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Beer question #1.

Why does beer taste especially yummy right after you brush your teeth?


Beer question #2.

Why do I seem to get worse sunburns while drinking vs. not drinking?


Beer question #3.

What determines the darkness of beer?

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Beer question #1.

Why does beer taste especially yummy right after you brush your teeth?

-Toothpaste residue + beer


Beer question #2.

Why do I seem to get worse sunburns while drinking vs. not drinking?

-You're most likely outside being drunk?


Beer question #3.

What determines the darkness of beer?

-Hops I think?

All of these answered by an 18 year old, fantastic.

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Beer question #1.

Why does beer taste especially yummy right after you brush your teeth?


Beer question #2.

Why do I seem to get worse sunburns while drinking vs. not drinking?


Beer question #3.

What determines the darkness of beer?


1. This must be a trick question. I will answer it with a question "When does beer not taste good? Answer = never


2. Because you are outside drinking in public or you are just white as casper (the ghost) with super fair skin. Either way drink more to help.


3. How good it tastes of course. Everyone knows Guinness tastes the best.

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Beer question #1.

Why does beer taste especially yummy right after you brush your teeth?


It doesn't. You're fucking gross.

Beer question #2.

Why do I seem to get worse sunburns while drinking vs. not drinking?


Any activity is more fun when drinking, thus you spend more time outside, thus resulting in more sunburn.

Beer question #3.

What determines the darkness of beer?

Dark beer is dark because it's made with dark malts (dark grains), and the malts are dark because after malting they have been dried with strong heat, which has burned the malt to some degrees.

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i didnt know about alcohol + sun until st. augustine beach last year. hadnt burned in 6 days, and i sat by the pool for an hour and drand a couiple beers and burned like a motherfucker. i was talking to my mom about it and when i said i had a couple beers, she told me that was why. something about the alcohol fucking with you more in the sun
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Beer question #1.

Why does beer taste especially yummy right after you brush your teeth?

Toothpaste taste still in your mouth+any drink=gross


Beer question #2.

Why do I seem to get worse sunburns while drinking vs. not drinking?

You passed out


Beer question #3.

What determines the darkness of beer?

How big of a sissy you are. The more of a sissy you are, the lighter the beer.


There you go.

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Beer question #1.

Why does beer taste especially yummy right after you brush your teeth?

-Because you start to get drunk before you realize you hate your life

Beer question #2.

Why do I seem to get worse sunburns while drinking vs. not drinking?

-Because you'll never be as happy as you were as a kid.....so you have to drink....and then keep on hating life. and the hatred burns your heart and soul away.

Beer question #3.

What determines the darkness of beer?

-How long you've been drinking......when you start.......its bright and happy.......when you end.......its dark and your 6 feet deep........finally the rainbow has smiled.

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