules of the road. Cruise control is your friend, and watch how you are driving in your own lane. Drive like there is a cop watching you the whole time.

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But my question is, if you passed the field sobriety check, why would you have been urine tested? That has to be done at the station (and has to be within 2 hours of being stopped, otherwise the evidence is not submittable in court). Field breath tests in Ohio can't be used in court, and I don't think many officers even carry field units because of it.





The portable one he had with him had me at .091. Reguadless of how I passed the field test the officer had me at that point by the breath test. I was taken to the post where they regular breath tester was out for repair and this was the reason for the Urine test. I received this ticket back on May 11th so its not like it happened yesterday.


I have a friend that works in the probation department. Fairfield County alone processes 12 to 15 dui's each week.

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Guest tbutera2112

just be glad it turned out better for you than my mom!


she had a few drinks at my gmas (3 or 4), went to sleep there, woke up 4 hours later to drive home.....she dozed off and hit a telephone pole, officer showed up and she failed the field sobriety test, and refused the breath test



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my brother got hit up with a OMVI not long ago, got a lawyer and $3800 later all dandy.


I blew a .06 and still didn't get off scotch-free.. I still have a Minor Misdemeanor Wreckless OP on my record with 4 pts. :(

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