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looking for collector plate vehcile list


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Here's the page from the BMV's website.




From the 'General Information' portion:


"In an effort to ensure that all vehicles registered as collector vehicles are truly collectible, the Bureau of Motor Vehicles references the National Automobile Dealers Association and The Complete Book of Collectible Cars 1930-1990 (Consumer Guide) to determine vehicles that are true collector vehicles. Although we recognize that a vehicle may be unique because of time, energy and investment expended by the owner, these publications are used in determining eligibility for collector’s license plates. Due to a administrative ruling, vehicle models not listed in the above publications may be considered collector vehicles if the applicant obtains documentation from the manufacturer that the vehicle was in limited production, is in demand as a collectible vehicle at the time of application or a sizable investment can be proven."

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  indy82z said:
What the advantage of a collector plate? I know the Historical plates are way cheaper than the normal plates but I didnt see anywhere stating that the collector plates were...


Let me know..




They're actually more expensive. The advantage is for penis-building only.

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  indy82z said:
What the advantage of a collector plate? I know the Historical plates are way cheaper than the normal plates but I didnt see anywhere stating that the collector plates were...


Let me know..





No e-checks if you live in an emissions county.

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  cptn janks said:
historical plates dont expire IIRC, so thats one advantage. also, you can use the model year plate, which is cool too...


not sure if either of those apply for the collector plate though?



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